[GUIDE] How to make a safe SS list

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Junior, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Making a safe score sending list

    Hello all, sorry for lack of formatting. It’s my first guide. I’ll learn the formatting ways after, hopefully it looks okay for now.
    Anyway, this is a short guide for the making of a safe score sending list. Be aware that that is no 100% safe way to make a score sending list, because since you are using a score sender, it’s always illegit, however this is one of the safest ways to make one if you are going to use one.

    I take no responsibility for your account if you use this method and still get iced. It is only a guide, so use it at your own risk.

    So I hope this helps you guys/gals!

    Table of contents

    1. Research – Multiplies
    2. Research – Review Score
    3. Other Factors
    4. Working out Score Sending Times
    5. Compiling the list
    6. Obtaining the Game ID

    The Steps to Making the List


    First of all research is always good. Some games have multipliers of 1, 2, 5 or something else. A good idea to see what these multipliers are is to check the high score board.

    Now if every score on the high score board ends in a 5 or 0 then you know it must have a multiplier of 5.

    If you can see scores that end in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0 then it’s probably safe to assume it has a 2x multiplier.

    If there is every number between 0 – 9 then there is a 1x multiplier, so any score will be fine.


    Now to check the review score there are many ways. The safest way in my opinion is to look at the high score board, and do a score that is somewhere near the bottom. This works for MOST games. However some games like Extreme Potato Counter, the review score is lower than the avatar score, so a lot of people send over it and ultimately get reviewed. Sometimes this cannot be avoided – however if you follow the other steps then you chances of getting iced because of it are not as high as just randomly guessing.

    I unfortunately don’t have a list of current up to date review scores for each game, but hopefully someone can either provide me with one and get credit, or I will eventually make my own. We’ll see. If anyone knows of a good up to date one please PM me so I can ask the author for permission to post it/refer to it.


    Now there are many reasons why you would want a score sending list. Some people make them purely for avatars, some just want the neopoints, and some are for special events like the one I’m making , for Daily Dare 2010.

    Obviously if you were after a neopoints based list, you would work out what score is required for the max of 1000 NP’s per game and use that.

    If you were going for an avatar list, then you need to research the scores associated to different avatars.


    No matter what list you are after, it all relies on one thing. The timing of the list/score. And this is what I’ll discuss next.

    Working out the times you should use for a particular score you want to send, is easy.

    First off, the best way is to play the game legitimately. I know, I know, what the hell is the point in that? Well, it doesn’t matter what score you get. You may suck at the game, however if you time the game that you play, you can use that time to work out a time to use for the list.

    For example, lets say you need a score of 650 in Meerca Chase 2 for the avatar/daily dare challenge. (this is just an example, please don’t use this time/score as it may be wrong). So you have your goal score. We’ve done our research and know that the review is 2,000. So we’re fairly safe in that department.

    I play the game and since I’m really bad at it, and hence need to score send for it, I score a miserable 124 points and it took me 1minute 27 seconds (which we convert to seconds, so 87 seconds).

    So use this formula to get your score and time.

    / = Divide
    X = Multiply

    So, using the Meerca Chase 2 example above:

    650 / 124 = 5.24
    (It is generally okay to round up to the nearest full number, as long as it wont take the final score to above the review score). So we will round it up to 6.

    124 x 6 = 744

    87 x 6 = 522

    This means for your list your score will be 744 and your time will be 522. As long as that score complies with the game score multiplier (as mentioned above.... which in Meerca chase 2’s case it would), then you are fairly safe.

    Okay so now you know how to get the times and scores for your list. But how do put it in a document. Well the easiest way is using notepad.

    The format that MOST score senders will use is as followed:

    GameID: ### Score: ### Time: ###

    Replace the ###’s with the actual number though. Some score senders have more advanced options of variable scores or times. So you can have 650 – 700 as your score and 200 – 250 as your time. To show that on a list you would save it like:

    GameID: ### Score: ###-### Time: ###-###

    Once again, replacing the ###’s with the number.

    Some Score Senders also allow you to include a game score multiplier, also known as Mod. So say for example the game you’re sending as a game score multiplier (Or Mod) of 2, you can input that to your list as follows:

    GameID: ### Score: ###-### Time: ###-### Mod #

    And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you again but replace the ###’s with the actual number.

    Here is an example of what one may look like in notepad:


    This is the easiest part of making the list. Go to the game room, click the game you’re looking at. Since I’ve used Meerca Chase 2 as an example already, I’ll continue to use that.

    Now when that main page loads for the specific game, look at your browsers address bar. It should look something like this:

    The 500 at the end of that is the game ID, and in this case, is Meerca Chase 2. That number changes for each game.

    And there you have it, getting the game ID. It’s as easy as that.


    Okay so there you have it. A quick guide on how to make your own reasonably safe score sending list. I hope that it all makes sense and that it helps you. If there is anything you don’t quite understand feel free to either post or PM me with questions and I’ll attempt to answer/resolve the issues.

    Just remember, that no score sending list is 100% safe. However, if you make it look legit, then it’s got to help, right?


    Written by Junior

    This guide is not to be changed in any way and used as your own work. No person has permission to post this on any other site. Don’t steal other people’s work, if you want to use it or tell other people about it, then credit it back to here. It’s not hard. Thank you.

    P.S - Since I'm new to this, If you have any advice for formatting to make it look prettier please let me know. Or if you're a spftacular mod with your magical powers and are good at making things look pretty, feel free to format it.​

    Attached Files:

    Dora, dochack, birdtail and 3 others like this.
  2. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Somewhere, lah.
    Well done Junior +rep

    This should be good, I remember sending a score last time with randomized score. I didn't Mod it and got frozen (multiples of 5 only )
  3. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Wow nice guide Junior!! I'll definitely be using this to adjust current lists and possibly to make my own :D Nicely done! <3
  4. Diamond

    Diamond Level I

    Feb 18, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Thank you! I have been wanting to make a list and this is a perfect guide!
  5. imjustjesus

    imjustjesus Level II

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Thanks a bunch! I want to make a list purely for NP and this guide helped so much! I think a good program that this site could use is a list maker!
  6. dochack

    dochack Level II

    Jan 3, 2010
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    In Da U.P. Eh
    Awesome guide junior! Thanks for all the tips! :D
  7. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Thanks for this guide mate. Will be looking for modify previous lists. Hope to start ABing again :)
  8. Dora

    Dora Level I

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Exellent guide you have here Junior, i will be using it when i get the chance. :)