Hi there, just a suggestion to change the download system from buying with points to bein able to download certain programs at certain levels. Right now, you need to be level 3 to be able to get AU, which encourages forum activity, but once people spend 500 cash on AU, they start all over again with their cash and can't buy new programs. Now I'm not saying AU should be exclusive to the higher levels, as mods can still add the program to people that donate to the site. Obviously the download system needs an overhaul by somebody going through and removing all the files that don't work, and to figure out which programs should be for which level and whatnot. Personally, I vote Junior does all of it.
I was reading through and agreed with it all. Until you dobbed me in to do all the work lol. You think YOU lot have a hard time going through programs.. Try being a moderator. We can see ALL downloads including those that are now deleted from your view. There was a mini project that was going through a while back - where they were getting cleaned up and stuff. I'm assuming it was another one of those things that never got finished. As for level based - I don't agree. But I'm just one person. I've added a poll to this!
I do like the current system, we just need something new to draw in new Users, I think this would help
Well, I think AU is expensive, but it is the best autobuyer that I have seen (and I have seen many). Right now, I don't see a big enough reason to reprogram the downloads section, but that is just me. And Blaze MSABer is another option for those who want to spend less points. As for the files, I do feel like there needs to be a major overhaul. Junior and I are probably the most time-free moderators although my high school workload is going to get huge. I try to devote a lot of my time to programming, but that will be a project I can definitely work on.
I love AU, that's why it should be a lvl 4+ program. Id be willing to spend some time going through the downloads and eliminating some that don't work if needed. I just think that with a level based download system, we would have alot more members. But we do need more programmers first Probably a bit rude of me to vote for my own option, but I did anyways
I'm not sure if I would blame the inactivity on the downloads system set up. I think, rather, the unorganized state of the downloads system and the programs forum do not show off the best programs.
I'm not putting the Inactivity down to any one cause, obviously it's a combination of numerous reasons, which one I believe to be the price of the downloads, another being the programs available to download and inactivity of Neopets itself being a leading contributor also. I'm starting university in 2 weeks, pretty easy course(13 hours a week) so I will have a reasonable amount of time to be able to spend on the net looking at videos of funny cats... And browsing Neofriends.net, I'm actually interested in learning to code programs for the site to help with inactivity, but I've got no idea where to start
I prefer keeping the cash system. If a user want to keep his cash for that big program, so be it. If he needs to be level 3 to get something he really wants, he might just look elsewhere. But I agree, the download section needs a major cleanup. I did one a while ago but it's still messed up. I'll have to directly remove the deleted entries from the DB.
I think the cash system is something that has always worked and theres no need to change it, if anything it promotes activity I think were in a catch 22 for activity we aren't very active, so any new members that come see the inactivity and don't come back I think the key is keeping members that join most of the forum activity i see is from level 3+, we get some activity from newbies from time to time, but i rarely see them keep it up unfortunately i really don't have many suggestions about how we can simply become more active as a forum, i guess it just takes everyone, posting more or trading more or something...
I think level based would be nice, but I also think that (in part for the sake of the forum) it might be useful to allow people to purchase points...like with AU. But a level based system would probably encourage people to stick around for longer. I know that with AU, if you are inactive for over a month on the forum, then you lose you authorization; what if you shortened this to two weeks and did it for all programs (I don't know if it is already in place for all programs).
Just like to add my opinion here, I think the cash system is working alright as in I don't see any problems with it... And yea the Downloads section is not bad but if it was cleaned up a bit more (like removing the ones that don't even contain the program anymore) would probably be helpful for most people.
I agreed the current cash system is well enough furthermore 500 cash is not that easy to earn anyway.
Thats the idea.. AU is better than most.. We can't just give it away. If you want it sooner, then donate. I did.. And within a week I made back the NP's to sell for USD and even made profit Easy peasy
So I think the level based download system idea was a flop, but we're still no closer to getting activity back. Anybody got ideas? Maybe a double cash day, where you get 2 cash points for posts or something?
I like that idea actually like make 1 day a month double cash day, only thing is wed have to watch for excessive spam on that day also if its possible cash bonuses for logging in like a week straight and posting each day...if its possible to keep track of things like that could just promote more activity id be willing to donate an NP prize to like the biggest poster per week or month as well, as long as theres a minimum post requirement met, so its not like awarding a prize to someone who posted 5 times
Excessive spam wouldn't really be an issue. The mods can just remove cash/program access/ban. Although posting in threads like the dailies thread shouldn't get you 2 cash points. There's a user that posts in there every day and gets a point for it. I counted like 6 or 7 posts in a row. Maybe we could introduce a double post auto merger. So when you double/triple/quadruple post it auto mergers into one post and you don't get points for the merged posts. I've got some items laying around I could sell and donate some stuff for winners Edit: I also think there's a cash limit per day of 30 cash points. After that you don't get points for posting. Is that correct?
Yep, 30 cash points per day max. Also, I don't see a problem if someone post 1 time per day in the same thread even if he's the only one doing it. This thread is there for just that. You can't really do this in any other.
Doesn't it defeat the purpose of having a post ur dailies thread when u can't post daily or rather u can't post to get point/ number of post just because someone didnt post after you.
Sorry Fishless I just re-read my post and it sounded like I was having a go at you. That's not what I meant by it, I didn't really explain what I meant by the example. I used that as an example for the double cash thing, and that certain parts of the forum should be exempt to the double cash. Although, now that I think about it, it is only a daily thing, and if it's only a Double cash day it won't make that much of a difference in one day. I like the idea of prizes for top weekly/monthly posters. And non spam posts only. It seems that most threads go into the spam corner which discourages new threads in the main forum. Which also discourages new users because they see the lack of new threads. /wall of text