Hey, I've been learning vb6 recently, and I've gotten decent at it. While I was sitting here thinking of my next project to make, I remembered neofriends and using their programs. I'd like to give back - anybody have a program that they've been looking for?
I've actually kinda been hoping for a quality auction sniper... from what I've read, Expon's was a tad bit abandoned If you need ideas for features: Tracking certain lots with a max bid (cap is NECESSARY) Track certain items (Two Dubloon Coin, for example) with max prices for each If you could combine it with an autopricer, putting the smaller auctions in your shop would be nice
An auction sniper probably wouldn't be too great for my first neopets related release especially since I haven't used neopets in awhile
what about a stock broker? you know a program that could monitor your stocks for you so if they get to like say +100% then it auto sells for you and if you haven't bought 1000 stocks today then it buys the cheapest stock i've been meaning to getting around to making it but i'm too lazy haha
I like the fact that someone request a program and then suddently, someone remember my name and realized, eh, he already did it ! On the other hand, it confirms what I tought of the download system right now. But to make this post non-spammy, here's my ideas (taken from my own to-do list) Money Tree Grabber Auction Sniper Cheat APer Multiple Account Scratchcard Buyer I missing time so I can't do all these right now. Fell free to steal those ideas. :maha:
Advent Calendar doer? It's 1 December and we need one, people are getting lazy BTW, we need more Score Senders! Not even one SSer doesn't work for me from the download section :nope: :nope: :nope:
Slaugheters ss is working for me!!what is the error does it give for you?? Auction sniper is my request here!!
/gets in before Phee A FOOD CLUB AUTOBETTER! http://www.neofriends.net/program-ideas-f5/food-club-autobetter-t28094.html
A neopet creator or neopet name availability checker. Like, load a list of 200 names and it checks if available, and creates them if possible. Otherwise, a kad feeder