Hey there, I'm new here and I'm not generally the type to get too immersed into forums for different games and stuff so I found a bit 'inconvenient' that you can't see the Black Market until after 40 posts. Now I've spoken to a couple of people since and have come to the understanding that the rule is in place to try and limit scammers from just coming in and posting, trying to scam people. So basically, would it be an idea to make it so that people with under 40 posts can 'read only' in the Black Market? I was only after getting some shells, unfortunately I can't even buy things because of the rule since it stops me from actually being able to see the forum... Just a thought...
"leeching" is discouraged here. and these rules are in place to keep the leechers and the scammers out, if anything, they should increase the post count required, not decrease it
I'm with Rise and Fall.. It's like that for safety reasons. If everyone could see what people were selling..Then it COULD cause problems. Also, if they could see something for sale they liked... they could then use PM's to buy from the user. That'd be the reason why you can't just "view only"
besides there are plenty of people around who "view only" the trades that go on, and then report them to TNT, i doubt theres been problems like that here cuz of this rule but on some of the other sites, screenshots of trade posts end on up on the BD chat and stuff like that
I agree, I think the requirements should stay the way they are. This isn't the only site that has a post requirement.. some actually have rep requirements on top of that lol. In all honesty, 40 posts really isn't THAT high of a standard, and a read only forum would defeat the purpose of having requirements to use it. Consider it a privilage of being a productive member
As I said... For 'sale' purposes, the limit should remain. However, for buy purposes, people should be able to see what was up for sale. For example, I got my 40 posts last night and all I ended up needing was 1 guy's name who I could message for some shells. Very simple, and I think the 40 posts were not a necessity, but simply, I didn't have anyone to ask for the name of a seller. If everyone is scared of what may happen if everyone can view it, maybe make a sub form in the Black Market where willing sellers can drop their name with their services.
We don't want people trading on the site.. Attempting to make trades before level 1 is frowned upon and a bannable matter. No deals can be done outside the black market.. no other board. For this reason, being able to view what is for sale, or getting someone else to tell you, would then allow you to PM that person and buy without using black market. This is why it is the way it is.. and I'm hoping it won't change...
Funny that, your on 34 posts? Looks like you had a lot deleted for spamming. Either was as it's been said before, 40 posts keeps peeping toms hidden Sellers more likely to sell, scammers less likely to scam. 40 posts is next to nothing. as long as you don't post utter crap.