[GUIDE] Setting Up Blaze MSABer v1.0

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Junior, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Guide to using Blaze MSABer V1.0 (Main Shop AutoBuyer)
    This download can be found here: downloads.php?d=284

    Hello everyone, this guide will help guide you through the steps for using Heya’s Blaze Main Shop AutoBuyer GM Script. I made this because when I first purchased and downloaded the program I had a lot of trouble understanding actually how to get it to work. Mainly due to the fact I had never used a GM Script before. This should help guide you through the steps to allow you to successfully use Blaze MSABer V1.0.

    Getting Started
    Okay what you will need before you plan to use this Autobuyer is the Browser Firefox. Firefox can be downloaded here:

    I currently use Firefox 3.5.8 and it works. I have not tested it on the newest version of Firefox, version 3.6 – So if you have troubles, try finding Firefox version 3.5.8.

    You will also require Firefox Extention/Ad-On called GreaseMonkey (OR GM for short). Greasemonkey can be downloaded here:

    This allows you to install/run/modify and ultimately use GM Scripts – Which is what Blaze MSABer V1.0 is.

    Obviously, you will also need to download the Blaze MSABer V1.0, which can be downloaded here:

    Make sure you save that somewhere you will remember and be able to find it, because you will need it to continue.

    Installing the ABer Script

    First off, start Firefox and have it open. Now go to wherever you saved the Blaze MSABer V1.0 file – Inside it you should have two different folders. One will be “__MACOSX” and the other will be “Blaze MSABer v1.0”. If you’re running a Mac I think you go for the one in the MACOSX folder. However, if you’re using Windows (Which is what this guide is based on), then open the Blaze MSABer v1.0 folder.

    Inside that folder will be a file called: “Blaze MSABer v1.0.user.js

    Now there are two ways you can do this, you can either click and drag that file into the address bar of Firefox. Then press enter/send/go, as if you were going to a website. Or you can do what I’ve shown in the below print screens.


    In the first printscreen image it has 3 different parts you will need to look out for, marked Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3.

    Step 1: Right click the file that we found earlier, click open with, select Firefox. If firefox is not on that list, then you will need to hit choose default program. This will bring up another popup, then select browse and find the firefox.exe file which will be inside your C: Drive, under programs, Mozilla Firefox. If you have Windows Vista 64bit it may be in the Programs x64 folder (mine was).

    So now it’s on the list above, select Firefox.

    If done correctly, and you already had a firefox window open, Step 2 should appear on your screen.

    Step 2: This parts easy, its just telling you it wants to install.. We duh, we know that. Click Install. That popup will disappear in seconds and then hopefully you see Step 3.

    Step 3: On the bottom corner of Firefox, you will see the monkey (Which means GreaseMonkey is installed) and next to that it should say ‘Blaze Auto Buyer v1.0’ installed successfully. If you don’t see this, it doesn’t really matter. Might just mean that you weren’t fast enough to catch it. It pops up and disappears pretty quickly. It should still have worked though.

    Modifying the Script So It Works

    Okay now for some reason this is where I got stuck. Log into Neopets under the account you plan to AB under. Now, the little monkey down the bottom in Firefox which you can see above should be in colour. That means GreaseMonkey is active. Right click the monkey and you should get the following popup:

    If yours has Blaze Auto buyer v1.0 instead of No Scripts installed, then skip this step. If yours looks like mine, then follow these next steps.

    Click on Manage User Scripts... – This will bring up a page like this:


    Now, see in included pages it has http://neopets.com/* - Click on that so its highlighted, then click Edit. Change the address so its http://www.neopets.com/* - It is very important that it has the www in there. Without it, it won’t work. And that’s the problem I had. (So small... yet so annoying)

    So now it’s been changed and has www included. Click the close button and you’ll go back to your normal firefox window. Now, refresh your browser and load ANY Neopets page, that you are logged in to.

    Now, when you right click the colourful monkey, you should see this:

    Yaay, that means it has worked so far.

    Accessing Autobuyer Interface/Settings

    Now go along your top Neopets toolbar until you get to shop. HOVER the mouse over the top of it, and a dropdown box will appear. You should see an extra option that says Edit Settings. If you don’t see that box, refresh your browser and try again. It will look like this (without the red lines around it, I did that so it would stand out):

    Click on the edit Settings and it will bring you to the Blaze AutoBuyer User Interface, which will look like this:

    (Image taken from Heya’s Blaze MSABer Information/Shawns GM ABing 101 guide)

    This will be in a normal window, and looks like it is part of the Neopets website. Your active pet will show on the side, your username will be along the top with your neopoints and everything else will be the same. Apart from this bit of course...

    Setting up the Settings

    This is where you set up the Autobuyer to how you want it. Along the top you see Shop 1, Shop 2, Shop 3 and Igloo: 1. This means you can have up to 3 shops running at a time, along with the Igloo. To choose the shop you want, put the Shop ID in the box. (Ie. Food Shop = 1. Magic = 2. Toy = 3 etc.) These ID’s can be found by visiting the shop you want to AB in and looking at the numbers on the end of the URL.

    In the big boxes under those headings, is where you copy and paste the list of items you want it to buy. I won’t go too much into lists, because there are other guides on how to get lists/make lists etc. However, if you do not already have lists, you can read about/download lists here:


    I still suggest making your own list once you know how, because some of the lists you get off the site had old items on them, or low profit/no profit/minus profit items. But they’ll be fine to get you started.

    Now the important part of selecting times. Note firstly, that some of them are in MILLISECONDS! This means that 1000 would = 1 second. 10000 would = 10 second. And 100000 would equal 100 seconds.

    Working out what times you want to use are completely up to you. The faster the times, the faster you can get Restock Banned, and the more chances you have of being Frozen. There are plenty of helpful guides around the place about “AB’n safely”. At the end of the day, its up to you to decide on the times you want.
    Also, make sure when putting numbers in you DONT USE ANY MARKS. For example, if you wanted it at 100 seconds, which would be 100,000 milliseconds, in the box you wouldn’t include the “,”. Just write it as 100000. This is important, just like any other Neopets page.

    Once all your times are chosen and put in, click save settings, and then go to the shops you want wanted to AB in!

    Yay, it’s set-up. Now what?

    CONGRATULATIONS! You just got Blaze MSABer set up and running. Now all you have to do is wait for it to buy something. You are able to browse the other Neopets pages while its running, just open a new tab.

    There are many ways in which you can improve your chances at getting stuff or make it faster, However this guide was only intended to assist with the Initial Setting up of the AutoBuyer.

    Here is a good guide written by Shawn, if you wish to optimize your GM Autobuying experience:


    Okay folks, there you have it. My guide on how to successfully set-up Heya’s Blaze MSABer v1.0. I hope this will help you understand how to set it up a bit better, especially if you were new to GreaseMonkey like I was. If you are still having trouble after reading this, feel free to PM me or Post and I will try to solve your problem. If I can’t, I’ll try and point you to someone who can.


    This guide was written by Junior.
    Most of the images were made by me, however thanks to Shawn and Heya for the Interface picture.
    Special thanks to Heya for making the Autobuyer Script – It’s cool once you get it running.
    Special thanks to Shawn for helping me with my problems initially, which assisted me understand where I went wrong and motivated me to make this guide to help others that may get stuck.
    And last but not least, Special thanks to Neofriends and all its Admins/Users for hosting all of this and making this community what it is today.

    (If I have missed anyone, it was not intentional just a mistake. Please notify me and I will edit it ASAP)

    Attached Files:

    Lightning and Commy like this.
  2. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Somewhere, lah.
    I'm honored you linked me. So that's the problem you faced. I didnt realise it (I changed that myself for some reason)
    Heather likes this.
  3. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Haha yea.. the smallest of problems caused the biggest if issues :p

    You're guide inspired me. It deserves to be linked/given credit. And it covers some stuff that I don't.

    Thanks for all the help you offered me (and loco :p). +repped for that :)
    Heather likes this.
  4. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I'm glad to know I'm not crazy and it did actually install correctly... just had to find the right place to open it :)

    And thank you Shawn for trying to help!!! I really appreciate it :)
  5. 3dee

    3dee Level III

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Nice guide, informative, and good for people who haven't used GM scripts before.
  6. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    Dunno if this is the right place for a question about the script... but...
    does this script buy items your browser doesn't see?
    I'm meaning, does it buy items from the bottom row, where they are loaded, but you can't actually see them

    Also, does it alert you in anyway that an item has been bought?
    Edit - When I tested it, it tries to buy things from the bottom of the browser, but it fails. It said Error: Oops, no stock ID. That's not good :arf:
  7. Junior

    Junior Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    ...Maybe try zooming out of the page?

    I'm not the coder so I've got no idea. I was just writing a guide to assist setting it up.

    I can't imagine it not buying it because you can't "see" it with your eyes... It goes off the page script so would "know and see" that it restocked...

    This will be a question you'll have to raise with Heya as I cannot make comment on something I've not made.
  8. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    After a bit more testing, I found it works!
    It will NOT show the successful buy page, but the item appears in my inventory
  9. Junior

    Junior Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Oh that's strange...

    I was going to say, I've managed to get items that I've not actually seen with my eyes so I knew it had it work...

    At least it works though :)
  10. Pea

    Pea Newbie

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Looks like something i should try, One thing, Is it safe or not?
  11. Anais

    Anais Newbie

    Aug 7, 2010
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    good guide!!! thanks :yup: :yup: :yup:
  12. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Quick question: for the ABer, is it possible to set it so as to only AB in ONE shop?

    Also, i'm not seeing the edit settings button. Help?
  13. Junior

    Junior Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Yes, just don't put lists or shop ID's in the other boxes.

    Make sure you have the GM Script activated. The monkey should be coloured, and if you right click it the list of GM Scripts should show in the pop-up, with blaze having a tick next to it. Then go to a shop.

    http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?ty ... obj_type=1

    (for example)

    Now along the toolbar, hover over shops, and then edit settings WILL appear at the bottom of the list. IT DOES work, because I'm doing it as we speak. (make sure you've followed all other steps in my guide!)
  14. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Worked, thanks a lot. I didn't wait for the page to finish loading before i checked. Thanks for all your help :).

    P.S. You've been a great mod so far.

    EDIT: How do you change refresh rate? - Answered view PM :)
  15. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Hm... nice guide. I will fix every problem and add more features in the very near future, so you might wana update the guide then xD

    But... That might not be for a week or two :)
  16. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    ABer has been updated, you might want to update your guide ;)
  17. ashaun69

    ashaun69 Newbie

    Sep 26, 2010
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    where can i get list ab from ?
  18. akatsukibug

    akatsukibug Level I

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Thanks! I currently use acheter ultime but I'll try this too when I have the time :D