[Guide] Games Master Challenge - 2009

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Anfan, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Games Master Challenge this year seems to be themed around Neo's 10th birthday; accordingly the challenges correspond to each Neopian year.

    Now, first things first...

    List of Qualifying Games
    Extreme Herder
    TNT Staff Smasher
    Advert Attack
    Rink Runner
    Chemistry for Beginners
    Mynci Beach Volleyball
    Faerie Bubbles
    Jelly Blobs of Doom
    Turmac Roll
    Hasee Bounce
    Meepit Juice Break
    Kass Basher
    Escape to Kreludor
    Moon Rock Rampage
    Meerca Chase II
    Ice Cream Machine
    Kiko Match II
    Bouncy Supreme
    Time Tunnel
    Hungry Skeith
    Meepit vs. Feepit
    Snow Wars II
    Neverending Boss Battle
    Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back
    Magma Blaster
    Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
    Ruins Rampage
    Tubular Kiko Racing
    Ghost Bopper
    Jolly Jugglers
    Jubble Bubble
    Snowball Fight
    Feed Florg
    Tyrannian Mini Golf
    Imperial Exam
    Sophie's Stew
    The Great Qasalan Caper
    Gwyl's Great Escape
    Igloo Garage Sale - The Game
    Attack of the Gummy Dice
    Itchy Invasion
    Eye of the Storm
    Ugga Smash
    Scourge of the Lab Jellies
    Volcano Run II
    MAGAX: Destroyer II
    Dubloon Disaster
    Crisis Courier
    Lost in Space Fungus
    Shenkuu Warrior
    The Usul Suspects
    Revel Roundup
    Cooty Wars
    Bumble Beams
    Korbats Lab
    Snowbeast Snackrifice
    Edna's Shadow
    The Great Desert Race
    Stowaway Sting
    The Search for Princess Lunara
    Wicked Wocky Wobble
    Usuki Frenzy
    Carnival of Terror
    Ultimate Bullseye II
    Mop 'n' Bop
    Tug 'O' War
    Smug Bug Smite
    Ready to Roll
    Biscuit Brigade: Hagan's Last Stand
    Dungeon Dash
    Hot Dog Hero
    Berry Bash
    Piper Panic
    200m Peanut Dash
    Destruct-O-Match III
    Techo Says
    Barf Boat
    Mutant Graveyard of Doom II
    Nimmos Pond
    Super Hasee Bounce
    Snow Roller
    Petpet Plunge
    Wheeler's Wild Ride
    Top Chop
    Snot Splatter
    Lost City Lanes
    The Haunted Shootery
    Extreme Herder 2
    Legends of Pinball
    Dice of Destiny
    Apple Jacks Apple-y Recovery
    BodyByMilk Skateboard Refuel
    Darigan Dodgeball
    Slorgs in Space
    Chariot Chase
    Cloud Raiders
    Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers
    Cave Glider
    Littlest Pet Shop Crazy Cones!
    Tunnel Tumble
    Moltara Run

    Day 1: Neopets Y1-Y2 (November 24th)[table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [tr][td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Send 2 game challenges. The other person doesn't have to accept, so you can just send them to old inactive accounts if you'd like. :D[/td]
    Bottled Earth Faerie[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 75+ in Kiko Match II.[/td]
    Piece of a Treasure Map[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 100+ in Techo Says 3 times. (If you're going to scoresend this, remember that it's only possible to score multiples of 5.)[/td]

    Techo Says Bobblehead[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 800+ in Igloo Garage Sale - The Game

    Submit a score of 500+ in Snowmuncher[/td]
    Igloo Garage Sale Background[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score in any qualifying game.[/td]
    Checkerboard Pizza[/td][/tr][/table]

    Day 2: Neopets Y3 (November 25th)
    [table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 100+ in Destruct-O-Match III.[/td]
    Brucey B Biography[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 150+ in Meerca Chase II. (Again, if you're using a scoresender, it's only possible to score an even number of points.)

    Submit a score of 100+ in The Great Qasalan Caper.[/td]
    Coltzan Negg[/td][/tr]
    USA ONLY:Submit a score of 600+ in Littlest Pet Shop Crazy Cones 3 times.

    Everyone Else:Submit a score of 1700+ in Pterattack 3 times.[/td]
    Paper Pteri Toy[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 100+ in Tug-O-War. (Want to do this super fast? Either get the Tug-O-War autoplayer, which I haven't tried, or get Bob's Macro Program [I have tried], spam the left hand home row into F9, and just hit that in-game.)[/td]
    Tugging For War[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score in 10 qualifying games.[/td]
    Dr Sloth Poster[/td][/tr][/table]

    Day 3: Neopets Y4 (November 26th)
    [table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 1200+ in Snot Splatter.[/td]
    Snot Garland[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 125+ in Turmac Roll.

    Submit a score of 200+ in Wicked Wocky Wobble. (Try saying that 5 times fast.)[/td]
    Berry and Marrow Casserole[/td][/tr]
    Gaspers! Isn't this one difficult! Go stare at the high score tables for 5 of the qualifying games![/td]
    Jeran Rocks Bean Bag[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 60+ in Feed Florg.[/td]
    Submit a score in 20 qualifying games. Self-explanatory.[/td]
    King Skarl Stamp[/td][/tr][/table]

    Day 4: Neopets Y5 (November 27th)
    [table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Rate any two of the qualifying games. Links to rate are at the bottom of the page for each game.[/td]
    The Secret of Tagobo[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 350+ in Chemistry for Beginners.[/td]
    Chemistry Candy Set[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 300+ in Bouncy Supreme.[/td]
    Jelly Hand Mirror[/td][/tr]
    USA ONLY: Submit a score of 2500+ on BodyByMilk Skateboard Refuel three times. In other words, hit the right arrow key at the beginning of the game, then hold the up key for the rest to continuously do "tricks". By the end of level 2, you'll have 3000+ points.

    Everyone Else: Submit a score of 650+ on Advert Attack three times.[/td]
    Tombola Tips[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score in 30 qualifying games.[/td][/tr][/table]

    Day 5: Neopets Y6 (November 28th)
    [table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 500+ in Time Tunnel.

    Submit a score of 75+ in Lost in Space Fungus.[/td]
    Puzzles of Space[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 400+ in Escape to Kreludor.

    Submit a score of 800+ in Moon Rock Rampage.[/td]
    Lord Darigan Stamp[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 2700+ in Meepit Juice Break. (Or just PM me and I'll do it for you. =P)[/td]

    USA ONLY: Submit a score of 60+ on Apple Jacks Apple-y Recovery three times.

    Everyone Else: Submit a score of 300+ on Tyrannian Mini Golf three times.[/td]
    Golf Clubs with Fuzzy Covers[/td][/tr]

    Submit a score in 40 qualifying games.[/td]
    Taelia Doll[/td][/tr][/table]

    Day 6: Neopets Y7-Y8 (November 29th)
    [table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 800+ in Gwyl's Great Escape.[/td]
    Balloon Patches[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score in 55 qualifying games.[/td]
    Hall of Heroes Cake[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 3500+ in Crisis Courier.

    Submit a score of 700+ in Ready to Roll. (Note: You might be able to score 70+ and still get the prize.)[/td]
    King Altador Figure[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 250+ in Kou-Jong. (Defeat levels 1+2 on Medium difficulty.)[/td]
    Blue Daisy Bracelet | Captain Scarblade Action Figure[/td][/tr]
    Add 3 qualifying games to your favorites.[/td]
    Garin Plushie[/td][/tr][/table]

    Day 7: Neopets Y9 (November 30th)[table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 300+ in Stowaway Sting.[/td]
    Scrap Paper[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 175+ in MAGAX: Destroyer II.[/td]
    Evil Cybunny Plushie[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 700+ in Imperial Exam 3 times.[/td]
    Professor Hugo Fairweather Plushie[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 50+ in Snowbeast Snackrifice.[/td]
    Snowbeast Horns[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score in 70 qualifying games.[/td]

    Day 8: Neopets Y10 (December 1st)[table][tr][td]Challenge Category[/td]
    [td]Challenge Details[/td]
    [td]Your Prize[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 850+ in Super Hasee Bounce. (Supposedly 3 times, but there's a glitch that'll let you get it after 1.)[/td]
    Grinning Sloth Stamp[/td][/tr]
    Rate the difficulty of 20 games. That's just the little bar thing that goes from green to yellow to read in the top right corner of the launch game window.[/td]
    Dr Sloth Collectables[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 3600+ in Spinacles.[/td]
    Spinacle Thought Bubble[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score of 400+ in Barf Boat.[/td]
    Anti-Sea Sick Pills[/td][/tr]
    Submit a score in 85 qualifying games.[/td]
    Almost Big Book of Slothy Recipes[/td][/tr][/table]
    Commy and Cacklenub like this.
  2. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
    Likes Received:
    PA, USA
    Just so you know...the list of qualifying games is listed on neo...so you probably dont need to give credit elsewhere :p
  3. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    Ohh thank you ;D I have yet to start it.
  4. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Oh, thanks. Just deleted that credit and turned every game into a link...if any are broken, PM me/post.
  5. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Oh oops, I was busy trying to make something for the GMC as well that I didn't notice that you posted this meanwhile :eek: Anyways, nice :) You could also add the NC challenge if you want ;)
  6. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    Eww I can't seem to manage two of those horrible challenges D:
  7. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Sending game challenges and sending a score for a random game.. that makes 2 already? :p
  8. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Bump. Just updated for the last 3 days, since I've been off at a ton of dining parties and such for Thanksgiving. ;-;