There's not much to tell you about it, other than it's a (very) highly modified version of OpenTibia. The game is set in the world of Harry Potter, all of the spells and so on. There will be many quests, including a huge multi-stage one. There will be jobs, which will pay for every task you complete, and promote you through the ranks too. There will be a huge map, it is already about 40% complete (for release anyway). The economy of the game is completely player-controlled (no NPCs to buy all of your stuff, just some smaller items). There will be a higher emphasis on roleplaying than many other ORPGs. What I'm looking for are people that are interested enough to follow the progress of the game, and to encourage (or command me lol) to get this game up and released for the 1st of October this year. UPDATE: Official forums are located <--- right there MAHOOSIVE UPDATE! The game is now ONLINE! Hope to see you online! Look out for "Socks" (that's me) Basic controls: Arrow keys to move Ctrl+click on object to use it Shift+click on object to look at it (tells you the name of it, sometimes descriptions and details if it's a weapon etc) The battle window is where you target monsters you want to kill etc. There's not much more really to explain, the download for the game client is: ... Online.rar (also linked in the news page)
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) hey I'm interested and I would like to try it!!!! <3 <3 <3
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) sadly I can't host any server on this connection, it barely works as it is (my ISP put my mum's connection on something too high and they won't lower it, i live like 4 miles from the exchange, on DSL, that's 1mbps maximum lol) but i'll start posting screenshots of the game as it currently looks (lots of graphical changes to be made, but it's well on its way ) I'm also currently a one-man team, so any help with keeping me motivated is gratefully appreciated XD
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Wow you got a pretty big project over there. Surely more people from this friendly community would gladly help you if you really need! Good luck and I'm looking forward for those screenshots! <3
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) just a very quick sample of the graphics style: currently also looking for a team of Gamemasters to take care of any rulebreakers etc, you'll have the power to teleport anywhere and kick or ban players that break the rules, you'll also be the front-line for players that are having problems, naturally I'll be working as a GM while there's no progress/updates being made also, what a VIP account will get you: access to special hunting areas that only VIPs can access behind-the-scenes news of any new updates or improvements being made (if i can code it) an extra 10% experience points per monster killed special spells that only VIPs can cast access to VIP Village, a village available only to VIPs and each VIP will be given a house by myself in this village, these houses would normally cost around 100,000gp (which is a lot in game, trust me lol), trust me, they'll be awesome houses, many of them huge! another benifit to all NF players: first choice on special shops, including the fruit shop (the only way to get fruit in the game, which heals a lot), with unlimited access to the fruit trees! (I will, however, have to take a rent from these houses else you'll have too much free money ) I hope you're as excited about this game as me
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) I'd like to help you out, but I don''t have all the time in the world XD but I'd probably be able to look aroiund and give some feedback
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) OMG OMG where do I sign in????? gimme your MSN or something I want to sign in right away!!1! :O :O
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) haha i'll PM you my msn later or something glad someone's excited about it
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) I'm with Fasty on this one.. IT sound and looks like a sweet project.. I dont know how much time I'd have, but I'd be interested in giving it a go!! Fasty, keep us updated too
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) If I can get my friend to host a temporary test server I'll upload a temporary game client for you all to try it out on I'm glad there's plenty of enthusiasm here. It's hard to find people as excited about this game coming out as I am. I've put around 50 hours into this game so far, working with an existing source code has helped greatly. Technically it's not legal, but because I'm not charging real money for anything on it then it's a grey area where there's no true laws covering it... besides, I know people with much bigger game servers than me that are charging real money and not going to court lol Today's progress: Improved some server scripts (too small to note exactly what lol) Expanded the map and fixed some small bugs in it. Improved the food system slightly. (in normal tibia you eat and it slowly heals you over time, on mine it's instant and food is a lot lighter, but heals less) Finished the wand making system. (Currently only available in a player-owned shop in Diagon Alley) Began work on the VIP town. If you want me to take a screenshot of the village/town as it looks right now I'll take one when I get back to working on it tonight so you can request to have certain houses reserved . Tomorrow/Tonight's work: Expand the map. Work on the main (HUUUUGE) quest. (Deathly Hallows quest) Possibly do some small graphics update work. Work on some job skills. (Ministry of Magic jobs to begin with. Sadly they'll be stuff like "kill X dragons" and so on) Wish me luck xD
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Sounds like an awesome project and you're really following through! I'm not sure if I could contribute in any way as I don't know anything about coding. I guess I could help you with some graphics, but I don't think you'd be interested since this seems like a project you have a very clear vision of. But I give you kudos for following through, wishes you all the luck with it and enjoy seeing more screenshots and maybe even try it out later on? =)
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) To make a game be awesome, it really has to have decent to good graphics. I would make that a high priority
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Neatoooo! Looks like something fancy to fill up my summer
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) i'd be interested in helping out i don't have that much time on my hands around october cuz school will have started up again but if you need a beta tester then you've got an experienced mmo player right here
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) LOL! Will TibiaBot work on this game? (I still have it on my computer from when I used to play Tibia!) xD
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Virre - any testing and trying to make the server crash will be awesome help ('cos then I can find out where any problems are left lol) Zero - I'm currently using the default graphics from the real game Tibia, but I'm hoping to expand them with my own graphics as soon as I get the main coding done Phee and ceneret0023 - hopefully I can get a test server up and running in the next week or so, as soon as it's up i'll give a link to the client download and all you have to do is use account "1" and password "1" to log into the account manager, so no need for a website... for now lol acidspiral - hmmm, i guess it technically would, but it would have little use as the spells are different, Elfbot would be much more useful for you haha but I have bot detection set up and it works pretty well thanks for all the interest in this game, hopefully it's as good as you hope it will be are there any features you'd like adding to the game? like the ability to get jobs in the game like Bounty Hunting (killing players that kill others for a reward) etc?
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Well that's no fun. xP Just hoping your game is better than sitting in a Rotworm cave for days and days collecting loot bags and exp! (The good old days...)
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) haha i miss those days, especially in Edron rots, got from level 8 to lvl 30 on my knight lol the game has much more of a roleplaying side to it, all of the Inns are player-owned, the drinks from there heal a lot more than food, (mana potions, but renamed and modified ), you can also sell the empty flasks back to the landlord for a few coins too, which means they cost less, but it's entirely up to the landlords to decide how much to charge. That's why there's 3 Inns to choose from. I'm sure if you ask nicely they'll also make bags or backpacks full of them to order . What else is there to do other than hunt? You can socialise in your school house's common room. Only your house can enter these, so there's also plenty of other places to go to. Originally I was going to have it so Hogsmeade is only open on weekends, but I changed it so it can be visited anytime, so you can visit there anytime you want. But be warned, there are high level players there, and they could kill you with one hit if you annoy them There's just so much to do in this game. You can make a career as a fisherman/woman and sell your catches to players at your own shop in Diagon Alley or in Hogsmeade. You can work in the ministry of magic. You can even be a teacher in the school! The current player ranks: Minister for Magic - me, a.k.a the owner, and the other highest ranked staff Ministry Official - they manage the community and have almost the same access as the Minister Teacher - Gamemasters of the servers, these select few will not only help the school but they will also be able to go out of the school whenever they wish. Head Student - these players do not have the power to ban players, but they will be assigned to Gamemasters, 5 per Gamemaster, and will assist them in every aspect such as helping new players etc Prefect - the first rung on the ladder, these players are assigned to Head Students, up to 10 per Head Student, they will spend most of the time in the Help channel to try and assist new players with their problems. They will not have any power, but are respected players that will be the first you speak to when you have a problem. Wizard - regular player rank I thought I'd share those with you. I'll most likely assign 1 Ministry Official from these forums, they will in turn decide who they can trust to be Teachers (2 of them), then the GMs can choose some players to assist them as head students, and so on and so on Don't worry, 99% of you will be assigned a role of some sort for now. Many will be prefects
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Bwahah. And then someday I will overthrow the Minister of Magic. > Nah just kidding. Being a Ministry Official would be fun though.
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Not with me in charge, mwahahaha. Also, there isn't JUST good, you can join the dark side and go all darth vader on everyone haha