Audition ~ Anyone ever play? ^_^ It's a fun dancing game ahaha. 8) I reckon it's pretty fun. Most definitely not /extremely/ addicting. It's more of a "I'm bored.. what to do..Let's play Audi" X3. Just a thing, if you're going to try it out.. Don't quit after one go. ;P It's really boring in the beginning, mainly because this game is skill-based. 8DD; So you have to get better. < 3 ^ Just a screenshot. I'm the one on the floor. o.o;;;
Ohh...I've heard of this but never played it before. Maybe I'll give it a try in the weekend, browsing the site now and looks pretty interesting. ^^
Ahah yeh, it's pretty awesome. :3 Not that well known, but it's not like it's a /small/ community. Many people play. |D And yeh, huge download though. o_o;;
Yeah, that kinda turned me off a bit, but I've downloaded worse than that before though. I've only played one other dance game like this, more popular though but I can't remember the name. ^^;; The characters look really cute! >3<
more popular though but I can't remember the name. ^^;; ^ Hmm, perhaps another audition? XD There's like 3 audis out there, all the same. ;3 There was one from Nexon before... XD Eh. Oh and yeh, the graphics are really good. 8) And the characters are cute. <3
Audition... *wave of nostalgia* And oh my goodness - how long ago was that screenshot? ._. I used to know Yoshi when I played, but that was a LONG time ago. XD
Woww. Really? :3 If it was ages ago, probably from nexon.. The actual screenshot was only from like...a few months ago. XD He must still play. o.o; Did you play? ;D I might've known you.. x3 ~
Yeah, I think it was from Nexon now that you mention it. xP I never got the hang of these games, involve a lot of patience and skill. So never got addicted to it. xD
Ahaha yeh. :3 But once you get good at it, it really is quite fun. Especially now that they have fams, which is like 'guilds' but you can verse other people in different fams. 8D I find that the most exciting. x3 Yep, probably. Are you going to try it though? ;3
Haha, not sure if you knew me - I usually BPed/CC4ed/bboyed/spammed the lobby crazily with my friend. XD I'll pm you my old ign? I've actually been considering going back, since some of my old friends have gone back too... D:
Ahaha wow. :3 I knew one of your friends. XDD Coincidence much? ;3 That. XD I did that so much. Perhaps you remember me? Oh yeh, I should've pmed my ign with the pm.. >u> -goes to pm you again- I've had a few, actually.. xD
It's like a DDR, but on computer I was NEVER good at these games, but I will try it tomorrow as I have nothing better to do
Yay! ^_^ If you play tomorrow, around this time, tell me yeh? :3 I shall play with you. ^_^ My IGN is 'FTL' as you can probably see. heh. xD Naw yeh, but it's better than ddr..sort of. It's sideways..? XD But there's a mode like ddr called 'beat up'
Fams, sounds cool. xDD I'd love to play games like this, only that I have no time. OTL If school didn't exist I'd sit in front of the computer and play online games all day.
Ahah , that. xD =3= Meh, that would be pretty bad for us though 8) we'd get super unhealthy and prolly die at the age of 20 from starvation since we won't be going out to get a job. XD /kidding. ;3
Naww, well you can always play it another time. XD I don't think it's going to disappear. 8D Tell me what you think about it, yeh? :3