
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by interhacker, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    You are so stupid it amazes me. You throw around this "convenience" for Spanish and Portuguese speakers like their userbase on neopets is actually significant. How many times in 8 years have you visited the neopets message boards and noticed a thread, or even a RESPONSE in spanish? Um...... ZERO. What percentage of user inputed text on neopets is in English. um... practically 100. Wow... way to make the site more convient for a userbase that makes up practically 0 percent of all messages on the message boards! Great use of resources viacom! Pay moderators to scan the site for the word "negro" used inappropriately so that that 1 out of 10 million spanish shop descriptions and 1 out of 100 million message board replies can use the word "negro" with free will!

    You want moderators to scan the site for the inappropriate usage of negro, why not let them scan the site for the word b1tch istead of censoring it too?
  2. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    12 do realize that in order to see the seperate Spanish or Portuguese boards you have to change the site language to Spanish or Portuguese, don't you?

    You do know that in doing so it changes the language of the site to entirely Spanish or Portuguese, right? And that's where all the Spanish & Portuguese speakers are? On their own language boards on their own language version of the website? And that's why you don't see them on the English boards?

    Please tell me you're not so goddamned stupid that you didn't know this existed but you've been arguing here about something you know nothing about anyway.

    Please, I'm begging you to tell me that. My faith in humanity can't handle knowing there's someone so flat-out retarded out there yet they're allowed access to the internet and...well, oxygen.

    I mean, I've been here typing that Neopets uses the same filters for all language versions still didn't catch on?

    Please, for the sake of future generations, castrate yourself.
  3. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    come on lads less of the insults, don't spoil your good augments .
  4. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    There is nothing good about anything my good friend americanpierg has posted, and certainly not anything that could be called an argument.
  5. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    AHHHH you are so stupid it hurts. you can always tell when an idiot realizes he makes retarded comments. omggg you must castrate yourself gg xoxo!

    OHHH no, 0.01% of the spanish speaking neopets users can't use the word negro so they cant say something is black in their own language. WAHHH.

    THAT's not the reason why its not censored, as I've said to you 10000 times but you're too ignorant and stupid to learn how to read correctly I guess.

    ONE word that that SMALLLLL portion of people who actually uses the spanish version of neopets is NOTHING compared to the hundreds of english words that are blacked out becuase they have parts of the filtered words in them.

    But of course... you're too ignorant and stupid to realize this.
  6. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Then why, pray tell, is it uncensored? You may have said that isn't why, but you certainly haven't explained why it is yourself. You've done nothing but flail around like an illiterate chimp with a typewriter.

    The reason for leaving the word uncensored is valid. I've explained how, I've explained why. You refusal to accept this while being entirely unable to come up with another viable reason is the entire origin of this argument.

    You are too stupid to realise that those words have no significant other meaning to warrant them going unfiltered.
    You are too stupid to realise that the Spanish & Portuguese playerbase isn't small.*
    You are too stupid to realise that Neopets has alternate language versions at all.
    You are too stupid to realise your own idiocy and back out of this with even a shred of dignity.

    Honestly, why do you continue? Everything you've said, I've shot down. With every passing post, you make yourself look even less intelligent. You ignore everything that proves you wrong and pick up on a single irrelevant thing and reply to it in the hopes that your continued presence here might make it look, at least to a fleeting glance, as though you still have a leg to stand on. You do not.

    *Want evidence of this?
    Neopets, owned by Viacom, a business, commissioned the translation of the site into these languages. If the playerbase was not particularly large, this would not have happened, as there would have been no reason to do so.

    If you want further evidence of this, just visit the Spanish NeoBoards. They're pretty active.
  7. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Lol you are so stupid. Do you even try to read what I've posted instead of just responding with nonsense? Reading comprehension... you might want to try it once in awhile...
  8. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    And there we have it. Yet another post with no real point, no counterargument to any points made. No address made to anything within the post that proves you wrong, just the same old crap. You've lost this argument. You lost as soon as it started really, because you've been wrong the whole time.
  9. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Once again your amazing logic amazes even me. You didn't "prove" why a word is uncensored. all you did is spew crap about why you think a word is uncensored, crap that is totally wrong and makes no sense. If "hola" means "f***" in english but "hi" in spanish, its still banned in a second.

    I gave insight about why a word SHOULD be censored, all you did is spew crap about why you think a word is uncensored, crap that is totally wrong and makes no sense. If they wanted to censor negro, they will do no and don't give a crap that it means something else in Spanish. The ENGLISH phrase "his hit points" is censored, and you argue that neopets CANT censor "negro" becuase it means something harmless in spanish. DO YOU NOT SEE THIS. Are you that stupid...
  10. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    The word "NEGRO" is uncensored because neopets doesn't feel it is inappropriate enough to censor, NOT becuase the TINY percentage spanish speaking people on the site uses it.

    THAT is the reason why it is uncensored, NOT all this crap you spewed earlier. It's like argueing that the word "CRACKER" is uncensored becuase people need it to describe what they had for a snack. NO, its uncensored becuaes neopets feel it isn't inappropriate enough to warrant a censor. same as for SPIC and CHINK

    Do I need to spell this out further for you or can you read by now?
  11. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    On the contrary. My explanation of why it is not censored makes perfect sense and it is indeed the reason for why it is not censored. Ideally, Neopets should have separate filters for the boards so that negro can be censored, but they do not. Since they do not, it IS better that they leave it uncensored, and I have explained why.

    This IS why it is not censored. If you believe it is not, then rather than sitting there pounding on your keyboard like a ten year old raised on a diet of snickers and crack, offer a reason. Until then, you're waffling just as inanely as ever before.

    "His hit points" is obviously censored due to the "s hit", 'cause the filters aren't complex enough to notice the difference. This is an entirely different case and, like just about everything else you've posted, entirely irrelevant.

    I'll tell you what. Why don't we revisit every single point of mine that you've avoided and when you've answered each and every single one of those, we can work on this non-existent posting of yours that I'm supposed to have read or not read and you can tell me in detail exactly why I'm wrong, because so far, you've failed to do anything of the sort.
  12. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    And since you seem to lack the ability to understand the most basic of concepts, I'm going to ignore you until you demonstrate otherwise by adhering to the above. As you will, of course, be entirely unable to, I'm going to go ahead and just ignore you, the way all drivelling morons should be ignored.
    americanpierg likes this.
  13. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    LOL can you just for a second learn how to read and stop talking just once to save your life?

    The word "NEGRO" is uncensored because neopets doesn't feel it is inappropriate enough to censor, NOT becuase the TINY percentage spanish speaking people on the site uses it. CRACKER is uncensored. SPIC is uncensored. CHINK is uncensored.

    You're arguement is like trying to argue that the word "TO" is not censored because it means something else in Hungarian. NO you freakin moron, its not censored becuaes they dont find that it is inappropriate enough to CENSOR.

    GET THAT THROUGH your thick skull. I give up in trying to help you... you're just helpless.
    Commy likes this.
  14. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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  15. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    Too long. DIdn't read.
    Stop argueing. Stop flaming. STop typing.

  16. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2006
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    Actually, I read every single post and I think the thread is worth more than some topics in the debate section. Of course, SoC is totally right saying you have to stop flaming each other, but I'd like to point out to americanpierg that USA/English people are not the majority of the world. You know that Spanish is a really widely-spread language, and that you Americans are not the only ones in the world? Viacom wants to make money, and they do so by making people play their game: the more people play, the better it is for them. So why exclude Spanish users? Who cares if they're a minority, they can always make them earn money.
    Also, if in Italy the English word "hello" was used for some perverted meaning, nobody would ever think about censoring it, as it's a common word in another language. The same logic applies to the inverse. If a common word in another language is used to define a racist term when used in English, and there's only one global filter for all languages, the ones speaking the other language have no reason to be penalized. Negro means "black" in Spanish and Portuguese. What would you do if you were writing "hey yo! I bought a black t-shirt today!!" and it came up as "hey yo! I bought a *censored* t-shirt today!!"?
    lazypando likes this.
  17. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    Fair enough :) as I made clear, I just saw flames and shut the thread.
  18. ricky92

    ricky92 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 10, 2006
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    Whoops. I forgot to move the thread xD done now.
  19. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Yes, but that isn't why its not censored. It's not censored for the same reason "house" or "orange" or any other word isn't. The niche for the usage of "negro" is too small to warrant a censor of the word, for the same reason the word "chink" isn't censored even though its as bad if not worse than "negro." no one uses "negro" in everyday conversations, derogatory or not, instead they use the word "n1gger", and yes, n1gger is censored.

    I am still saying Neopets wouldn't care at all if anyone was "penalized" as a result of their filters. If Negro was bad enough to warrant a censorship, they woulldnt think twice about not filtering it just because it means something else in another language. Its just that its not "bad" enough of a word to warrant its censorship.

    There are countless harmless useful english phrases and words that are censored already as a byproduct of their filters. You can't type hitpoints if you put any word before it. "his hitpoints" "her hitpoints" "its hitpoints" "my hitpoints" are all censored. Many words that harmlessly include the word "@ss" in it is also censored. These are two eamples out of hundreds. if they don't care that a whole list of innocent words are "penalized" becuase of their filters already, why would they care if another word is added to that list?

    This is why you can't argue that a word isnt censored just because it will cause some inconvience to a group of people.

    QUESTION: why don't people leave the lights on 24/7
    FLAWED ANSWER: becuase then they won't be able to sleep at night <---answer is TRUE, but doesn't answer the question because the logic is FLAWED
    CORRECT ANSWER: because there is no point to leave them on 24/7 if we don't need them on (there's light outside, we wont be home, everyone is sleeping, etc.)

    QUESTION: why isnt the word "negro" censored
    FLAWED ANSWER: becuase then it will be an inconvience for the spanish speaking population <---answer is TRUE, but doesn't answer the question because the logic is FLAWED
    CORRECT ANSWER: because there is no point to censor it. the derogatory usage of the word is limited to too small of a niche to warrant its censorship. a small minority can use "tree" to be a racist term to Alaskans, but doesn't necessarily mean "tree" will be censored.

    If there is still confusion, just look at it this way. Take your logic on inconvience to spanish speaking individuals, and see if it also answers why neofriends censor b1tch and f@ggot, but also doesn't censor Negro.
  20. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    I'll put in my 2 cents on this thread and the arguements.
