Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by joshuamadine, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. joshuamadine

    joshuamadine Newbie

    Aug 25, 2010
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    I haven't seen a guide about earning NPs through pet trading so I decided to create one. This guide does not involve programming.

    *I am not making up things. I had been on Neopets for a whale of time and I seldom play games or doing items trades. I managed to buy a Draik through, only, pet trading so I'm going share with everyone how I get this work.*

    Brief Outline:

    Save for 300K -> small custom UFT -> Wait and get a brilliant offer -> retrade if you think you can possibly get a cooler pet -> go to the black market and sell it for NP!

    Go pound surf -> adopt cool pets -> Exchange if neccessary -> Sell it/ Offer on a lower custom(comparing to the pet's colour) which is UFT -> try asking the person to send you the paint brush -> sell it!

    Get access to the Lab -> Keep zapping until the pet is painted -> Sell it/Trade -> Sell it!

    So now you know how it basically works, right? But I doubt there're loads of question marks which have just poped up on your mind.

    You may be wondering : it looks simple but things never go so easily!

    Yes, you are correct. There are actually lots to be aware of when working out these plans which I will look into one by one.

    Plan A

    The first step is always the toughest one if you are a newbie. But you should have no problem with it after going through so many marvellous guides here telling people how to make quick NPs.

    For the second step I don't think I need to explain much - just go on to the ENGLISH pound board (or other popular pound boards of other languages) and start a new topic. You don't have to spend ages for a catchy title. [XXX Custom UFT] always makes people hustle into the board. Trust me.

    The third step needs patience. Wait. Never accept offers on an impulse, or else the effort you've made on the NPs will be in vain. When you see some nice offers, just tell the owner you'll consider them. Then, pick the nicest offer that you have fully confidence on (which you can sell at a good price)

    * MAKE SURE THE PET'S NAME IS AT LEAST WN EVEN YOU ARE NOT NAME-PICKY. PREFERABLY VVWN * This is absolutely IMPORTANT as you are never going to sell a BN pet at a good price.

    * IF YOU DON'T GET A GOOD OFFER AT YOUR FIRST TRIAL, MAKE ANOTHER BOARD * never give up until you get a GREAT pet.

    The forth step is essential only if you can't get offers of a good price for the pet you obtained on this kind of cheating boards. (Advice: The price should be AT LEAST x2 the amount of NPs you first saved. But in most cases you can get more.)

    So we come to the fifth step, the last step. Hand around in the Neopets trade board and you'll now what to do. Simple and Quick.

    PLAN B

    The second plan requires less capital but also more skills. Besides, the profit is potentially lower than the first plan. I only use it when I am idle.

    The first step, again, takes the longest time. It's extrememly hard catching a super-cool pet. But by using the Advanced Pet Search(not sure if there is a guide about it or not), nothing is impossible!

    The Secondly step is the same as what I said before - only if you don't get a good price offer! Or if it is DN, try getting another WN pet with relatively slightly worse colour. (I will give more advice on this later on)

    For the Third step you can either sell it or trade it for a custom. To sell it, there's not much to explain. As to trade for customs, you can offer on lower customs. Try from the highest one you find resonable. If failed, resort to the second one.

    The forth step: after your offer is accepted, try negotiating with that person to send the paint brush directly to account.

    Use reasons like:
    - Can't wait until the pet is aged
    - the person doesn't have to waste his/her account's space
    - You want to paint in an account under 4 months
    - think of any other possibilities and post please!

    IF unfortunately the person trading with you is kind of rightness and threatens to report you,

    - prepend knowing nothing about the rules. (Try making yourself sound as innocent as you can)
    - begging and begging

    * If you're refused to be sent the paint brush directly, go and get another offer. You can always get a better offer.*

    The fifth step is to sell it. Nothing much to say.

    Plan C

    To get things start, you must have collected the whole set of maps and get access to the lab.

    Create lab rats of VVWN.

    Keep zapping the pets until they are painted. For cheaply-painted ones, never keep on zapping, just sell them at very low prices like 100k-200k. Better than nothing, right?

    For the good zaps, decide what to do with them yourself, either trade them or sell them as what have be mentioned.

    That ways, you can get lots and lots of NPs by pets trading. It works. Try my plans and give me a review please. :D
    Commy likes this.
  2. Princess4588

    Princess4588 Newbie

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Nice guide. I never even thought of this stuff.
  3. mimi1985

    mimi1985 Newbie

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Never thought of that too
  4. imperialdarknes

    imperialdarknes Level III

    Mar 3, 2012
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    how much do the rare pets sell for?
  5. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Depends on the pet, colour, name, possibly stats etc.

    If you have a pet in mind, chuck up a thread in the BM and somebody might be able to price one for you.
  6. Jokerman

    Jokerman Level I

    Mar 14, 2012
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    You won't earn a 'HUGE' amount of neopoints since most WN painted pets sell for around 100-300k. xP
  7. tinkertinx

    tinkertinx Newbie

    Apr 26, 2012
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    =o Nice guide! Never thought of this stuff~
  8. ladies_boy_1986

    Feb 2, 2009
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    i never thought of this as well
  9. akatsukibug

    akatsukibug Level I

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Does anyone know a good guide on selling pets without getting scammed?