go to yahoo.com and go to movies and search it. It basically talks about how 300 spartan warrios took on over a million persians. But i dont care too much about the story the effects and the way its filmed looks amazing, WATCH TEH TRAILERS MAN.
hmm i'm not 4 years old, but SHREK 3 IS COMING OUT! YAY! i'd include harry potter in that too, the 5th one is my favorite book
Omq. screw lookinq like a 4 year old. GOOOOO SHREK. lmao.. :lol: But i aqree 123131% on Harry Potter. I kinda forqot about it...the trailer makes it look pretty awesome thouqh .
Lets see i have a couple. Spidey 3 is a must TRANSFORMERS PWNT Rush Hour 3? SUpposively its got Yao Ming in it... xD maybe Pirates of the Caribbean 3
I'm unsure about Transformers. All the new remakes of older movies/TV shows end up wrecking the originals. (The ones I've seen). I'm kind of sketch about this one. I wouldn't be surprised if Yao was in Rush Hour 3. That will be a decent movie to say the least. PotC better be better than Dead Man's Chest. The only thing that salvaged that movie was some of the humour, Jack Sparrow's funny ass run and the cliffhanger ending.
Can't wait to see Perfume. Going to see it tomorrow. I read the book a few years ago after my boyfriend recommended it and I thought it was amazing. I hope the film lives up to my expectations though...