Legilize Marijuana?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Palmer, Mar 28, 2010.

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  1. Palmer

    Palmer Newbie

    Mar 27, 2010
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    I want to know what your view is, no matter where you live, your age, sex, past experience, lets hear it.
  2. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I'm kinda neutral about this. I don't smoke it myself, but I know people doing it, and they aren't addicted to it - they just smoke at some parties etc. they can function without it.
    And then I think of alcohol, which is pretty damaging to people when you think of a long-term addiction, marijuana can be used in a treatment as far as I know, and it can be used to much more than just getting high.
    But on the other side, I'm still a bit against it. I think, if it gets more accesable, more people will start smoking and not take the consequences seriously. I know I might start, and I really don't want to. I have tried it, and it isn't something that interests me, but maybe it would if more people began to smoke it o.o ? idk, I think it's a difficult question.
  3. patricksays

    patricksays Level II

    Mar 9, 2010
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    New York Cityyy D;
    Marajuana should be legalized :) there will be more income to most people, and the govt can tax it :)
  4. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Considering other crappy human made drugs, I think marijuana wins in the kindness department. It's a natural grown drug, that gets you high..

    To be honest, I really don't like the smell of weed, I hate smelling it; especially when some of my friends smell it and go "omg that smells so good..." and yeah. I detest the idea that there will be people walking on the bus smelling like that, and laughing because they are high. So should they legalize it, there should be some ground rules. Other than that I think it's not that big of a deal to legalize it.
  5. gregoden52

    gregoden52 Level III

    Feb 1, 2009
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    I'm all for it...But, as mooie said above, there MUST be guidelines/rules.
  6. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    "It's a natural grown drug"

    Well there is the first mistake.... Hardly anyone grows it naturally anymore.. Well at least not in Australia where I live. It's all done Hydroponically with chemicals to help it grow faster and that's what makes it bad...

    And I don't know what everyone else's experiences are like but I've had to deal with people that it has had bad effects on... Like drug induced psychosis... No one thinks about these things at the time..

    Not to mention the lower reaction times and stuff.. We don't allow drink driving for the same reason..

    I'm all for it for medical purposes.. go for gold. But if it gets legalized then I can see the bad effects it will have on society.... (Although, I may be bias towards this subject due to having to deal with the people that it effects badly all the time :p)
  7. Angelika

    Angelika Moderator

    Dec 25, 2006
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    I think it would be smart to legalize and tax the heck out of it. If there were the proper regulations, I bet it could work.
  8. hungkungphooie

    hungkungphooie Level I

    Nov 3, 2009
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    In MY opinion, I don't really want it to be legalized. I've smoked pot for quite some time now and I have to say that the fact that it is ILLEGAL has put me through so many adventures! I'd have it no other way. I've climbed on to roofs, smoked on cliffs etc... all because we've always had to find a secluded place to smoke. Besides, how many times have you actually gotten in trouble with the authorities because you had pot? Most people will say never. Why? because you only get screwed over if your selling that shit, and if you are, you'd lose business if it was legalized.
    Another thing. Weed being illegal just makes it more interesting I guess. People who don't like to do illegal things will avoid it just because of that. If society was permitted to burn the ganj, it'd be like cigarettes. Lame. Whatever i'm over it. Too high to finish.
  9. gregoden52

    gregoden52 Level III

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Great point...never thought of that lol. I think it will be legalized though...sooner or later :O
  10. xoffcolor

    xoffcolor Level I

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Completely agreed. Except I love the smell of it. And most weed isn't grown naturally, unfortunately. I have smoked both weed that is natural, and weed that isn't, and, I hate to say it, the man-made kind holds more of an attraction to me. Just because the high is much more intense.

    At the same time, though, I have mixed feelings about it being legalized. It IS fun to be sneaking around and trying to hide it, but it's also SUCH a nuisance. Especially when it's like 'Oh fuck, there's a cop. I thought no one came back here' and shit like that. If it had guidelines, though, I think I'd be okay with it. But with weed legalized comes guidelines. With guidelines comes people who want to break them and will cause even more trouble. :/
  11. enigmaenigmas

    enigmaenigmas Level I

    Apr 5, 2010
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    I think Marijuana these days is so genetically modified in all forms that to make it legal is a horrible idea and society would be worse off
  12. creeping_death

    creeping_death Level I

    Apr 7, 2010
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    I smoke on the regular and i am all for this. I am tired of getting shorted or having to goto shady ppl's homes / meeting ppl in parking lots for this. Just legalize it so i know what i'm getting and plus i'm sure it would be a lot better if growers were monitered by fda or w/e. you guys keep talking about chemicals in the buds.. are you talking bout kb's or what? o.o
  13. saint

    saint Newbie

    Dec 23, 2009
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    I'm definately all for legalization!!

    100% natural weed is great and legalizing it would keep it all organic and medical grade which is awesome. It'll stop the Sh*t that has all the added chemicals in it (which is what causes problems) and it'll add to the economy. People are gonna smoke either way, legal or not, so why not just make it legal and help control it? The fact is it is safer than alcohol and it does have medical properties. Does this mean everyone should smoke? Hell no, of course not BUT does it mean everyone should have a choice to smoke if they wish? Yes. It's just a matter of time, weed will be legalized. *Cross fingers* for the November Ballot in California! That could be the start.
  14. susher23

    susher23 Level I

    Apr 2, 2010
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    I think all drugs should be legal, it up to the person to take what ever they want, same priciples as buying a big mac or buying a car, you control your what you do, if you want to cluck up your life then so be it
  15. BlazinDivah

    BlazinDivah Level III

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Ontario CANADA
    I smoke on a daily basis and have for many yrs... hence the "Blazin" part of my s/n :p however, Im still not sure where I stand on the whole legalization thing...since theres many "pros" and even many "cons" to the whole situation. Reading the posts their seems to be different opinions on legalizing it, hows its grown and what would happen if it WAS legal which keeps me on the fence even more.

    I live in Ontario, Canada on 88 acres of land and have grown both inside and out. Outside my plants need nothing... except to be checked on once and awhile since little bastards like to steal them..and some water if its dry. Inside plants...Need a little bit more attention but Ive never used anything more then some nice warm lights, a watering can and MAYBE a little bit of fertilizer depending, but not usually. o_O ... so I dont know what all this shit is about chemicals and weed. Those words shouldnt even be in the same sentence together! LOL.. which brings me to my next point..

    I was completely oblivious to the fact that things like this were happening while growing pot....but i guess the Mexican Drug Cartel grow a little more then me *see spolier* :arf:
    "Irrigation tubes that snake for a mile or more over forested ridges. Pesticides that have drained into creeks and entered the food chain, sickening wildlife. Piles of trash and human waste in the most rugged and bucolic drainages."

    But at the same time, things like this sound like a pretty good idea too! *see spoiler 2* ;p;
    "Outside of the obvious benefits of hemp -- can be used as a bio-diesel, burns cleanly, makes soil stronger, sturdier paper, etc. -- organic and sustainable practices for growing marijuana would bring in tons of revenue for the states, clear up the environment, and save the government $150 billion on policing and courts, since 47.5% of all drug arrests are marijuana-related. "
    And.. of course im in full agreement with creeping_death.. im sick of getting shorted and having to meet in the shittest locations just to pick up :p

    There fore, I think legalizing pot would be beneficial in the end but like many of you said, certain laws would have to be applied for sure.
  16. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Well there is the first mistake... If it was legal, I'm fairly sure that alot of people would grow it themselves, without chemicals or hydroponics. You wouldn'thave to hide your plant anymore, so you could easily put it in the window or on the balcony and harvest when it's done. Of course people would continue to grow it in not-so-good ways, but like you can see ecological alternatives pretty much anywhere in a store, a market for ecologically grown weed would evolve as well. The pressure from consumers would cause this.

    I've never met a person ho have experienced this, but I am not going to dismiss it since it does happen. But like everything else, it needs to be put in a bigger perspective. I think that the low "addictiveness" (lol) makes up for this, considering the slim-to-none chance of getting a psychosis from marijuana.

    And why would we allow smoking and driving? I'd ask for the same regulations and laws on legal marijuana as the current ones enforced on drinking.

    I don't smoke marijuana anymore. Well I do take a single puff a few times a year when my friends smoke, but not as to get stoned, because the taste works as a reminder of good old summers.
    But I'd like to see marijuana legal, it would stimulate the economy, work against peole moving on to heavier drugs, work as a great substitute for alchol due to the many different kinds of "rushes" and of course there's the medical reasons. =)
  17. she_devil101

    she_devil101 Level IV

    Jun 18, 2007
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    I'm definitely 100% for legalization. I see it as far less damaging than cigarettes OR alcohol.
    And about not legalizing it because it's so much more fun having 'adventures to get it or smoke it', I just feel like that's silly. I feel like it's a pain in the ass to have to KNOW someone or find someone, then probably drive all around god's earth to get it --- and you can just hope that person has re-upped or decided to give you a deal that day or something. I'd rather be in a situation where I can just be like "well i'm going to the weed store be back in 10."

  18. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Uhm there are some fields near my blocks [2-3 streets away] that seem to grow all kinds of plants and I've heard stories that marijuana grows there too but I've seen only weird people there. and there's a gypsy camp 200-300 metres away from this field near an abandoned pool or something [which is now kind of swampy] and trees cover the gypsy camp and provide some shelter.

    Okay now my actual opinion about legalizing marijuana. No freaking way. In Netherlands I think it's legalized (not sure though) because I heard conversations that some people wanna go there only for these kind of reasons. There are always the legal plants that you can smoke (marijuana isn't the only drug) so if they legalize it, they must legalize all other plant-based drugs. Which would have more effect than the Vietnam War and the Agent Orange effect [wiki it if you don't know what I'm talking about] only people will smoke it willingly.

    Talking about marijuana, also know as cannabis :

    Cannabis use has been found to have occurred as long ago as the third millennium B.C.[6] In modern times, the drug has been used for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal purposes. The United Nations (UN) estimated that in 2004 about 4% of the world's adult population (162 million people) use cannabis annually, and about 0.6% (22.5 million) use it on a daily basis.

    Now let's imagine a scenario. This and all the other plant drugs are legalized. Will these number grow? Naturally! because the curiosity grows. The majority of people stay away from forbidden stuff because of the afraid of punishment. Some of these people try at least once to see the facts and the shroud that cover the usage of that particular drug. Some try it for fun but develop an addiction.

    Now turning my post's background from white to black, I think our planet is overpopulated. People don't die as quickly as newborns are coming. Let's legalize every single thing that can harm us and our rational mind and see what happens.
  19. creeping_death

    creeping_death Level I

    Apr 7, 2010
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    "There is always the legal plants that you can smoke (marijuana isn't the only drug) so if they legalize it, they must legalize all other plant-based drugs. "

    there is fallacy in your logic. just because they legalize marijuana doesn't mean they have to legalize every other smokable plant. if this is the case then everything should already be legal since smoking of tobacco is legal.

    "Cannabis use has been found to have occurred as long ago as the third millennium B.C.[6] In modern times, the drug has been used for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal purposes. The United Nations (UN) estimated that in 2004 about 4% of the world's adult population (162 million people) use cannabis annually, and about 0.6% (22.5 million) use it on a daily basis.

    Now let's imagine a scenario. This and all the other plant drugs are legalized. Will these number grow? Naturally! because the curiosity grows. The majority of people stay away from forbidden stuff because of the afraid of punishment. Some of these people try at least once to see the facts and the shroud that cover the usage of that particular drug. Some try it for fun but develop an addiction."

    On the other hand, the banning of marijuana creates a reverse effect as it dares rebellious teens to use the substance. It's very rare that people who smoke pot are caught, and the police around here mostly aren't too worried about it. As for addiction, physically there are no withdrawal symptoms so the mental addiction can be overcome by pure will power. In contrast, cigarettes have been proven to be much more detrimental to your health and the most addictive substance to quit, yet, are still legal. The current ban on pot reminds me of the old prohibition on alcohol. People are still going to find ways to get around it. Distribution is handled by mostly larger scale crime syndicates who then in turn sell to dealers who then in turn sell to the public. Most of the profits are going to crime organizations or thugs who only deal the society harm, however, they are also the only source so users will continually come back to them. If we were to legalize marijuana, these crime organizations would no longer be necessary for the distribution of pot. The government would be able to benefit from taxing the substance, in addition to delivering a big hit to criminals. The overall risk of buying the drug will decrease for users. Growing and curing could be more closely monitored to ensure the best quality. I believe leaving the choice of whether or not to smoke pot should be up to the individual consuming it, and ultimately it is. The current laws do little to deter the buying and consumption of pot (here, it is like a minor traffic ticket). If I want to buy pot, it's just a phone call away. I believe the pros from the legalization of pot greatly outweight the cons.

    sorry for the essay, i was really high
  20. Skinny

    Skinny Newbie

    Apr 10, 2010
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    Had I been asked a year ago, I would have probably said no. Now, I say yes. If states have legalized it for medicinal purposes, then obvious it can do some good to the body.

    I've never tried it and It's definitely not for me, I'm just afraid that people will constantly be doing it just because they can, but that's none of my business and I'm not sure why I should care.
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