Neopian Battlefield Legends[Guide]

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by k1r0, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. k1r0

    k1r0 Level III

    Jan 6, 2007
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    This shall hopeful become quite an in depth guide to Neopian Battlefield Legends. Its still currently being worked on. If anyone can post or send me info on the parts that are '---' i would be very happy XD. Please tell me if i am missing anything or if anything needs improving. Thanks

    Due to some parts being quite long i have put parts in spoiler tags to make it simpler to read :)

    Part 1 What is Neopian Battlefield Legends?

    Part 2 The Interface

    Part 3 How To Play

    Part 4 Know Your Enemy

    Part 5 Towers

    Part 6 Maps

    Part 7 Tips & Strategy


    Part 1

    What is Neopian Battlefield Legends?

    Neopian Battlefield Legends is like your standard tower defence game, where the object of the game is to fend of the enemy team by placing towers to defeat and block of their path. You have the chance to play as Meridell or Darigan however both teams use the same towers.

    Enemies will come at you in many waves, the least being 20 and the maximum of 50, you will encounter many types of enemies which will be described later.


    Part 2

    The Interface

    Once the game has loaded you will have the chance to choose the campaign (Currently only one campaign is available 'Battle for Meridell' ).

    After choosing the campaign you can select a map, currently available are;
    Lord Kass Invasion (Easy)
    Storming Meridell Castle (Medium)
    King Snarl Is Not Amused (Medium, NC item)
    Meridell's Counter Attack (Hard)
    Courtyard Ambush (Hard, NC Item)

    After you can choose your team, Meridell or Darigan.

    The game will then take you to the game field, i shall be using Lord Kass Invasion as the example.


    This is the game screen, parts of the screen are labelled from A-G these are;

    A. These are your coins, used to purchase towers as well as to upgrade your towers
    B. This is your wave number
    C. Your current Score
    D. This is your current health, as a enemy passed to the end it will decrease -10 hp per enemy, once it drops to 0 game over.
    E. This shows you what enemies are coming up next and their maximum health.
    F. These are your towers, used to halt the enemy, hover over them for more information.
    G. The play/pause button.


    A. This is where the enemy shall be advancing from
    B. This is where the enemy are headed to.
    C. This is the enemy route, they shall follow this path to the end of the screen. This can be manipulated to extend the time it takes for enemies to reach the end.
    D. Red areas are impassible and you can not build towers on them.
    E. This is your tower, the black circle is its range. Different towers have different ranges.


    Part 3

    How To Play

    To begin play start by placing down any towers on the field, its a good idea to spend all of if not most of your coins at the begging of the game. After placing your towers press the play button, this will begin the first wave. Your towers will fire at any enemy that is in range and once you have defeated a foe you will gain some coins. You can upgrade, sell or use a towers special ability by selecting it at any point of the game, this will then bring up the relevant menu. You can pause the game at any point of the game by pressing the play/pause button.


    Part 4

    Know Your Enemy
    As you play Neopian Battlefield Legends you will encounter many enemies. The enemies follow the yellow path as seen above with some exceptions listed below. The enemies you may encounter range from the flying type to end of the wave boss's. Below is an over view for each team. The enemies will be listed in order of strength, weak - strong.
    (will include images of each creature when i can.)

    Playing As Meridell - Darigan Enemies

    Name: Drackonack
    Coins: 5 Coins per foe
    Ability The most common foe

    Name: Darigan Elemental
    Coins: 10 Coins per foe
    Ability Fast moving, Week

    Name: Skieth Guard
    Coins: 15 Coins per foe
    Ability No Ability

    Name: Draik Skeleton
    Coins: ---
    Ability No Ability

    Name: Eyrie Guard
    Coins: 20 Coins per foe
    Ability Flying, Fly above everything in a straight line to the end of the map.

    Name: Darigan Scorchio
    Coins: ---
    Ability Flying, Fly above everything in a straight line to the end of the map.

    Name: War Machine
    Coins: 30 Coins per foe
    Ability No Ability, Lots of Health

    Name: Morguss
    Coins: ---
    Ability Attacker, Will attack closest tower.

    Name: Bulgthak
    Coins: ---
    Ability Medium Difficulty Boss

    Name: Lord Kass
    Coins: ---
    Ability Hardest Difficulty Boss


    Playing As Darigan - Meridell Enemies

    Name: Peasant Militia
    Coins: 5 Coins per foe
    Ability The most common foe

    Name: Quiggle Runner
    Coins: 10 Coins per foe
    Ability Fast moving, Week

    Name: Skieth Defender
    Coins: 15 Coins per foe
    Ability No Ability

    Name: Draik Sentinel
    Coins: ---
    Ability No Ability

    Name: Quiggle Scout
    Coins: 20 Coins per foe
    Ability Flying, Fly above everything in a straight line to the end of the map.

    Name: Draik Solider
    Coins: ---
    Ability Flying, Fly above everything in a straight line to the end of the map.

    Name: Giant Tortum
    Coins: 30 Coins per foe
    Ability No Ability, Lots of Health

    Name: Danner
    Coins: ---
    Ability Attacker, Will attack closest tower.

    Name: Castle Defender
    Coins: ---
    Ability Medium Difficulty Boss

    Name: Jeran
    Coins: ---
    Ability Hardest Difficulty Boss


    Part 5

    There are 9 towers in total 5 are free and 4 are NC item. I don't buy NC items so i do not have information about the 4 NC items, how ever i shall try and find some A.S.A.P
    (Images shall be included soon)

    Free Towers

    Name: Wooden Tower
    Cost: 50 coins
    Upgrade: 30 coins
    Special: No special just cheap

    Name: Rapid Fire Tower
    Cost: 70 coins
    Upgrade: 60 coins
    Special: x2 damage of the Wooden Tower

    Name: Catapult Tower
    Cost: 150 coins
    Upgrade: 75 coins
    Special: Heavy damage but slow fire rate

    Name: Snowball Tower
    Cost: 200
    Upgrade: 100
    Special: Can slow down enemies, weak damage

    Name: Ranged Tower
    Cost: 225 coins
    Upgrade: 125 coins
    Special: Very long rage.

    NC Towers

    !!NC towers have a 30 day life period after which will no longer be available to use in the game in till you repurchase !!

    These will be updates A.S.A.P

    Name: Spiked Tower

    Name: Thumper Tower

    Name: Decoy Tower

    Name: Teleport Tower

    Part 6


    There are currently 5 maps available to play, 3 are free and 2 or NC maps.

    Free Maps

    Name: Lord Kass Invasion
    Difficulty: Easy
    Number of Waves: 20
    Boss: None
    Notes: Easy map good for practice, can be done using very few towers.

    Name: Storming Meridell Castle
    Difficulty: Medium
    Number of Waves: 35
    Boss: None
    Notes: Has an attacker that appears at the 7th, 15th ,19th , 27th and 32nd wave

    Name: Meridell's Counter Attack
    Difficulty: Hard
    Number of Waves: 50
    Boss: Yes
    Notes: To be added :p

    NC Towers

    NC maps once brought are permanent

    Name: King Skarl Is Not Amused
    Difficulty: Medium
    Number of Waves: 35
    Boss: Yes
    Notes: To Be Added

    Name: Courtyard Ambush
    Difficulty: Hard
    Number of Waves: 50
    Boss: Yes
    Notes: To Be Added
    Part 7

    Tips and Strategy

    To Be Added

    Please do not redistribute without asking for my permission first K1R0
    Commy likes this.
  2. Galifanakis

    Galifanakis Level I

    Aug 23, 2010
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    I like the guide. :) This game is pretty challenging (for me at least) and this has helped.
  3. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    It's a fun game. I don't see it as a huge challenge if you're willing to spend all your money you get from the enemies. The real challenge comes from using as few towers as possible and still winning.

    One fun way is to change their path just using the cheapest towers and make a huge winding path. That does get really boring later on.
  4. k1r0

    k1r0 Level III

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Im glad that this guide is of some use, soon i shall have the tips and strategy done and can show tips for each map :D

    Might also add a challenge section, where its a competition to see how few towers and coins it takes to complete a map :)
  5. powerof0

    powerof0 Level III

    Jun 27, 2010
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    It's nice that TNT has finally released a somewhat more complicated game! It's a bit like those other "tower defense" flash games online. But like Commy mentioned, the game isn't very challenging if you just make a huge maze with cheap towers.