Hi everyone ! So, here's my problem. I bought Igloo Autobuyer 4.6 a long time ago and I just re-downloaded it. But it's not working anymore. When I enter my neofriends login to authorize, it says : "You are not authorized to use this program" I tried to run the program as admin, and with my anti-virus turned off, but still not working. May someone help me please ? Thank you ! **Edit : Just found that I may have not post in the right place. Sorry :/
I'm not sure what the problem is. I know some people have trouble with expon's programs, and I have no idea why. It looks like you've tried most of the fixes. I don't know what to say...you can try to PM expon.
I use the igloo and it always tells me I'm not authorized at first. I just click OK and then try again and it works the second time every time. Have you tried that?
im having the same problem with MTG, it was working fine last week, but today it says not authorized, and when i checked on it site, it said i needed to buy it again
It may have been removed by mods due to spamming infractions. Since your point total is correct and I don't see you authorizing the past week, you can just buy the program again.
Nah, it keeps saying "Failed Authorization" :/ I think it may be something with my Neofriend account, because I just bought Money Tree Grabber and it failed authorizing...
What version of Windows are you running? I know with Vista you have to run programs as an administrator otherwise you won't get network access to the program. Just right click and click run as administrator, sometimes that helps
I would think it would be his firewall because there are no logged attempts of him trying to authorize.
I'm using Windows 7. Don't think it's my Firewall, because I tried running the program as admnistrator with both firewall & avast turned off and still not working :s I seriously don't understand why it isn't working x)
I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my Neofriend account... Maybe something to do with the fact that I didn't log for a long time and bought the program a long long time ago..? But it did the same thing with Money Tree Grabber, another expon program...
Highly unlikely. I am inclined to think it most likely has to do with expon's wrapper timing out - programming side.