Well. I saw John's list (Check it out here!) and I did remember that I had a stash of 5-lettered pets somewhere in my huge amounts of folders, so I decided to share! =) [COUNT: 82] Spoiler Vuare Vuere Vaoca Suyfe Heiae Jeiae Voaca Voeca Vuaca Saohu Sauui Uruie Vueca Vuoca Vuuca Vaioe Sivho Purhe Ueiae Yiean Saoei Vairm Vairt Savhu Vairz Vauyr Sifhe Vifhi Vifei Vefie Vusea Vutia Vuyia Vusev Vuhia Vuheu Vaheu Vylue Vusei Vusui Vuseq Vusee Vusey Vusep Venuj Vunyu Vuruy Vuriy Vurim Qaryu Aryuw Aryuy Aryut Urseh Avhue Avrue Ariuw Ariuf Kysru * Also on my list, but was taken, however is now currently stuck in the pound, so still up for grabs =) Kysep Kysed Vysey Vysem Fhese Ahese Vehus Vurev Vynit Acuvy Vhayu Vreyi Vuriy Vyriu Fuvre Aunru Aynre Arusn Vhusa Srase Srese Qrese Zrese I spent something like 3 hours looking through for these last year. xP Also, I just went through the list last night and sifted through ones that had been taken. (Sorry for the over amount of 'V' names, I was looking for a name for my own pet) =D Feel free to use, I have no need of them. =) Gawd, anyway, enjoy
I think 5 letters is too short personally, and I also really enjoy coming up with my own names, but I can imagine that being really helpful for the less creative people. (not meant to be insulting, I am a lyricist after all)
Yehh. =D I know what you mean. Anyway, I like thinking up my own names too..unless it's something that I really love, but can't get without trading. =) It's really up to the person, but some people can't be bothered looking and they might just find this list useful. XD
Thanks for this. I heard an account purge is coming soon, somewhere in October. So a lot more nice names should become available.
Oh I take one from it! Thanks so much for the list! It really helps a lot (I always have trouble on picking the right name for new lab rats!)
Wouldn't it be a bad idea to use these names though? Couldn't TNT be smart (for once) and see that they came off a cheating site?
You don't think millions of people around the world would think of these names? Using these names will be fine. No chance of icings (unless it is a rude word in any other language)
Are there still names on the list that aren't taken? I tried some a few weeks ago and it seemed like the ones I tried were all taken. :[ Side note: Anyone know any updates about the purge... Or when those names might be open? I've been trying everyday for a few of the petnames and usernames I've had my eye on but it seems like nada. i WANT MY NAMES.