I am sick of this download layout. It needs to be cleaned and its hard to do that. I need your assistance. I want you to tell me what programs you use here on Neofriends - Obviously those ones will be kept. There are alot of older ones that either never get downloaded or never get used and are really pointless having sitting in the downloads section. So if you don't tell me what you use, you may lose a program you like. I COULD check what gets used manually, but it's easier if you just tell me. Please post the program names and the download link. I will throw it in a list which I pull put here for everyone to see. If its already on the list, you don't have to post it. Thankyou for your assistance is making NF's cleaner Programs that work, are used and will be kept: Acheteur Ultime 4.96 UserShop Autobuyer v3.8 Simple Attic Buyer V1.3 Maps USAB V1.1 Igloo Autobuyer v4.6 LightningFast™ Advanced Auto Buying List Maker v1.20 AB Lists Manager V1.5 Auto Pricer V1.4 Tyranu-Evavu Player V1.1 Dice-A-Roo Player V1.3 Grarrl Keno Player V1.1 Blaze Auto Adopter v2.1 sLAUGHTER's Score Sender (BETA Build 415) Updated from logs 17 Dec 2010. Money Tree Grabber v3.8 Tharoux's Power Feeder V1.3 IcyKad Auto-Adopter V1.4 Updated from logs 11 Jan 2011. Nil new on list from what I could see from logs.
i can see the use in some of the older ones but acquiring the cash and then the cost of said programs seems a little high. but then again this could be relevant to my own situations and such.
If the price is 9999 then the real price is listen in the other global announcement, we are adding them downloads manually. We dont expect u to make 10000 posts :lol:
here's the list of programs used in the last 3 weeks (from AUTH panel) Acheteur Ultime 4.96 UserShop Autobuyer v3.8 Simple Attic Buyer V1.3 Maps USAB V1.1 Igloo Autobuyer v4.6 LightningFast™ Advanced Auto Buying List Maker v1.20 AB Lists Manager V1.5 Auto Pricer V1.4 Tyranu-Evavu Player V1.1 Dice-A-Roo Player V1.3 Grarrl Keno Player V1.1 Blaze Auto Adopter v2.1
i didnt mean those lol i mean some of the 1-10 point programs. i really dont see a age checker being worth a few posts. but then again its all personal oppinion.
From time to time, I receive request for such programs. Once completed, I usually upload them for 10 or less points in case another user might need it. Doesn't make sence to you but it does for some
Yea some of tharoux's programs were very useful such as game players for games that have avatars. If you don't have time or the patience, some of these programs can be your best friends
thats why i said it was only some programs but i think theres like 4 or 5 refreshers in there and such. i think it needs to just be a list and not in the blotchy square things and prolly by price or downloads.
We will have a new downloads section up shortly.. With a few other changes that you'll all find out about soon enough. Be patient. That is why I've made this thread to make it easier for a certain someone. Thar - I +repped you for that. I had already started that but you saved me some time, and I missed some proggies anyway.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I've updated the list as of today. I went through the logs of the last week + picked a few programs that I use from time to time (kad feeder and adopter). I have not included the free download programs that are exclusive to certain leveled users. However, I will be going through the forums and attempting to find all of these so I can put a link to them all in one place. I STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Any programs that you may use from time to time, that you know work and would not want deleted. Post them here. Otherwise, you may lose access to them. (if the program gets deleted, even if you still have it your access will be gone...)
im new here but from the looks of things it seems the programs are very useful when i have access to them i will give my full review and tips to make it a better expierience any suggestions on a certain program??
Tharoux's Igloo Melter. I've used numerous times. Not recently though, because i can't auth it on my laptop. Hence the reason its not showing in the auth logs. And, LOL at how many spam posts are in here. Make me wanna spammage.
Thanks Mr.Awesome. I'll add that to the list.. tonight maybe. SoC > Thats the way. Lead by example. Okay I've bumped it up guys. I do check the logs and add what programs i see.. I am only human, I may miss some. If you don't tell me the names of working programs that you use and don't want to see go, don't blame me when I delete it
The PetCreator doesn't work for me... it always gives me an error message. Please visit this page if your program is not working and you desire a refund post400041.html