Alright people, this is my own little semi-legit RSing guide, involving macros and javascript My first guide too, so be open minded! 1) Download the AutoHotKey program at: This will serve as the macro program for my little guide. You can read through the walkthrough on how to code the program like me, or just PM me for my own personal script (though it's better if you make the script yourself, so you know what key is a hotkey for what) 2) Open up the program, and you should get a taskbar icon like this: 3) Double click the icon to open the program. You should get a popup that resembles a text box. That is the actual program. Press File --> Edit Script like so: 4) Here's the fun part. After clicking "Edit Script," you should get a blank notepad screen (well as you can see, mine isn't blank). Here, you can change your keyboard keys into whatever hotkeys you desire. In a nutshell, the basic formatting code is :riginal key:what you want it to be) For example, say I type in ::w::2525 ::e::5252 ::r::9898 into my script. Then, I'd go to File --> Save As on my notepad like such *note* You MUST save your file as AutoHotkey.ahk : and then, I would go to my AutoHotKey window, and go to File --> Reload Script: 4.5) If you want a copy of the script that I use, just fire me a PM and I'll go PM you it. It's a tad long, so I won't post it in this guide. 5) Now, the REAL fun begins Since I just made macros for my w, e, and r buttons, they now represent 2525, 5252, and 9898 respectively. That means, whenever I type a "w" followed by a spacebar. Sorry, I know the spacebar part is annoying, but that's how the program works :/, then a "2525" will go in it's place. This is very useful IMO, coupled with a disabled javascript. I RS often in Coin, Clothing, Book, and Shell, and my w, e, and r keys make me LOTS (500k profit from 30 minutes of RSing yesterday ) 6) I only know how to disable Javascript in Firefox, but here's how to do it (though most of you probably know how already) Go to Tools --> Options in your Firefox browser. Uncheck the "enable javascript" box. This will get rid of the annoying "Do you want to haggle on item _____" popup. However, the flip side is that the neopets sidebar search box will not work, nor will the neopian clock run on its own. However, the Shop Wizard and Boards still work, so I don't mind it much at all ^^ 7) So all together, a typical RS should go as follows a) You see an item RS b) Click the item, bypassing the popup giving you an edge over other -legit- players c) Look at the item's price, and enter the appropriate hotkey for the macro you want. The price entering should be one, fluid action. Click on the haggle box, click on your hotkey, press spacebar, click on the pet. d) Good job on your RS, or better luck next time! 8) Although this does give you an advantage, it honestly does not compete with ABers. However, the chances of you getting frozen with this are close to 0%, unless you screw up and post on the boards without disabling your macros. To disable your macros, go back to the taskbar and right click your AutoHotKey icon, and click "Suspend Hotkeys." Plus, this still gives you -some- sense of satisfaction when you get the item 9) Not bad for a first guide, eh? I'll add more to this when I have time later, I'm a bit tired right now. If you have any questions, just ask! Credits: Me!
I already knew all this BUT... If this is your first Gui And its not plagurised then fuck me!!! 10/10
Interesting guide. Macroing is very useful for RSing, and I know it has quite a low freeze rate. Many people I know, who are RS & Chatters, use macros, and I've called them out on it .. but I don't think TNT care because you can't prove it. Definitely the best illegit way of RSing until you AB.
"you can't prove it." Example: {Legit restock: java turned on : no macro= about 3000`M/S - 5000`M/S to buy an item} {"Illigit": Java off: Macro on: 1500`M/S - 2500` M/S to buy an item} {Autobuyer: 1000`M/s- 2500`M/S to buy an item.} At which point cant you prove somthing fishy is going on? "you can't prove it." EDIT: M/S= Millisecond 1000`M/S = 1 second.
I was just saying TNT mustn't be able to prove it properly because the freeze rate of people who use macros when they RS is pretty low.
Glad I could be of a help. I was lurking around, and I found another useful Firefox built-in tool for RSing too, in some shops. If you go Tools --> Options --> Advanced, and check the "Search for text while I am typing" box, you can save some time searching for good items. For shops like Book or Stamp, where good items usually end in "000," just type "000" and Firefox will auto-highlight the matches
It's Alright. Try Making One Without Showing People Using Hot Keys. I Can Still snipe Item in auctions Without it . Or Using Bot
Why not just use the autohaggler greasemonkey app? It auto fills in the price box meaning that you just have to click on the OCR to buy the item. Saves a lot of extra time and is much simpler.
didn't know the autohaggler app existed. Ironically after you posted that, I looked it up and now I use it instead of my auto-hotkoey guide xD
Another thing you can do is to Adblock specific items in shops that you know aren't worth getting. That way, you can narrow down good items in shops with more ease (like in Book or Stamp). Example:
With all due respect, lana, that is not a good use of Adblock :nope: This is an Adblocked page: I spent a long time working on that.... that's the true bare minimum that you can shave a shop down to that still remains functional. I should state for the record, though, that even with that Adblock setting and ultra-fast page loads, a great internet connection, and auto-haggle enabled, I still missed 80% of the items I went after. <-------- definition of depressing
True, that is an adblocked page, but I like to have at least SOME visuals while RSing so it isn't as boring Like, I keep the shopkeeper there to keep track of what store I'm in, etc. etc 80%? I use Adblock + Autohaggle + No Javascript and I GET 80% of the things I see lol
Wow great guide; never knew you could do that, but then again I'm a complete noob when it comes to scripts and html Haha I still prefer ABer though since i'm lazy XD
This is great. .. I never once thought of using a hotkey program or hotkeys in any form or way to restock. I think I shall have to try this out later today and see how it goes because typing price in is the part that kills me everytime I believe.