List of game review scores!!!

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by imjustjesus, Oct 7, 2010.

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  1. imjustjesus

    imjustjesus Level II

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Im not sure if is posted somewhere else on the site... anyway here it is!


    987 - 200m Peanut Dash - None
    204 - Advert Attack - 830
    685 - Attack of the Gummy Dice - 6500
    201 - Attack of the Marblemen - 1000
    527 - Attack of the Revenge - 1800
    386 - Attack of the Slorgs - 5000
    482 - Balthazar Basher - None
    1026 - Barf Boat - None*
    968 - Berry Bash - 35000
    351 - Bilge Dice - None
    352 - Bilge Dice Streak - None
    941 - Biscuit Bregade - 7500
    447 - Black Pawkeet Slots - None
    448 - Black Pawkeet Slots Big Losers - None
    532 - Bouncy Supreme - 30000
    75 - Brain Tree Quest - None
    734- Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway - None
    799 - Bumble Beams - 3800
    902 - Carnival of Terror - 1000
    430 - Castle Battles - 5000
    627 - Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island - None
    155 - Cheeseroller - None
    239 - Chemistry for Beginners - 750
    539 - Chia Bomber 2 - 1565
    796 - Cooty Wars - 1730
    773 - Crisis Courier - 25000
    895 - Dar-BLAT!!! - None
    82 - Deckball - 150
    258 - Defender Trainer - 750
    453 - Destruct-O-Match III - 2800
    356 - Dice Escape - 1800
    10 - Dice-A-Roo - None
    178 - Double or Nothing - 5121
    772 - Dubloon Disaster - 7500
    962 - Dungeon Dash - 5001
    821 - Edna's Shadow - None
    197 - Escape from Meridell Castle - 1750
    400 - Escape to Kreludor - 1250
    585 - Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars - 1900
    149 - Extreme Herder - 450
    226 - Extreme Potato Counter - 184
    720 - Eye of the Storm - 8800
    358 - Faerie Bubbles - 2500
    846 - Faerie Bubbles(mirror) - 2500
    489 - Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest - None
    586 - Faerie Cloud Racers - 4000
    645 - Feed Florg - 265
    97 - Fetch! - None
    570 - Flycatcher - 3000
    88 - Food Club - None
    390 - Freaky Factory - 2100
    20 - Fruit Machine - None
    313 - Frumball - 10000
    159 - Gadgadsgame - 2500
    614 - Ghost Bopper - 1310
    887 - Goparokko - None
    919 - Goparokko(mirror) - None
    6 - Gormball - None
    330 - Gourmet Club Bowls - 2000
    212 - Grand Theft Ummagine - None
    48 - Grarrl Keno - None
    218 - Grumpy Old King - None
    668 - Gwyl's Great Escape - None
    473 - Hannah and the Ice Caves - 400000
    349 - Hannah and the Pirate Caves - None
    368 - Hasee Bounce - 525
    965 - Hot Dog Hero - 30000
    314 - Hubrid's Hero Heist - 126500
    538 - Hungry Skeith - 1250
    507 - Ice Cream Machine - 20000
    676 - Igloo Garage Sale - The Game - 1900
    160 - Illusens Glade - None
    656 - Imperial Exam - None
    182 - Invasion of Meridell - None
    713 - Itchy Invasion - 1700
    186 - Jhudoras Cloud - None
    359 - Jelly Blobs of Doom - 8000
    615 - Jolly Jugglers - 2550
    619 - Jubble Bubble - 5000
    1062 - Jungle Raiders - 1609
    381 - Kass Basher - 1600
    519 - Kiko Match II - 1050
    154 - Kiss the Mortog - 5901
    801 - Korbats Lab II - 13000
    707 - Kou-Jong - None
    404 - Kreludan Mining Corp. - None
    106 - Lenny Conundrum - None
    970 - Let It Slide - 3450
    1108 - Lost City Lanes - None*
    774 - Lost in Space Fungus - None
    763 - MAGAX: Destroyer II - None
    571 - Magma Blaster - None
    885 - Maths Nightmare 2 - 8800
    379 - Meepit Juice Break - 7000
    540 - Meepit vs. Feepit - 3500
    500 - Meerca Chase II - 2000
    767 - Meerca Chase II(mirror) - 2000
    444 - Moon Rock Rampage - 5500
    396 - Mootix Drop - 2000
    904 - Mop 'n' Bop - 35000
    1042 - Mutant Graveyard of Doom II - 5900
    315 - Mynci Beach Volleyball - 1190
    105 - Mystery Pic - None
    54 - NeggSweeper - None
    84 - NeggSweeper Cumulative - None
    342 - NeoBoard Avatar Collector - None
    552 - Neverending Boss Battle - 17500
    1048 - Nimmos Pond - None*
    231 - Petpet Battles - None
    553 - Petpet Cannonball - None
    1078 - Petpet Plunge - None*
    228 - Petpet Rescue - 500
    428 - Petpetsitter - 30000
    973 - Piper Panic - 6000
    170 - Plushie Tycoon - None
    587 - Pterattack - 5000
    68 - Pyramid Bonus - None
    67 - Pyramids - None
    248 - Raiders of Maraqua - 2000
    934 - Ready To Roll - None
    794 - Revel Roundup - 239
    220 - Rink Runner - 450
    820 - Roodoku - 2040
    177 - Round Table Poker - None
    600 - Ruins Rampage - 305
    76 - Sakhmet Solitaire - None
    77 - Sakhmet Solitaire Bonus - None
    70 - Scarab 21 - None
    69 - Scarab 21 Cumulative - None
    8 - Scorchy Slots - None
    760 - Scourge of the Lab Jellies - 10000
    157 - Sewage Surfer - None
    151 - Shapeshifter - None
    877 - Shenkuu River Rush - 2000
    1075 - Shenkuu Tangram - None*
    786 - Shenkuu Warrior - None
    340 - Skies Over Meridell - 1000
    933 - Smug Bug Smite - 560
    544 - Snow Wars II - 11000
    1100 - Snot Splatter - 45000
    1076 - Snow Roller - None*
    633 - Snowball Fight - 1000
    818 - Snowbeast Snackrifice - None
    412 - Snowmuncher - 27500
    659 - Sophie's Stew - 3000
    964 - Spacerocked! - 19000
    202 - Spell-Or-Starve - 1850
    81 - Splat-A-Sloth - 500
    346 - Stamp Collector - None
    852 - Stowaway Sting - None
    1061 - Super Hasee Bounce - 1700
    306 - Sutek's Tomb - 100000
    562 - Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back - None
    1000 - Techo Says - 1000
    925 - Terror Mountain Tilt - 1500
    331 - Test Your Strength - None
    307 - The Buzzer Game - 800
    230 - The Castle of Eliv Thade - 2200
    830 - The Great Desert Race - 4500
    660 - The Great Qasalan Caper - 3500
    926 - The Last Blast - None
    576 - The Last Smiley - None
    480 - The Return of the Return of Dr.Sloth - 100000000
    874 - The Search for Princess Lunara - None
    789 - The Usul Suspects - None
    536 - Time Tunnel - 1850
    198 - TNT Staff Smasher - 3000
    1095 - Top Chop - None*
    367 - ToyBox Escape - 847
    371 - Trouble at the National Neopian - 5000
    606 - Tubular Kiko Racing - None
    909 - Tug'O'War - None
    366 - Turmac Roll - 4500
    574 - Typing Terror - 4000
    648 - Tyrannian Mini Golf - None
    47 - Tyranu Evavu - None
    726 - Ugga Smash - 630
    848 - Ultimate Bullseye(mirror) - 225
    903 - Ultimate Bullseye II - 225
    930 - Ultimate Bullseye II(mirror) - 225
    884 - Usuki Frenzy - None
    36 - Vending Machine - None
    761 - Volcano Run II - None
    305 - Warf Rescue Team - 3000
    353 - Web of Vernax - 5000
    1080 - Wheeler's Wild Ride - None*
    927 - Whirlpool - None
    881 - Wicked Wocky Wobble - None
    771 - Wingoball - 1336
    493 - Wise Old King - None
    229 - Word Poker - 2100
    575 - Word Pyramid - 11000
    207 - Zurroball - 10000
  2. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    were these compiled by you, or someone else?
    also, how recent are they?

    I ask because I'm aware that they change somewhat frequently :yup:
  3. imjustjesus

    imjustjesus Level II

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Oh ya probably should have posted that I googled it and it was on another forum, so not sure how old they are but they dont change much...
  4. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    TNT makes hidden updates to the review scores. But thanks for the list anyway :)
  5. Rise and Fall

    Rise and Fall Level IV

    Dec 22, 2009
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    first off, this would be a guide, so should be posted in guides section

    second, you didn't make this guide thus this would be ripping a guide which is against nf rules

    and third, im pretty sure this is already posted in guides section, right in plain view at the top of the neopets games forum
  6. imjustjesus

    imjustjesus Level II

    Jul 3, 2010
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    @Rise and Fall

    Ok well sorry its not in the guides section...? I didnt really consider this to be a guide...
    Also I posted that this guide is not my work and that I googled it, you would have known that if you had read my post instead of jumping to conclusions. And there is no need to be rude...I didnt know this was already posted, which I already posted which again you would have known if you had read my post..........

    Oh and this list has twice as many scores then Zer0's list....Sorry for being helpful. I'll stop. -_-
  7. 5tar

    5tar Level I

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Thanks you for this!!! This list is much better then Zer0's list! :) This has soooo many more games! Rise and Fall dont be rude to him.
  8. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Okay. The list is good, covers a lot of games. Being as its not your work, like mentioned its required that you clearly post stating that it is not, and give credit to the author. Anyway you can find the date it was created? As mentioned, the scores change a lot. Don't want to be giving false/misguided information out :)

    PM me the location you got it from please?

    And update your first post stating that.

    As for needing to be in guides section. This section is fine. It's an off-side to neopets guides, and its related to cheating. I see no problem here (not sure if its already been moved or not..)

    imjustjesus - Don't be put off. rise is simply re-enforcing the rules. We like people to be helpful and contribute, however if it is not your own work then it needs to be stated very clearly whose work it is. Obviously not linking to another forum similar in genre but at least mentioning its not yours, and it came from say DZ or GG.

    Rise - Remember. Report don't accuse.
  9. zikaroo

    zikaroo Level I

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Thanks for this , it shall help me to be more careful when scoresending :)
  10. av_eric

    av_eric Level II

    Apr 9, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for this.
    Do the review scores ever change?
    I have heard they change occasionally, but not sure what games and when.
  11. zikaroo

    zikaroo Level I

    Oct 9, 2010
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    I not sure wether they do but i sent scores around 10k for snow wars and they been reviewed :( So im guesssing they can change at any time :)
  12. av_eric

    av_eric Level II

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Well, I think also time has an effect on it.
    FOr av games when I care about getting frozen, I put like 30 minutes.
    When I dont mind getting frozen, i put 8-10
  13. Stinky

    Stinky Newbie

    Oct 11, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Decent guide, however a few are off by a bit..
  14. av_eric

    av_eric Level II

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Stinky, can you post the ones that are off?
    I am doing some scoresending for trophies and sch and dotn want to get reviewed unneccesarily
  15. Stinky

    Stinky Newbie

    Oct 11, 2010
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    If you post which you need, I can post the updated ones :p

    No sense in posting the whole list again
  16. imjustjesus

    imjustjesus Level II

    Jul 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Post the whole list! :) Or PM me?
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