New Reputation System Proposal (for ricky)

Discussion in 'Neofriends Help and Suggestions' started by Lightning, Oct 17, 2009.

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  1. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    So, I've been also thinking about this, and Ricky just brought this up...finally gave me a chance to bring this out.

    My Idea

    Reputation Power - Based off reputation points and age of a member, no limits. Also, like vBulletin, they have a choice of how many points you want to give to another member (within your range, of course)

    Rules - Well, rules can enforce a no-rep abuse policy...basic 6-hour rule applies except Lvl Vs+

    Reputation Points - These would mean more because they determine the member's reputation power. Requirement of x number of these for getting to levels?
  2. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Yeah, I'm hoping to implement a feature where you can decide how much rep to give someone in one go. However, I do think there should be a limit. I mean, there really shouldn't be any reason to all of a sudden give someone 30 rep for a single post or something. tbh, I think the cap should be 5 rep.
  3. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2006
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    5 rep max would not do justice to those who have been here for longer, have more posts/rep over those who have not. Basically, with a 5 rep power limit we're linking reputation power to usergroups, which I think is not right :\ And, why couldn't someone +30 rep a user, if, for example, they submit a great program? I think it's fair to let users choose how much to give, and maybe we could create another rule to avoid excessive usage with not really a point.
  4. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Well the thing is, if the poster really did do something great, then he/she would get rep from multiple people which would add up to quite a lot. If 5x Level Vs +rep that person (which could very well happen), that's already +25 rep. I dunno, it just seems kinda unnecessary to let people give that much rep in one go. It'll lead to a lot of rep inflation over time rather than having a linearly-growing rep.
  5. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Well, how about like cap at 10...and there is no-rep abuse policy to be implanted if this were to happen.

    Plus, Zer0, you would probably get all the rep anyways :D
  6. Phee

    Phee Moderator
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    Aug 18, 2007
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    I agree with a +5 rep cap. Like Zer0 said, they'd be repped by more people, leading to more rep. Content that is less worthy will get repped a lesser amount by feser people.
  7. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2006
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    Actually, I think that having a larger cap would be better, because people would have something more to aim to. I mean, people like to get rep points and a huge postcount, but I think they'd be more incouraged to get those achievements if they got some sort of reward from it. And that would be rep power. If you've contributed more, been on the forums for more, you should probably have more weight over someone who is pretty new. But of course, common-sense comes in action as well. For example, if I had 30 rep power and I found a post funny, I'd not give my full rep to it, but probably just a few points (1-3).
    It would also be a better way to rate guides. What if someone made a huge and exhaustive guide, why would they have to get the same rep as someone who has made a whack-a-kass 5-line guide? (of course, it's just an example. A 5-line guide would probably not get any rep xD)
  8. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    This can be taken two different ways:

    1. Well, too much power can mean rep abuse. Plus, why would people +30 rep someone?

    2. Rep abuse would obviously be punishable. It gives goals to people to earn more reputation, and plus, we are mature enough. And, our members make good judgements on how much a guide/post should be worth, so we can let them choose how many points to +rep.
  9. Phee

    Phee Moderator
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    Aug 18, 2007
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    But that was my point; a super-awesome guide may be repped +5 by someone who also reps a less awesome guide +5, but MORE people would rep the super awesome guide than the less awesome guide, thus evening things out. Plus, extending the rep cap to 10 wouldn't really change anything except inflate everyone's rep so that the rep "standard" is higher.

    It's the government printing out millions of sheets of new money and doubling everyone's salary. Yay, we all have more money...oh wait, we ALL have more money. No one really becomes richer, because everything is still the same relative and proportionate to each other.

    Yes, people would have a greater range of rep amounts to choose from, but I don't think that really matters. 5 different choices of rep are sufficient enough in my humble opinion. I'd +1 for a funny comment/etc, +2 for someone's help/etc., +3 for a decent useful program/guide, +4 for a great program/guide, +5 for a spectacular program/guide.
  10. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Well, besides the big discussion about the optional pick-your-rep number, what about having rep requirements for the higher levels...that would demand more approval and contribution to the forum.
  11. JenJen

    JenJen Newbie

    Oct 20, 2009
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    Its probably impossible (I'm guessing) with any forum software, to implement a rep review system (would be similar to the score reviews in Neopets), and would be a lot of work (depending on number of reps above the review limit sent a day) for a person, but its an Idea I always had, in reguards to rep type systems in forums.

    Anytime there is any kind of rep system, its always suspectable to abuse, as there are always a few people in a crowd that insist on causing problems (most noteable are those that create multiple accounts to "self-rep" their main).

    As for the cap, I agree with a higher cap. Some post/guides help me a bit, but there are a few that help me more than just a bit, and thusly so, deserve a greater rep. At the same time, I do agree with others as well, that this will open the doors of shenanigan playing furthur, for certain individuals that intend to abuse the system, but more often then not, I think the most common abuse will probably be people trying to boost their own rep, and thusly so, it would be obvious to admins.
  12. Stop

    Stop Level IV

    Dec 17, 2008
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    I like the idea, since people like me who tend to post a lot, but not always +rep information, can't really give credit where credit is due on certain things, like I would love to be able to give some users 10 rep for things, when sadly I can only give 1.
  13. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Well, the reviewing is hard, but you can report rep abuse to a mod...
  14. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    The only advantage I can think of to this is that we can fix Tricia's rep easier :maha: Cuz it seems like everytime she's not at -1337 we bring out a team of llamas to desperate try to fix it.
  15. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    lol, yea, i'm only 1 rep power now, so i couldn't fix it the other day XD

    On topic, i think this all sounds pretty interesting. I get what ricky is saying, but i think they're does need to be a cap. 5 is a little low, 30 maybe high, but there are times when 30 is applicable, like an awesome program, or really really long, detailed guide. The thing i fell like though is it would be over used, i.e. some would use 30 rep power simply cuase they are really happy cuase they got something they really needed from something, but a week later, they look back and say, hey, i shouldn't of given 30, only 10 or 15. I also would like to propose an idea on to this too.

    What i think would be interesting to put a bi of a cap on it here is that people, based on their rep, age on nf and level, get a total amount of repping points. They can spend their points on repping a person, up to like, 20% of their total. Those points regenerate over time, so they can + rep again.

    Example: Zer0 creates this super awesome aber, and i like it. I have 200 positive rep, been on nf for 1 year, and am lvl 4. This means i have 250 total rep to spread. This would mean the max i can give to Zer0 this time would be 50. Once i spend those 50 on Zer0, i am down to 200/250. Lets say every 30 minutes or something, i get +1 rep back. That means in 25 hours, i will have 250/250 rep to spread again. In the mean time, i can spread more rep, until i am down to 0/250.

    That is just a example, times and numbers can change easily, and can have a big effect.

    Just my simple view on it, but either way would work just fine i think :)
    Anfan likes this.
  16. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Epicly long posts, so my feeble eyes couldn't read the lot of them.. I hope what I'm about to say hasn't already been mentioned.

    How about a +rep cash payout, like, for example, +x rep = +1/2x cash, and the equivalent loss for a loss of rep. It'd entice people into writing guides more, and putting up downloads, or something or other.

    Or it's just a really bad idea, and I'm a moron for suggesting it.

    Probably the latter :)
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