You've never heard of Portal? :O The excitement in the room at my college when people found out they were making a sequel was awesome.
So now that this game is out what do you think? I'm thinking about getting it but i haven't decided yet. Looks pretty wicked.
Portal blew my mind it was crazy how in depth they got the puzzles to be, I saw a few let's play portal 2 on YouTube. Looks good, can't wait.
I've been playing this game for a day now and i love it. It's pretty mind blowing at first but it's getting harder/easier at the same time. haha. I enjoy a game that actually requires some thought.
How is Portals 2?? Worth getting? I was tempted to get it cuz it came with Portal 1 free for $44 only. But I was like..hmm..noo moolah nty. I really wanna play though but I'm not a fan of Steam cuz it takes forever to download stuff..
Here's what I've heard: Portal 1 is 2 hours of gameplay, Portal 2 is something like 8.5 They are INSANE Unfortunately, there's no sandbox mode, but a world-exploring portal game would be cool It's nice to go replay levels to screw around with portal physics Not much replay value unless you suffer memory loss :\ Once you play it, since it's a puzzle game, you can't really play again for quite a while $44/10.5 = $4.19 Depending on where you live, portal is hour-by-hour the same price as the movie theater
The problem with making that comparison is that a movie theater isn't as involving as a video game. Also, that 8+ hours probably doesn't include the co-op gameplay which is more challenging. Personally, I'd say it's worth the investment if you're into challenging yourself (beating previous times in speed), otherwise wait until the price drops to around $30
Portal 2 was just absolutely brilliant. It has so much new to offer, but it also took some of the good parts from the first one and threw them away. They really did a great job of following up story-wise and the enviroments are just astonishing to explore. The humor is great. The only bad part is that once you've played it through once, you won't really feel like doing it again. In portal I there were challenge chambers that added a ton of time to the game. So even though a speed run of portal 1 only should take around ~15 mins, there was still stuff to do. I still recommend buying it, but don't play it before you played the first.