list of all neopets game cheats

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by itachiuchiha, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. itachiuchiha

    itachiuchiha Newbie

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Went through sites grabing cheats so I keyword I could type this guide Note: these cheats were found at but i wrote this guide
    master cheat list
    All cheats are unlimited use unless specified otherwise

    Game Cheats

    Advert Attack nopopups - Type during gameplay to clear all pop-ups. Once per game.

    Attack of the Gummy Dice delightful - Type during gameplay to change the current dice into a morph dice. Once per game.
    explode - Type during gameplay to change the current gummy dice into a bomb. Once per game.
    gummydice - Type during gameplay to change the current gummy dice to a different random color. Once per game.

    Attack of the Revenge blackpawkeet - Type during gameplay on level 3 or higher to gain an extra life. Once per game.

    Attack of the Slorgs marrow - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.
    chargex4 - Type during gameplay to show the laser. Unlimited use.

    Biscuit Brigade recon - Type during gameplay to reveal the path. Unlimited use.
    retreat - Type during gameplay to reveal the path. Unlimited use.
    removedebris - Type during gameplay to remove the debris on the field. Once per game.

    Bouncy Supreme r - Type during gameplay to turn the Pterodactyl radar tracker on or off.
    bouncebouncebounce - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway lookoutbruno - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.
    monstermovie - Type during gameplay to turn the game black and white. Type again to go back to color.

    Carnival of Terror piecrust - Type during gameplay to fully restore ammo. Once per game.
    custard - Type during gameplay to fully restore health. Once per game.

    Castle Battles supercannonball - Type during gameplay for a massive cannonball. Once per game.

    Caves and Corridors freetime - Type during gameplay to pause time. Once per game.
    gimmeabreak - Type during gameplay to gain an extra life. Once per game.
    nomorerocks - Type during game play to get rid of rocks. Once per game.

    Chia Bomber 2 geoffrey - Type during gameplay or during level breaks for an extra life. Once per game.

    Crisis Courier kingaltador - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Clicking the little, black window in the bottom left corner of the title screen will load a level with structures that spell out "Weepit was here." (It's not much of a level, though.)

    Dice Escape topdown - Type during gameplay for a bird's-eye view of the game. (Type again to undo this view.)
    moretimeruki - Type during gameplay to reset the timer. Once per game.
    helpmeplease - Type during gameplay to reset the timer. Once per game.
    flybywire - Type during gameplay for a "wire" view of the game. (Type again to undo this view.)

    Dubloon Disaster scallywags - Type during gameplay to create a whirlpool. Once per game.

    Edna's Shadow edmoretime - Type during gameplay to add 25 seconds to the timer. Once per game.

    Escape from Meridell Castle valrigard - Type during gameplay to reset the clock. Once per game.

    Escape to Kreludor empulse - Type during gameplay to have an empulse effect. Once per game.

    Extreme Herder freeze - Type during gameplay to freeze Balthazar. Once per game.

    Faerie Bubbles bubbles - Type during gameplay to turn all bubbles into one type. Once per game.
    faerieland - Type during gameplay to turn the bubble in the cannon into a Rainbow Bubble. Once per game.
    slumberberry - Type during gameplay to push the bar up to the top. Once per game.
    stardust - Type during gameplay to turn the bubble in the cannon into a Nova Bubble. Once per game.

    Faerie Caves II quaglor - Type during gameplay to skip to the next level. Your points will be reset to 0. Unlimited use.

    Faerie Cloud Racers faerie - Type during gameplay to clear all obstacles. Once per game.

    Flycatcher deliciousflies - Type during gameplay for a free life. Once per game.

    Frumball kougra - Type when the level is beginning to skip that level. Your points will be reset to 0. Unlimited use.
    frumball - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Gourmet Club Bowls shepherd - Type on the main screen for double the points. Once per game.
    superbowl - Type during gameplay to skip the level. Your points will be reset to 0. Unlimited use.

    Grand Theft Ummagine ummaginethief - Type during gameplay to skip the level. Your score will decrease the first time you do this. If you continue to skip levels, your score will increase or decrease randomly each time, but it will remain a relatively low number. Unlimited use.

    Gwyl's Great Escape gwylsgreatestescapeever - On the main screen, click 'Continue Game' and type in this phrase to play a secret level.

    Hasee Bounce doughnutfruit - Type during gameplay to reset the clock. Once per game.
    pleasegivemeonemillionneopointsthankyouhasees - Type during game play for a little Easter egg. (It doesn't actually do anything, but '+1000000' flashes up on the screen and counts down to zero while Jimmi and Woogi fly around all over the place).

    Hannah and the Pirate Caves r - Type during gameplay to restart the level. This also uses up a life (so serves the same function as the restart option).

    Ice Cream Machine strawberryvanillachocolate - Type during the level breaks for an extra life. Once per game.

    Igloo Garage Sale - The Game frozensnowflake - Type during gameplay to be able to drop 7 items instead of 5. Once per game.

    Itchy Invasion pest - Type during gameplay to restore your Pest-B-Gone to full. Once per game.

    Jelly Blobs of Doom rainbownegg - Type during gameplay for a 20 point Rainbow Negg. Once per game.
    fishnegg - Type during gameplay for a 50 point Fish Negg. Once per game.
    marissa - Type on the screen with "Press the spacebar to play" and the text "Now are you happy?" will appear.

    Typing random letters will generate massive blue blobs of jelly.

    Jolly Jugglers magicjugglingballs - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Click on the Drackonack's eye to play the secret Drackonack Attack! level.

    Kiko Match II ineedmoretime - Type during gameplay for an extra fifteen seconds. Once per game.

    Kreludan Mining Corp. kreludor - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Korbat's Lab spiderbite - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.
    skip - Type during gameplay to skip a level. You will keep any points you have obtained so far. Unlimited use.
    monstermovie - Type during gameplay to turn the game black and white. Type again to go back to color.
    destroy - Type during gameplay to launch multiple balls. Once per game.

    Kou-Jong cyodrake - Type during gameplay for an extra hint. Once per game.

    Let It Slide stalactites - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    MAGAX: Destroyer II xagam - Type during gameplay to gain full health. Once per game.

    Maths Nightmare II letimiyasleep - Type during gameplay for a time bonus. Once per game.

    Meepit Juice Break juice-o-matic - Type during gameplay to reset all of the Meepits' timers. Once per game.
    meepits - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Meerca Chase II superextrahypergravitymode - Type on the main screen or during gameplay to unlock a secret mode.
    ferociousneggsareontheloose - Type on the main screen to enter ferocious mode. You must have selected "Hard" Difficulty first.

    Moon Rock Rampage rampage - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.
    superlaser - Type during gameplay for double laser range on that level. Once per game.
    novisitors - Type during gameplay for an extra 30 seconds. Once per game.

    Mootix Drop After selecting the mission's difficulty, press "up," "right," "up," "right," "up" using your keyboard arrow keys. Use the "left" and "down" arrow keys to change the symbols in each of the three spaces. Possible combinations and effects are as follows:

    Babaa, Mootix, Spyder - Makes the Mootix bigger.
    Babaa , Target, Spyder - Makes the Mootix heavier and gives you an extra 5 points.
    Mootix, Target, Babaa - Makes the controls backwards and gives you an extra 10 points.
    Mootix, Target, Mootix - Makes the Mootix smaller.
    Spyder, Target, Babaa - Makes the Mootix lighter.
    Spyder, Target, Mootix - Makes the Mootix faster.
    Spyder, Target, Target - Makes the Mootix never land.
    Target, Mootix, Babaa - Makes the Mootix invisible and gives you an extra 5 points.
    Target, Target, Spyder - Gives access to the Spyder level and gives you an extra 8 points.

    Mynci Beach Volleyball dirigibles - Type during gameplay to make a Kiko balloon fly across the screen. Unlimited use.
    turdle - Type during gameplay to get a Turdle on your opponent's side. Once per game.

    Neverending Boss Battle foreverandeverandever - Type before you press space bar to begin game to get an extra life. Once per game.

    Petpetsitter oscillabot - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Raiders of Maraqua 1morekarpohplease - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Scourge of the Lab Jellies boomshaketheroom - Type during gameplay to get extra bombs after your next move. Once per game.

    Snowball Fight snowghettiandmeatball - Type during gameplay for 10 extra snowballs. (Most useful when you have less than 40 snowballs.) Once per game.

    Snowmuncher buuuurrrrrrrrp - (1 B, 4 U's, 8 R's, & 1 P) Type during gameplay to gain 50% health back. Once per game.
    dieter - Typing this will multiply your score by 100, but it will not send that amount when you submit your score. Once per game.

    Sophie's Stew hungrymeowclops - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Spell or Starve channyhungry - Type during gameplay for an extra 30 seconds. Once per game.

    Stowaway Sting scrap - Type during gameplay to gain full health. Once per game.

    Sutek's Tomb pyramibread - Type during gameplay to show the next available combo. Unlimited use.
    plzsutekcanihavemoretime - Type during gameplay for an extra 30 seconds. Once per game.

    The Buzzer Game cheese - Type at the beginning of the game to show the cursor.
    salamander - Type while the timer is ticking to skip a level. You will not receive any points, however. Unlimited use.

    The Castle of Eliv Thade rehaxtint - Type during gameplay for an extra hint. Once per game.

    The Great Qasalan Caper caperiffic - Type during gameplay for a time bonus. Once per game.

    The Return of the Return of Dr Sloth drfranksloth - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    The Usul Suspects lumiwatergun - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Tyrannian Mini Golf When choosing a character, press the "tab" key on your keyboard four times, then press "enter" to play as Oliver, The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy.

    Tug 'O' War NOTE: these codes are for the old version of the game
    f - Type during gameplay on Level 2 or later and blood will spurt from the water, coating the screen momentarily, with white text that says "Oh Yeah!". A voice will also say "Fatality!" Once per level.
    lrslsts - Type after selecting Thiebos to play as him.
    sltltsr - Type after selecting Khadir to play as him.
    sslrtrl - Type after selecting Ramset to play as him.
    lrlrss - Type after selecting Horak to play as him.

    Ultimate Bullseye II catapult - Type during gameplay for a free power up. Once per game.

    Usuki Frenzy Navigate to the top right corner room and move in front of the computer. While holding down on the up arrow key, press the space bar, and a Ballerina Usuki will appear somewhere randomly in the room. Worth 16 points if you collect it. Once per game.

    Volcano Run II glubgar - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Warf Rescue Team trappedkadoaties - Type during gameplay for an extra life. Once per game.

    Whack - A - Staff Member a5paragu5 - Type during gameplay for a bigger mallet. Once per game.

    Wicked Wocky Wobble wocky - Type during gameplay when you have at least four items and a Buzzer will drop down and freeze your stack for a few seconds, provided he lands on your stack. Once per game.

    Zurroball Click the "N" on the spinning Grundo's suit to access the secret ball.
    :O :D :arf: :nope: o_O :zzz: :) :X: [...] ;) :p XD :lol: :kiss: :back: :| B) :tehe: :( >:) :funky: :maha: <3 :yup:
  2. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Nice list. Unfortunately, no credit was given to Jellyneo.
  3. itachiuchiha

    itachiuchiha Newbie

    Jun 20, 2009
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    i did get cheats from jellyneo but i wrote the guide myself ty

    oh i just fixed it to were it says credit to jellyneo

    EDIT: Please do not double post.
  4. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Mkay, now that credit is there, it's a great guide. :)
  5. theneoblackmarket

    Sep 2, 2010
    Likes Received:
    in the Ultimate Bullseye II catapult I managed 7 shots perfect, thanks!
    I won the avatar, and also managed to win a trofel, thanks! this guide is great, I can use them to other games too
  6. sheasell

    sheasell Newbie

    Feb 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    thank you! got another avatar n___n
  7. imperialdarknes

    imperialdarknes Level III

    Mar 3, 2012
    Likes Received:
    good list, i got 2 avatars so far