What do you consider racist / antisemetic?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by purple315, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. purple315

    purple315 Level III

    Dec 30, 2009
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    I consider something racist or antisemitic if what is being said is based on a stereotype, derogatory to a group of people, or coming to a conclusion about someone / something based on there religion, ethnics, or culture.
  2. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Not all stereotyping is inherently racist, in my opinion. This isn't an opinion that's widely held, mind you.

    One thing I've noticed is that stereotypes about certain people/countries are entirely acceptable, while others are less so. Just as an example; suppose you where a stand up comedian at a club. Let's say your act consisted of something along the lines of "British people have terrible teeth and like tea too much". That's acceptable, it's somewhat true and it's amusing. Even Brits will get a laugh at it.

    Then move on to "Americans are fat & stupid!". Still acceptable, still amusing. Now try "Indian people eat gross food", "The Chinese have weird eyes". Now you're getting into offensive territory - even though what you're saying about Indians/Asians isn't really any worse than what you're saying about Brits/Americans. Now let's move on.

    "Black people like fried chicken" & "Jews are greedy". Oh boy, now you're going to get your ass kicked when you leave that club. But is "Like fried chicken" any worse than "Like tea"? Is "Greedy" worse "Fat"? No.

    And yet, the double standards exist, and it's remarkably odd. It's fine to say the British have bad teeth, than Americans are fat, the Irish are alcoholics and Australians have annoying voices, but don't dare say black people like chicken or the Chinese have odd eyes?

    All in all, I think people are too damn sensitive about the whole thing. People are way too easily offended by stupid meaningless words and stereotypes that might even be amusing if people stopped shaking their fingers long enough to develop a more easygoing nature.
  3. purple315

    purple315 Level III

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Certain stereotypes are acceptable but are still racist / antisemetic. All my friends joke about me having a big nose because I'm Jewish, even though i don't and they have said that before. The only reason I don't take offense is because they are my friends. If a random person came up to me and said that, I would punch them in the face. For me, it's more about who says it. I consider it racist / antisemitic even if I'm fine of it. I would agree with your last statement if white Christians could actually take a damn joke. White Christians get the most offended out of any race and religion about those two things in yet they make lots of harmful jokes and say they are fine.
  4. iggypop

    iggypop Level I

    Dec 12, 2009
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    first off, i agree sort of...the difference that i think exists is that when the joke is made in america about a minority. also, when the stereotype is known to be false. Obviously not all americans are fat and stupid, that would be impossible. But when you say chinese people have weird eyes, they're eyes are considered different or 'unusual' in america so when you say weird, that's kind of true. They DO have weird eyes. So I think that when you're laughing at someone about something that is true, that makes it insulting or offensive.
    For example, the above person said that they're friends joke about them having a big nose, but they actually don't have a big nose so they aren't offended. But if they DID have a big nose and they're friends laughed at them for it, now personally i think that that is just mean and offensive, even if they are your friends.

    this is kind of funny, on the note of fried chicken and black people. NBC is serving this menu in honor of black history month:

  5. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Level I

    Feb 11, 2010
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    I consider racist people, people that are seeing people of different skin colours or from different cultures as less of a person than them
  6. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    I consider this racist -

    I've seen white couples with adopted asian children.
    I've seen white couples with adopted black children.
    I've never seen an asian couple with an adopted white or black child.
    I've never seen a black couple with an adopted white or asian child.
  7. Kit

    Kit Level I

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Hanging black people from a chrismas tree instead of ornaments would be racist...
    haha bad joke on my part.

    Anyways. I agree with you.
    I think stereotypical generalizations about a culture are different than race based generalizations on one particular person. It's one thing when you match a culture to a stereotype but it's another thing when you try to match the same sterotype to one person from that culture! do you know what I'm saying? that person could be the exception to the rule.
  8. phoneofthecentury

    Feb 13, 2010
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    I only think people are racist when they're being insulting or at least looking down on people of another race.

    I think we're all subconsciously racist though.

    Even very little things could put us as 'racists' o_e
  9. Requiem

    Requiem Newbie

    Feb 15, 2010
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    I consider it racist when someone is treated diffrently because of their race, religion etc.
  10. kbbbb

    kbbbb Newbie

    Apr 4, 2009
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    I agree with this.

    I think there is huge sensitivity with some ethnic groups due to their history. There is a lot more sensitivity around black people (and Aboriginal people in Australia) than whites or Chinese. Both of these people were treated badly originally, contributing to a raw nerve that others dare not touch.

    But in saying that, what's taboo in one country may be acceptable in another. The Michael Jackson blackface/whiteface skit on Hey Hey its Saturday caused Harry Connick Jr to almost walk out, and was universally slammed in the US. In Australia, a lot of Australians got arked up because they felt it wasn't racist, it wasn't taboo in their country, and that they didn't care what Americans thought (however much Australians love America generally).

    And as i'm trying to demonstrate, some countries have more racial tension than others. Australia is fairly multi-cultural, but is having issues with India over Indian students getting attacked (in what is an ongoing largely a violent crime problem, in my opinion). If some comedian parodied this, there would be fur flying in every direction! Same as in the US with black people, there are stereotypes and things that are just not said. And think about the Muslim communities in some countries after the dutch cartoon; there was rioting and violence everywhere- it wasn't against a particular race but

    In short, racism is a transient and evolving concept designed to protect ethnic groups against negative and-or race based associations which would possibly culminate overtime, leading to antagonism and eventually violence.
  11. Tally

    Tally Level III

    Jul 21, 2009
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    To sum things up, Racism is treating someone like crap based only on their race.
    FastBullet likes this.
  12. abc123omgyay

    abc123omgyay Newbie

    Jan 30, 2010
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    i've seen all of the above.

    I go to school with two adopted Asian girls, and two half german half african boys.
    ANd they all are extremely nice.
    :nod: raceism sucks!
  13. knocturne

    knocturne Level I

    Feb 20, 2010
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    I don't really mind it when people stereotype even against my own race as long as it's humorous. It's very difficult to offend me with racist jokes.
  14. purple315

    purple315 Level III

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Well what is your race?
  15. knocturne

    knocturne Level I

    Feb 20, 2010
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    Technically i'm mexican. I don't really look very mexican, but i still get tons of jokes thrown at me all the time. (lawn service etc)
  16. Pegaley

    Pegaley Level I

    Apr 28, 2010
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    I see racism as people having negative opinions about others purely for their skin colour or where they are from.
  17. Robert

    Robert Level II

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Louisville Kentucky
    a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

    by the book :) but other than that ... I believe racism is stupid :D
  18. Meepit

    Meepit Level I

    May 14, 2010
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    I only think people are racist when they're being insulting or at least looking down on people of another race.

    I think we're all subconsciously racist though.

    Even very little things could put us as 'racists' o_e
  19. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    QFT! +rep also.

    IMO, i think racist jokes are made to lower the tolerance for this kind of insults. So the more jokes of this kind you use with a friend, the more he doesn't mind them. But I don't suggest them at all.

    I'm a pacifist person and judge everything people say by being non-offensive even if it seems so. <3