So how are you PS3 guys coping with the facts that your network has been down for over 2 weeks (not to mention your credit card info stolen as well) and that you should have gotten xbox's instead?
Get back under your bridge.... ...fuckin troll! Oh and its terrible. My life is nothing without my PS3... Okay its not actually been that bad. More free time.. Only sucks when I get up too early for work, and have to kill a few hours. then I notice it.
It should be up by the end of this month. But then again, it is $ony. Personally, I still think PS3 > 360 But regardless, I don't even care. I don't even play my ps3 much anymore, I just watch movies/shows on it nowadays anyways. Ever since my brother updated the FW and it's no longer modded >_>
hold up... imma let you finish but xbox is the greatest console of all time! One of the best consoles of all time! Now Imma play some MK online...
Hmm... I think I'm gonna go play some LBP2. Nahhh, maybe I'll play Demon's Souls again... Err, nah, I think I'm gonna go for my second ending on Heavy Rain. Nahhh, I think I'll just beat Uncharted 2 again... Fuck that actually, I'm gonna go play Infamous to prep for Infamous 2. I swear I'll be good this time... u mad bro?
no lol... i actually own both systems ... Ps does have some good games but i prefer the xbox live network over the psn network. i've encountered too many problems with the psn in the past
Both consoles have their perks... People that think one is better are bias because they like a particular feature. I love my Ps3.. and personally prefer it over 360. but 360 does have a better online community with a bigger competitive gaming scene, they can upgrade their HDD, and there is always more people online (sometimes a bad thing...). In all honesty, if Ps3 didn't have the blu-ray, I'd probably have bought a 360. But when I first got it, I wasn't that into gaming. Only wanted it for Final Fantasy and GTA games. I think when they release the next gen consoles, It'll be a hard choice for me.
and due to this, 360 players are usually better than ps3 players. I had a ps3 player come over and try to play black ops. he claimed he had a 2.0 k/d.. lmfao he didnt even go positive....
That could be because of the controller.. or a bad day. OR a combination of both being Out of their comfort zone. I don't think 360 players are better.. I just think there are MORE better ones. there are more crap ones too. I'm confident that I could play on 360 and hold my normal 1.8x average kdr up. (no thats nothing to brag about... but meh.) (not at the moment since i've not played in 2 damn weeks...)