List of Neggs & Updated Prices - Your Average Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by John, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    Guide to Neggs
    Last Updated: 30/10/09

    I'm surprised that this isn't already on the site, but yeah. If you spot a wrong price, please do notify me. Thanks ;D

    Neggs, Prices, & Their Worth in Tokens

    Approx. Price: 1,300
    Tokens: One

    Cookie Negg
    Approx. Price: 2,650
    Tokens: Two

    Purple Negg
    Approx. Price: 2,600
    Tokens: Two

    Icy Negg
    Approx. Price: 2,625
    Tokens: Two

    Green Negg
    Approx. Price: 18,000
    Tokens: Three

    Lime Swirly Negg
    Approx. Price: 3,900
    Tokens: Three

    Lemon Swirly
    Approx. Price: 5,350
    Tokens: Four

    Super Icy Negg
    Approx. Price: 5,350
    Tokens: Four

    Orange Negg
    Approx. Price: 30,000
    Tokens: Four

    Ornate Purple Negg
    Approx. Price: 14,000
    Tokens: Five

    Pink Negg
    Approx. Price: 28,00
    Tokens: Five

    Blue Negg
    Approx. Price: 21,000
    Tokens: Five

    Ultra Icy Negg
    Approx. Price: 10,000
    Tokens: Six

    Yellow Negg
    Approx. Price: 19,000
    Tokens: Six

    Rainbow Negg
    Approx. Price: 700,000
    Tokens: Six

    Candy Cane Negg
    Approx. Price: 20,000
    Tokens: Six

    Partitioned Negg
    Approx. Price: 9,000
    Tokens: Six

    Rock Negg
    Approx. Price: 10,000
    Tokens: Seven

    Battle Duck Negg
    Approx. Price: 40,000
    Tokens: Eight

    Ultimate Icy Negg
    Approx. Price: 700,000
    Tokens: Eight

    Christmas Pattern Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz & on TP no prices specified)
    Tokens: Eight

    Approx. Price: 23,000
    Tokens: Nine

    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz & on TP no prices specified)
    Tokens: Nine

    Approx. Price: 40,000
    Tokens: Nine

    Rainbow Vanilla Negg
    Approx. Price: 300,000
    Tokens: Nine

    Dancing Daisy Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 500,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Combomelon Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 250,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Chyrsaberry Surprise Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz & on TP no prices specified)
    Tokens: Ten

    Cornupepper Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 260,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Fruity Faerie Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 300,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Lemon Sherbert Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 280,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Mutated Negg
    Approx. Price: 500,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Peachpa Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 450,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Phear Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 450,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Purple Cybunny Negg
    Approx. Price: 14,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Lovely Lime Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 300,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Sardplant Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 450,000
    Tokens: Ten

    Strawberry Swirl Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Ten

    Negg Cream Cookie
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Eleven

    Scrambled Easter Negg

    Approx. Price: 450,000
    Tokens: Eleven

    Frozen Negg
    Approx. Price: 25,000
    Tokens: Fourteen

    Strawberries and Cream Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Sixteen

    Pretty Pink Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Eighteen

    Chocolate Orange Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: 2,000,000
    Tokens: Twenty-Two

    Spotted Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Twenty-Four

    Mint Chocolate Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Twenty-Six

    Luxury Chocolate Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Twenty-Eight

    Lemon and Lime Easter Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Thirty-Two

    Fish Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A (None on Shop Wiz or TP)
    Tokens: Fifty

    Special Neggs
    Ablities taken from

    Basic Power Negg
    Approx. Price: 50,000
    Price in Tokens: 39
    Ability: May increase defense by 1.

    Blue Furry Negg
    Approx. Price: 6,000
    Price in Tokens: 15
    Ability: Heals 5 hitpoints outside the Battledome.

    Bang Bang Negg
    Approx. Price: 35,000
    Price in Tokens: 33
    Ability: Gives random snowball(s).

    Cackling Negg
    Approx. Price: N/A
    Price in Tokens: 96
    Ability: Gives your pet the Shadow Health ability regardless of your pet's level.

    Christmas Tree Negg
    Approx. Price: 17,000
    Price in Tokens: 27
    Ability: Heals 20 hitpoints outside the Battledome.

    Approx. Price: 70,000
    Price in Tokens: 64
    Ability: Gives your pet the Psychic ability regardless of your pet's level.

    Cool Negg
    Approx. Price: 300,000
    Price in Tokens: 247
    Ability: Increases Level by 1, hitpoints by 2-3, movement by 1-3 and strength by 2-3.

    Cracked Negg
    Approx. Price: 120,000
    Price in Tokens: 90
    Ability: Heals 3 hitpoints, takes away 3 hitpoints, or heals your pet's hitpoints to full in the Battledome. One time use.

    Crystal Negg
    Approx. Price: 10,000
    Price in Tokens: 22
    Ability: Heals 8 hitpoints outside the Battledome.

    Evil Negg
    Approx. Price: 15,000
    Price in Tokens: 42
    Ability: Battledome weapon that attacks 3 dark icons and 1 physical icon. One time use.

    Faerie Queen Negg
    Approx. Price: 70,000
    Price in Tokens: 57
    Ability: Increases hitpoints by 1.

    Fireball Negg
    Approx. Price: 25,000
    Price in Tokens: 34
    Ability: Battledome weapon which attacks 4 fire icons. One time use.

    Ferocious Negg
    Approx. Price: 200,000
    Price in Tokens: 124
    Ability: Increases strength by 1-4 points and gives your pet a random disease.

    Genius Negg
    Approx. Price: 30,000
    Price in Tokens: 24
    Ability: Increases intelligence and gives you one of these books: Battledome Guide, Theories of Physics, Cooking Neggs Book, Know Your Neggs Book, Mystic Negg Book, Where Neggs Grow.

    Ghost Negg
    Approx. Price: *
    Price in Tokens: 22
    Ability: Can take away your pet's hitpoints.

    Glamour Negg
    Approx. Price: 19,000
    Price in Tokens: 7
    Ability: Increases your pet's happiness and decreases your pet's intelligence, also gives you one of these items: Gold Mirror, Shampoo, or Gold Hair Brush. Blue Pteri Morphing Potions used to be given out by this negg.

    Happy Negg
    Approx. Price: 2,000
    Price in Tokens: 4
    Ability: Increases your pet's happiness.

    Icestorm Negg
    Approx. Price: 35,000
    Price in Tokens: 34
    Ability: Battledome weapon which attacks 3 water icons and 1 physical icon. One time use.

    Approx. Price: 80,000
    Price in Tokens: 52
    Ability: Does one of the following: increase/decrease stats, change pets gender, color or species. Similar to a once time use Lab Ray zap.

    Negg of Purity +1
    Approx. Price: 6,000
    Price in Tokens: 10
    Ability: May increase defense.

    Plaid Negg
    Approx. Price: 120,000
    Price in Tokens: 108
    Ability: Raises level of a random ability and may paint the pet a basic color (red, green, blue, or yellow).

    Power Negg
    Approx. Price: 105,000
    Price in Tokens: 79
    Ability: Increases strength by 1.

    Pumpkin Negg
    Approx. Price: 11,000
    Price in Tokens: 12
    Ability: Your pet will gain 1-3 pounds in weight and lose 1-3 centimeters in length.

    Radioactive Negg
    Approx. Price: 83,000
    Price in Tokens: 66
    Ability: Raises the level of a random ability.

    Rainwater Negg
    Approx. Price: 55,000
    Price in Tokens: 61
    Ability: Gives your pet the Shield of Water and Steam Shield abilities in the battledome, regardless of your pet's level.

    Silver Knight Negg
    Approx. Price: 100,000
    Price in Tokens: 72
    Ability: Increases defense by 1.

    Smiley Negg
    Approx. Price: 3,7000
    Price in Tokens: 9
    Ability: Increases your pet's happiness.

    Approx. Price: 172,000
    Price in Tokens: 126
    Ability: Increases hitpoints by 1-3 and movement by 1-3.

    Spiked Negg
    Approx. Price: 250,000
    Price in Tokens: 195
    Ability: Increases hitpoints by 2-5.

    Spinning Negg
    Approx. Price: 25,000
    Price in Tokens: 36
    Ability: Gives your pet the Air Shield ability, regardless of your pet's level.

    Staring Negg
    Approx. Price: *
    Price in Tokens: 30
    Ability: Doubles your non-maximum hitpoints. (Example: from 12/50 hp to 24/50 hp).

    Super Negg
    Approx. Price: 260,000
    Price in Tokens: 210
    Ability: Increases Level by 1, hitpoints by 1-3 and movement by 1-3.

    Sweet Heart Negg
    Approx. Price: 12,500
    Price in Tokens: 18
    Ability: Gives a random Ice Cream.

    Vortex Negg
    Approx. Price: 21,000
    Price in Tokens: 24
    Ability: Paints your pet a basic color (red, green, blue, or yellow). Can instead increase or decrease hitpoints by 1.

    Wicked Negg
    Approx. Price: 8,000
    Price in Tokens: 10
    Ability: May increase speed and give your pet a disease.

    Witchy Negg
    Approx. Price: 56,000
    Price in Tokens: 48
    Ability: Changes your pets gender, turn them into a Lenny, Tuskaninny or Moehog, boost their intelligence, raise their hit points or cure any disease your pet may have.

  2. Coldness

    Coldness Level IV

    May 29, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Just 5 minutes away where you live (:
    Well there is a guide here about neggs. But there are not priced :)
  3. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    But I also have the basic neggs & picture & prices :D :D
    Much better, I think? :)

    Oh yes, and I didn't copy and paste [much] :)
    List updated :D
  4. munster_poo

    munster_poo Level I

    Oct 15, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Awesome guide... Ican never find a negg guide when I need one
  5. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
    Likes Received:
    lol im assuming this post was just to up your forum points? a quick google of just "negg" produces like 8 neopets negg guides on the first page alone.

    a good guide thats hard to find would be to find the total cost per negg token, and compare that with training negg cost per negg token, as well negg token per stat point. i made an excel sheet of this a couple days ago to see if it was worthwhile to buy regular neggs to get tokens and buy training neggs to mass sell. i would post it but its in excel and copying and pasting it jumbles everything up.

    bascially, you want no more than ~1330np/ negg token. cheapest training negg was silver knight negg which came out to around 1330np/negg pt. best ETS training negg is snegg, which was around 1350np/ negg pt.
  6. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    Okay then. I don't mind if you take this guide as 'one of those 10,000 wannabes that's basically junk'.
  7. Everlast

    Everlast Level I

    Jan 31, 2010
    Likes Received:
    I wanna increase my pets level fast, best way (cheapest way) to get enough tokens for a lot of neggs that increase lvl.?♠
  8. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Everlast, your best option is to visit IDB for stat increasers. They have ratings on all the stat increasers, and give suggestions on which are good for value.