OK so recently I've been watching some UFO/ Alien detective shows, and the more I watch the more I believe. There are also many videos I found on YouTube, so you decide for yourself what you make of them. Here are two of my favorites: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlLN_Jcg1pc[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-RPWhigpQg&annotation_id=annotation_194423&feature=iv[/youtube] If you find any other good evidence (vids/ photos) please post them. So, UFO/Aliens Fact or Fiction. If you believe they exist, do you think they have visited us?
Wasn't there recently a UFO over an airport in China? And like they shut down the airport for it? But now they're saying it was some military something or other... I'm not really sure if I think they exist or not. I'm gonna say they do, but they are either avoiding us or don't want to bother with us.
Yea i saw that too ^. It is a bit creepy to think about UFOs and aliens and such, yet at the same time it is quite fascinating. Its good to know that theres other intelligent life forms out there that arent insane power hungry humans XP. Who play neopets.
There is some crazy stuff going. Here's another video that seems impossible: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxph_P9A95U&feature=related[/youtube]
Personally, I think they're real. And if the government is hiding it or whatnot, it's probably a good choice cause everyone would just freak out. I think that space is so huge that there's a good chance there's other living beings out there; some that may be more advanced than us and can travel far distances. Just my two cents. (Yay roswell)
I didn't watch them all.. about 4mins of each though. I've always been one to beleive that there is more out there. How can the universe be so damn big and us the only "living" ones > on Earth? I beleive that there is something more out there.. At the end of the day, the Government cover up alot of things.. This is probably just another one of those things...
It is impossible to rule out that alien life exists. Nevertheless, I am skeptical about the reliability of most of these sightings because people can easily mistake naturally phenomena for UFOs. For instance, this kind of cloud has been mistakenly reported as UFOs in the past.
Yeah, there is no doubt that some sightings can be explained, but others are simply unexplainable. Those are the ones you really have to think about and wonder.
These aliens must be very technologically advanced if they managed to arrive on earth. Isn't the closest habitable star system (by human standards) 20 light years away? So either they have already developed light speed or close to light speed travel, or have extremely longevity... Otherwise they should have died of old age on the way here...
ahh the Alien topic lol My friends think im absolutely insane due to the fact I SWEAR I SEEN a UFO before XD Hahaha and The Fourth Kind scared the absolute shit out of me I wont even go near owls now! However, I did research the "truth" to the movie and even though most of the video clips are true, some are not. I wont say much for those of you who haven't seen it and still want to. I do think that there are TONS of other life forms out there, call them Aliens if you will, I just dont think there green with big eyes and creepy fingers like us humans have thought them up to be. . . AND *takes a breath* I think the C.I.A is absolutely up to something with there Area 51s and cover ups and I know im not the only one who wants to know whats goin on up there lol EDIT: Holy special you have more posts them me now.. lol XD
Hahaha I remember watching the trailer for the Fourth Kind and I was way too scared to even watch it. I've never actually seen a UFO but I'm sure they exist and that there's some government cover up. I swear just typing this makes me feel like some lunatic.
Lol, what do UFO's have to do with owls ? I've never seen a UFO with my own eyes, I wish I would though, for some reason videos just don't do it for me. PS. Didn't I always have more posts than you. EDIT: lol, NVM I'm guessing the "Fourth Kind" is a movie with scary Owls in it. XD
Made this post a while ago on a different thread but my opinion remains the same. Basically, UFO exist, anything in the air that we don't know is an UFO. But we need to remember that most of the earth has no living humans or humans that don't understand the concept or idea of aliens and whatnot so if aliens do land it's likely that they will touch somewhere where they won't be reported. I remember seeing some video on the history channel where the USA landed airplanes and built an airbase in a remote island in order to bomb Japan and have a better control of the Pacific in WWII. The tribe there, having no outside experience with humans, had no idea what these airplanes were and worshiped them as gods since they could fly away and gave them food and whatnot. Maybe the Milky Way is an airbase for spaceships between the battling Galaxies. Dun dun dun!!
We don't know if there is a way all of these thing can be negated! we just own one Planet! and we are not even a Planetary power, we're divided as hell. There are certain stages of development and we can safely assume that if aliens have reached us , they probably inhabit at least 2 planets! as if I believe it or not....yes I do <3
I agree with that. My brother and I were wondering about the incident in China last week and after doing some youtube and google searching my brother pretty much proved to me that it was a plasma trail from a Russian missile, and I agree with him.
Do you have any links to the stuff your brother found? (I can't find anything about Russian missile plasma trails for some reason... ) I really want to see.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnszlJC8iGs This is the russian thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi_SLgjoxFY Usually ICBMs (intercontinental ballistics missiles) are launched straight up then down again towards their target. This one was possible launched by north korea because they have no idea wth they're doing. (Thank god). 30 seconds into the first video, it appears as if this UFO has either reached the speed of sound or broke apart with a nuclear warhead. It was a nuclear warhead it would have been a dud because it was probably some test of some sort. The vapor trail in the first video is because this was taken around dusk, which means when that object is up higher the sun's reflection reflects onto the vapor trail.
Thanks! Very informative! Hm, the video of the Chinese UFO that got people into an uproar is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTPTrOfaN0U But it most likely has been doctored in some way...