Whats are the MMORPGs that you enjoy the most? What are the ones that you want to play when released? I enjoyed Flyff the most.(only cause it was free) I wanna play .hack/fragment which is a MMORPG thats coming out for PC and PS2.
I tried downloading ragnarok for a private server. The downloads required so much time that I just thought "screw it im not gonna try it".
heh, ragnarok really worth the time trust me, in my opinion its the best MMORPG game ever (for now) ive been playing it for about 3 years now i think.
I've tried several free servers of Ragnarok, hated it since theres so little people on and it was ridiculous... some I lvled up max within a day, some got so much items, etc. Lame.
well then obviously youre not a true MMORPGs fan the gameplay rox and the graphic arent bad either, its really nice in my opinion and you mustve played in a 10k/10k/10k rate server which is way too easy.
Not only does it stand for that, in college, it also kills your GPA and social life. Ask my roommate, he's a live testament.
That's true, it does kill your social life *laughs* I am a true MMORPG fan, but not "HARDCORE", my favorite MMORPG was Fairyland. I'm more of a crafter than anything
I played Asheron's Call for 5 years, was even a beta tester for it, awesome game play, graphics were a bit weak, biggest problem was I had no social life because of that game, it was all I did in my free time
lol Runescape was fun until it went all 3d. I quit playing and I still have my santa hat (worth like 50 mill) and everyone thinks im a hacker >_> cause Im such a low level.
WoW would probably be the best mmorpg. its just neverending and even though you reached the highest level, there are still alot of things you can do after that. in fact, the fun things you could do after you reached that level beats leveling up anytime. Not only that, a huge number of people (8million i think) are playing the game so it still remains interactive. The monthly fee still remains a concern though, sadly.
I've been playing world of warcraft since release, its alot of fun. I have a 60 paladin and a 60 warlock. Once the xpac is released I will be working a blood elf paladin.