Story: [youtube][/youtube] Remix: [youtube][/youtube]
Ahahah, I just posted this a few days ago. So so so funny news-and-sports-f7/does-this-count-as-news-t34538.html
I think most of us are laughing at the Brother... Not because of what happened. Although, it does sound slightly exaggerated and possibly fictional But the brother.. he makes my day. (Finally got the first video to work!)
LOL I just watched this... I'm sorry but some people are just plain funny. How are you supposed to take that guy seriously? I'm surprised the newscasters didn't crack a smile or start laughing lol.
I like this version of the song the best : So funny! That guy is hilarious. I heard he has like deals to go on TV shows and stuff. I do feel kinda bad for laughing, but at least something good is coming out of a bad situation.
Oops! I was at work and couldn't listen to the video with sound on but it looked like a different one than the one I saw. My bad.