
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by interhacker, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Chobo

    Chobo Level I

    May 13, 2009
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    Neopets aside, I don't think it's a derogatory term where I'm from and what I've learned.
    Now for Neopets, I think it's uncensored because it's NOT a derogatory term AND it would cause spanish speaking population inconvenience.
  2. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    and exactly how do you know you're correct?
    has tnt come out and told us?
    at this point, i think it safe to assume both answer have just as much merit
    don't be so self-righteous all the time ;)
    it's good to see the other side of a debate, even if you don't agree with it yourself :)

    actually i think both sides made some valid points (rather rude and intolerable arguments...but valid nonetheless)

    but it's still....pretty damn funny :)

    ohh what the heck did you start totg
  3. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I was completely smashed when i made this topic, dont even remember making it and it turned to an epic lol

    But i will add

    The word "koon"/"coon" is not filtered either and doesn't get yo a warning
  4. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!
    wow.. ToTg look what you did now. almost broke the internets.

    I read all your posts and quite frankly. american(whatever's) post are quite laughable. I like how he seems to switch sides at one point.
    BUT anyways from reading all the posts I came to this

    take it with a grain of salt im not here to argue I just couldn't help not sharing my opinion.
    I am just putting this on the table. I dont care if you accept what i have to say or not.

    the conclusion:

    Yes, Negro is a derogatory term but that doesn't make it a derogatory term everywhere else in the world. It has two meanings. That is why neopets hasn't censored it. More hateful terms like N1gger have spawned from this word using its derogatory connotation. That doesn't make the word negro(the description of the color black) a bad word. you cant say the same for B1tch, as most of the world associate it as a slang derogatory term. So if more people used negro instead of n1gger than it would become like b1tch. Now i remember american(whatever) saying, you can't call someone on the street negro and get away with it (something along those lines.) Its true in America because people are really ignorant and can mistake it for a derogatory term. As mankind progresses it's certainly justifiable to say that harmless words that mean nothing can somehow be changed for the worse and be used as a derogatory term. That is the case with negro. Eventually this word will share the same fate as gay did.

    the above is what i got from you guys arguing ... okay i think we established that negro is a word that can mean allot and mean nothing at the same time. so stop wasting time flaming and arguing...

    WHO CARES? [...]
  5. Mr Awesome

    Mr Awesome Level IV

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Being Awesome
    Let me answer your question with another question, what happens to people that mispronounce the country Niger?

    Are they considered racist? Or just idiotic white bastards?
  6. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!

    they are just considered idiots.
  7. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    That`s no even a debate that's just plain silly.
  8. iggypop

    iggypop Level I

    Dec 12, 2009
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    i know the conversation kind of died down over the weekend but i have a couple of comments:

    How the heck is anyone on the neopets boards supposed to know that you're black? because the only time that 'negro' would offend anyone is that if it was directed towards them. personally i've never seen this on the boards. and anyways does it really matter if you see the word 'negro' on the neopets boards. are you really that offended.

    now onto this whole discussion about how negro means something in another language. IF 'negro' was actually an extremely offensive word (which i personally dont think it is unless the person who says it is extremely malicious, any insult that is just thrown out there randomly shouldn't really affect you anyways) then would you rather:
    a) 5,000 spanish people get to use the word 'black' and 30,000 english users see an word that might offend them
    b) 5,000 spanish people don't get to use the word black and 30,000 english users don't see a word that offends.

    you need to make a decision that benefits the most people. thats just how it goes, majority wins, a small group of people doesnt change the result. so if 'negro' actually was extremely offensive (which, again, i don't think it really is, n1gger on the other hand is horrible) then the word should have been censored.

    but personally i think that who gives a crap anyways, i don't use the neopets boards :p
  9. crashtestdummies

    Nov 29, 2009
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    I have no idea why, but the above post made me lawl. Personally, I don't think it's offensive unless you /make/ it offensive. And yes, if enough people did that, there might be reasonable cause for a filter. But I haven't seen anyone use it even one time on any board for years. Then again, I think the only people who would want to use it to make waves are diehard racists and trolls, and they'll be picked off before there's enough of a stir. So, yeah.
  10. iggypop

    iggypop Level I

    Dec 12, 2009
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    obviously you either didn't read my post or you didn't understand it.
    my point summarized in a sentence is:
    the word negro is not that offensive (and is rarely used on the boards) so shouldn't be censored but if it was offensive it should be censored even if it did mean something in a different language.

    my point is that the fact that it means something in a different language that isnt offensive shouldnt matter.
  11. ziocker

    ziocker Newbie

    Dec 13, 2009
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    en efecto el negro es el nombre de un color, solo hay que tener en cuenta si se usa con algun tipo de racismo