It can be very difficult to understand the acronyms or things people are talking about on the pound boards, so I figured I would just make a guide with the knowledge I have about it =P I have been chatting there pretty often, but now I don't go there as much, so I might not know everything ;D ACRONYMS Names To most of the pound chatters, names matters a lot! - You also might bump into people who don't care, but sometimes just the names can be traded for a very good painted pet RW = Real word. This means that a pet's name is a real word, for example "Love". Most people only want English real words. RN = Real name. The pet has a name that exist in real life. For example "Emily". Most people want common names and not misspelled names like: Lendsiy, but you might be able to trade the misspelled ones for something good if it looks a lot like a real name. VWN/WN/DN/BN = Very well named, well named, decent named and bad named. Very well named pets are often short (2-5 letters) with no underscores or numbers and with a capitalized first letter, well named pets are the same, though some people consider pets with a single number as well named, decent named ones are often in the format _Xxxxx_ or something, that doesn't look THAT bad, or just with a non-capitalized first letter, and bad names are often in the formats of _xx###xxx##_## or something like that xD Species UC = This means unconverted. Most unconverted pets go for expensive pets like draiks. AV = And avatar pet. This is a pet that will get you an avatar, like snow pets or sick pets ^__^ Lab rat = This is a pet that a person has been labbing, so it doesn't have that high stats FFQ = Fountain Faerie Quest. This is a quest you can get in a random event and by completing it, you can paint your pet ALMOST every color. Read more here; ... ie-quests/ Custom = This means that a person is willing to paint a pet of your choice to trade for your pet. So, you give them the name, they paint it. They often go like; 600k custom up for trade, meaning they will paint a pet with a paint brush worth up to 600k. When offering, you should state what kind of custom you want for your pet "Slangs" UFA = Up for adoption OTB = Offer to beat UFQA = Up for quick adoption - someone wants to adopt their pet out quickly. Often means no apps or just short apps Apps = Some people require applications for the pets they have up for trade. It is against the rules to ask for applications, but it is okay if you state somewhere in your application that you did it on your own free will =D UFQT = Up for quick trade. People want to trade their pet quickly :b Usually means this month - check how many trades pr month you have here; general-chit-chat-f6/new-transfer-system-t32215.html (By Junior ) UFT = Up for trade. Pound surfs = These are boards people make to browse the pound. When someone sees a painted/well named/LE pet, they will post the name and a few informations on the boards so people can go adopt the pet =) Dry pound = Means that there are no good pets in the pound Wet pound = Means that there are a lot of good pets in the pound LE pet = This is a pet that can only be created on special days or by morphing them. Meaning you cannot just go create the pet - like draiks, cybunnies, tonus (aren't that rare), jetsams etc. Pound release = Check this out neopets-information-f82/pound-release-t30777.html C: Impulse adopting = A person saw a pet in the pound and just adopted it without thinking :b When they create boards with this in the title it often means that they will either trade the pet or repound it D/UC/K(s) = Draiks, UCs & krawks. Often used as; ONLY SEEKING DUCKS or something in the lines of that Colors Mara = Maraquan RG/RB = Royal girl / Royal boy Basic = This is a pet with a basic color: blue, green, yellow or red. Werelupe = Halloween lupe OG = Orange grundo Cy = Cybunny IQ = Island Quiggle MR = Mummy Ruki FB = Fire blumaroo Fruit/Veg = Chias that has been zapped a fruit og vegetable color by the lab. Nightsteed = Halloween uni I will probably be adding more to this list, when I stumble over something on the pound chat that might be confusing :'D
Oooh thanks! This helps nublets like me understand some of that weird talk I see going on I had to keep asking people what they meant (I'll leave you alone now Loco ) "Remember you can only trade one pet out and recieve one pet each month via the "safe trade". " Thats the only error I see I can trade multiple pets safely because I'm an old fart Remember my little thread I made about trading pets? general-chit-chat-f6/new-transfer-system-t32215.html Haha.. Feel free to include that since its pet related
WOW, I had no idea xD I was so sure you only had one per month o.o But thanks for correcting that, I will add that =D
Everything looks good Freja =) I dunno if you wanna put Mara down, if you can't figure that out you're pretty dumb XD
there is a new term as well DUCK Draik UC Krawk so if someone says they are seeking DUCKS for their pet it means they only want a draik a krawk or an UC pet
Haha yeah that's such a weird term. I saw for the first time today too. I dont remember where though... It was either on the forums or the editorial? Haha, I was so confused when I first read that though.
I actually thought that the word DUCK is referring to Draik... They sound a little similar! :maha: Nice guide here!