I just watched Sophie's Choice the other night, and I cried like a little baby. Although I find myself feeling guilty for enjoying movies on the holocaust, I think its important so it doesn't happen again.
I've seen saving private ryan, and I agree it was amazing. I have not seen inglourious basterds though. I always wonder why the name is spelled incorrectly...
Ohh i loved pearl harbour! anybody seen schindler's list? I haven't, but its supposed to be sooooo sad.
La vita è bella aka Life is Beautiful This is one of the few movies that actually made me cry. It's an Italian movie about a father and what he did for his son in a Nazi concentration camp. The tank part killed me.
I don't like war themed movies... I enjoy comedy, but no one will ever make a comedy movie about WW (at least, I hope so, 'cause that would just be rude, lol)
You'd probably enjoy Inglourious Basterds. Though not necessarily a comedy, very entertaining with its share of funny bits.
My Favourite WW2 movies are below Enemy at the Gates (2001) The Thin Red Line (1998) The Guns of Navarone (1961) Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) Catch-22 (1970) Patton (1970) From Here to Eternity (1953)
I don't really have a favourite, but I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Schindler's List. That movie is really enlightening and such a horrificly sad true story.
i really liked pearl harbor except for the part where it was like 12 hours long, and it was a wee bit too romantic at times. Saving private ryan is a given though =\
I'd have to say Inglourious Basterds is one of the best movies I've ever seen, hands down. Then again, I kind of have a soft spot for Tarantino movies in general. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was also really excellent. I read the book and bawled my eyes out, then did the same thing again with the movie.