My runescape account. Its combat lvl 90 attack - 70 strength - 72 defense - 70 range - 70 prayer - 50 magic - 70 hit points - 73 agility - 32 herblore - 30 thieving - 32 crafting - 43 fletching - 72 slayer - 31 mining - 48 smithing - 43 fishing -77 cooking - 53 firemaking - 46 woodcutting - 68 summoning - 16 Approximately 8m in gold and items. Items including abby whip, dragon legs, dragon boots, dragon scimmy, amongst others I'm mainly looking for about how much I could get for it in NP's. I am NOT trying to trade it here. I am aware that all trading must be done on the blackmarket. I'm just curious.. thank you.
not too much i'm afraid skills are too low to be of use, and it definitely isn't a pker unless you train it up to be a barrows pker. what quests have you done?