So I have a few thousand MS points to waste, just wondering if anyone could recommend games to get? I am currently downloading the Bastion demo as that looked pretty good. My gf was pretty fond of the Castle crashers demo so I will buy that should she show more interest in it. Any must haves I am missing out on?
bastion gets a ridiculously high rating on ign its probably a sweet arcade game otherwise just waste it on avatar stuff ive bought the most useless stuff XD
I enjoyed castle crashers. Not the longest game, but are any of the arcade games long really? Great for multiple players, easy for those with less video game expertise, yet difficult/fun enough for a hardcore gamer. Haven't tried bastion but the video trailer looked cool. If you like puzzle-ish type games, I also enjoyed Limbo. Dark, yet peaceful and can become difficult to figure out certain puzzles.
I will try and get a trail for Limbo and Dark, hopefully there is one. @Rise and Fall, I will never buy avatar stuff to be honest, unless I get it free lol, I hardly ever notice anybody else's, let alone my own.
Haha, as I found out Ermm the darkness of it gets annoying after a while :| but I always like a challege, I do like the visual style too but the game as a whole seems a bit too bland for me.