Well, after what happened yesterday, I got to thinking about a pet creator. For example, The program would list all LE's (Chomby, Kiko, etc.) and Krawk + Draik. You input the name, or a format like Xxxxx, and how many pets you want it to create, and what colors and in what order. I think this would have been useful on Draik Day, since most people were at school or something when it happened, before you leave, start it up and make it refresh once every minute, minute and a half to see if they release those pets. Thoughts?
That sounds like a good idea but wouldn't programming it be kind of complex with the different options & stuff you have to select when you create a pet?
The only "harder" thing about this is the multi-account because you can only have 4 pets per account right? I don't think there is a limit to how many pets you can create a day though .
I was under the impression this was a fairly rare occurrence with the draiks wasn't it? The chances of you having the program on when it happens are minimal at best and you would probably end up with some pretty Ug names if you used a program to create the pet, dunno if its worth the effort of making for the programmers.. though I guess it only happens on special days like draik day and is it Easter for Cybunnies? A rumor I heard..
Well, when you get up, before you leave to work, etc. and it is Draik Day, turn it on. People were refreshing every minute of the day on draik day when that happened
Hm. Well, Zer0's account generator has an option available for pet creation, so my assumption is that it is possible to create pets with a program. And as for names, why not come up with some yourself (fantasy name generator, anyone?) beforehand and load a list? And, such a program would have to refresh on the minute, not half-minute. It may or may not be fast enough to load multiple accounts, though...on Chomby day, since most people were gone but for me it was Spring Break I created quite a few, but Draik day people skipped school just to sit at home and refresh. XD
You wouldn't get Draiks or Krawks with it. TNT said that the Draiks release was a screw up. They were even contemplating removing all the Draiks that were created. But it would be a good idea for the special day. Makes it easier to create Poogles, Chombies, Cybunnies. Just got to watch out for Tonus. Nobody wants those.
I hadn't heard about contemplating removing them, but the glitch thing is in the editorial - http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... &issue=409 2nd question from the top.
There is no limit to pets created in a day, nor accounts. I think that's a great idea. But people could just make the pet when they get home from school/work lol.
Yeah! it would be very good, they had another day liberated draik and I did not obtain to make! i was be upsad A Pet creator NOW! XD