Advanced Guide For SCAR - Xerxes

Discussion in 'Code Snippets and Tutorials' started by Anonymous, Dec 22, 2006.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  2. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    that's a great guide i don't know how you do it so quickly (making the guides i mean)

    examples of things to make as your first thing
    i know it's a bit harder than the ones deathader mentioned but i m making a d-o-m extreme player and doing good so far
    it can get me a thousand points easily
  3. Reconmiester

    Reconmiester Level II

    Dec 27, 2006
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    It is because he doesnt make him..., this one IS CONSIDERED STEALING!! AND Plagiarism!! Like the other one I have made a post about (Newbie) This is COMPLETE COPY of of another users work on a different website!

    Dont even try to get yourself out of this pickle deathader. Your fraud is finally going to be over. You might of fooled everyone before but not until I came around.

    YOU claimed this as your own work in these few NOTICEABLE ways.

    The following is quoted by you and the REAL version is after

    The bolded is the key word.

    This guide is made by Xerxes in (Not saying website as it is against rules).

    Exact copy from the original author only his looks like :

    Last most obvious thing I want to go over since I dont bother to find more is this.... You quoted...

    Claiming work that is completely not yours? WOW!!!! Why would you make this completely up? I am becoming to doubt that you even made those scripts in the downloads section! The scripts you added ARE MOST LIKELY ALL FROM THE SITE THERE!!!!! YThe thing I have noticed was that the scripts you added to this forums, are ALL located THERE!!!! you just probably claimed that work too.... Anyways, moving on.

    Heres the original before Deathader took it as his own work.

    Please Deathader... Get your facts straight. Get a life, get a job, get a hobby and definitely GET A LIFE!! Oh wait, I said that twice.

    The punishments I suggest:

    Removed of LEVEL 3, Banned and/or suspended:

    Reason: He fooled all of you in to thinking he is this topnotch coder.... But as I will be proving even more in all my posts AGAINST deathader, that he is a lonely little boy that likes to lie. He faked all his scripts... Even things as simple as guides... Admins, if you read all of my points clearly, you would do the right thing. He does not deserve such rewards this forum offers for faking his whole account.

    I bet he is feeling really scared right now... AND YOU SHOULD BE!

    I hope you all see my points. He is a phony, a fraud, a disgrace to this wonderful forums and the website he is stealing from.(In my opinion)

    Any admin that wants the link to the Website he steals from, PM me!

    Oh and 1 last thing before I finally end my accusations.. Before he deletes his account, I have copied proof that he even exists on the website I am talking about. Only got this before he gets the urge to delete the deceiving account of his and lie again to make him look innocent.

    Here it is...:


    Dude... Deathader... Actually think before you post.... I am just completely sick and tired of your lies[/quote][/quote]
  4. Reconmiester

    Reconmiester Level II

    Dec 27, 2006
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    With the facts I have pmed Hallandale, it is all the evidence I need to convict him.

    May I suggest Perm. IP BAN? So he wont get any ideas...
    Hope expon and everyone will agree with me.
  5. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
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    please tell us this isn't true... is it death?
  6. Angel

    Angel Level III

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Could you screenshot the other guide the date his was posted?

    EDIT: Nvm I went to that site and saw the dates for myself..
  7. expon

    expon Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    well i'm leave this one up to expon as its his site.
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