Is this still going on? I just saw it today and I love HP, as well as online RPs. How does OpenTibia work anyway? Looking forward to the next update
Damn, I didn't make the beta. How does the game work? Can something enlighten me? Is it a typical RP site similar to this one?
Oh really? Did the makers correlate with the copyright for HP? If this makes it big, they could face legal problems if they didn't. And if it IS like runescape, then I think it does have the potential to become big.
I'm not sure if this is offtopic but I just visited I believe that's your site? Is it in relation the Harry Potter online/runescape-like thing we've been discussing? is the official forum for the game. It is not a forum for only the game though. It is for general Harry potter discussions and it has a category for the game. Some forum features like points and others might later be made a perk for active forum members in which they can acquire special items
I just came back from the forum. Are you the maker of the game? Haha! You've been hiding something from me, Shawn. The forum says your the admin!
BUMP!!! The server is now -ONLINE- See post #1 for full details! Also Shawn is not me, but he is part of the customer support team