Code (Text): <?php /***************************** * Neopets Restock Alerter * * Author: Archon * * Start Date: 05/01/2009 * * Last Update: 05/02/2009 * *****************************/ // Suggestions // Better GUI set_time_limit(0); // START PHP WRAPPER class httpwrapper { private $cookies; private $lastpage; private $html; private $headers; function __construct() { $this->useproxy = false; $this->cookies = array(); $this->lastpage = NULL; } public function getLastPage() { return $this->lastpage; } public function clearCookies() { $this->cookies = array(); } public function req($type, $url, $postdata = NULL, $referer = NULL, $follow_location = true, $return_headers = false) { if($referer == NULL) { if($this->lastpage != NULL) $r = "Referer: " . $this->lastpage . "\r\n"; } else $r = "Referer: $referer\r\n"; $url = str_replace("http://", "", $url); $host = $this->getHost($url); $path = $this->getPath($url); $agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8"; $type = strtoupper($type); if(!in_array($type,array("GET","POST"))) $type="GET"; $f = fsockopen($host . ":80"); if($f) { $h = "$type $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $h .= "HOST: $host\r\n"; $h .= "User-Agent: $agent\r\n"; $h .= $this->cookieString(); $h .= $r; if($type == "POST") { $length = strlen($postdata); $h .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $h .= "Content-Length: $length\r\n"; } $h .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; if($type == "POST") $h .= $postdata; fwrite($f,$h); while(!feof($f)) $data.=fgets($f,256); list($headers,$html) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2); //list($rand,$html) = explode("\r\n", $html, 2); $this->html = $html; $this->lastpage = "http://".$url; $this->process_headers($headers,$url,$follow_location,$return_headers); return ($return_headers) ? $this->headers : $this->html; } } private function getHost($url) { if(strpos($url,"/") === FALSE) return $url; else return $this->gsb("<".$url,"<","/"); } private function getPath($url) { if(strpos($url,"/") === FALSE) return "/"; else return "/".$this->gsb($url.">","/",">"); } private function process_headers($headers,$url,$follow,$return) { $this->headers = $headers; $lines = explode("\n", $headers); foreach($lines AS $line) { if(substr($line,0,10) == "Set-Cookie") { $cookie = $this->gsb($line, "Set-Cookie: ", ";"); list($key,$val) = explode("=", $cookie, 2); $this->cookies[$key] = $val; } else if(substr($line,0,8) == "Location" && $follow == true) { $location = $this->gsb($line.">>", "Location: ", ">>"); $this->req("GET", "http://".$this->getHost($url).$location, null, null, true, $return); } } } private function cookieString() { if(count($this->cookies) > 0) { $string = "Cookie:"; foreach($this->cookies AS $k=>$v) $string .= " $k=$v;"; return $string."\r\n"; } } private function gsb($search, $start, $end) { list($a,$b) = explode($start, $search, 2); list($a,$b) = explode($end, $b, 2); return $a; } } // END PHP WRAPPER $form = <<<FRM <html> <h2>Neopets Restock Alerter</h2> <form method="POST"> Neopets Username: <input type="text" name="user" /><br /> Neopets Password: <input type="password" name="pass" /><br /><br /><br /> <h4>Restock Alerter Settings</h4> Refresh Time: <input type="text" name="min" size="2" /> - <input type="text" name="max" size="2" /><br /><br /> Shop ID: <input type="text" maxlength="3" name="shopid" size="2" /><br /><br /> Check for Restock Ban?: <input type="checkbox" name="restockban" /> <br /> ------ Restock Ban Refresher (In Minutes) <input type="text" name="rmin" size="2" /> - <input type="text" name="rmax" size="2" /><br /><br /> <input type="checkbox" name="pausetime" /> Pause every <input type="text" name="pminevery" size="2" /> - <input type="text" name="pmaxevery" size="2" /> minutes for <input type="text" name="pminfor" size="2" /> - <input type="text" name="pmaxfor" size="2" /> minutes.<br /><br /> List Input <textarea name="itemlist"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </html> FRM; $banned = <<<FRM <script>alert('You have been restock banned! :(');</script> FRM; if(!$_POST["user"] || !$_POST["pass"] || !$_POST['min'] || !$_POST['max'] || !$_POST['shopid'] || !$_POST['itemlist']) die($form); $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $refreshTimeMin = $_POST['min']; $refreshTimeMax = $_POST['max']; $shop = $_POST['shopid']; $restockBanCheck = $_POST['restockban']; $restockBanMin = $_POST['rmin'] * 60; $restockBanMax = $_POST['rmax'] * 60; $pauseTimeCheck = $_POST['pausetime']; $pauseEveryMin = $_POST['pminevery'] * 60; $pauseEveryMax = $_POST['pmaxevery'] * 60; $pauseForMin = $_POST['pminfor'] * 60; $pauseForMax = $_POST['pmaxfor'] * 60; $itemList = $_POST['itemlist']; $items = explode("\r\n", $itemList); $soldOut = "Sorry, we are sold out of everything! We get restocked every eight minutes or so, so please come back soon."; $restock = <<<FRM <script type="text/javascript"> var win =; win.location = "$shop"; </script> Shop has restocked with one of the items that was on the list! Now restart this Refresher to continue! FRM; $w = new httpwrapper(); $login = $w->req("POST", "", "username=$user&password=$pass&destination=%2Findex.phtml&x=".rand(0,100)."&y=".rand(0,30), "", false, true); if(strpos($login, "badpassword.phtml") !== FALSE) die("Bad Password!"); elseif(strpos($login, "failed_bday") !== FALSE) die("Birthday Needed!"); elseif(strpos($w->req("GET", ""), "Welcome, <a") === FALSE) die("Reason for error is unknown. You could possibly be frozen! ;-;"); $time = time(); $time2 = $time; while(true) { $rsWait = rand($restockBanMin, $restockBanMax); $pauseWait = rand($pauseEveryMin, $pauseEveryMax); $pBetween = (time() - $time) / 60; $rBetween = (time() - $time2) / 60; if($pBetween >= $pauseWait) { sleep(rand($pauseForMin, $pauseForMax)); $time = time(); } $shophtml = $w->req("GET", "$shop"); if(strpos($shophtml, $soldOut) !== FALSE && $rBetween >= $rsWait) { $restockBanHTML = $w->req("GET", ""); if(strpos($restockBanHTML, $soldOut) !== FALSE); die($banned); $time2 = time(); } foreach($items AS $item) { if(strpos($shophtml, $item) !== FALSE) { die($restock); } } } ?>
What does this restock alerter do? Forgive me, I'mnot a programmer so I can't just read the code and figure it out. But the title makes it sound very interesting.
Seems like it just refreshes the page continuously and checks against a list to see if the shop has restocked, when it does it will alert you and ask you to reload the page in order for it to check again. Basically if you are a "legit" player this might come in handy since you don't have to refresh the page continuously, instead it alerts you when the shop does restock.
Well I hate to sounds like I'm trying to devalue your hard work, but isn't this just a weak autobuyer?
I put it on my php server... looks like the script checks for a restock but I can't really see the use of it... Whenever the script alerts you it should be too late for you to get any of the items. Correct me if thats wrong...
...It already is a program. Someone already explained how to run it. Try reading. "boredhacker2" isn't a great name for you if you don't even know what PHP is.
Okay. This is really what i looked for. can somebody tell me how to put this into a program or how to run it ... sorry i'm a noob in such things.
This isn't really a 'program' that you are talking about. You're probably thinking about a Windows Application...this script has to be uploaded on your own website.