Some of these might not be creatable, and you all know how it goes with these getting taken and no one telling the person who made the list. So, I'm not going to bother saying PM me when you take a name (unless you want me to take it off so that no one will know that username might've been created off this list), just be warned/keep that in mind. That said, have fun! (After all, there are 517 usernames on this list, there are bound to be untaken ones for a while yet.) Spoiler Abnormalities Abstinent Abusers Accessories Accommodations Accountants Accredited Accusations Achievable Achieves Acknowledgement Activists Additives Adjustment Admirals Advancements Advances Advantageous Advertises Advises Advocates Aerobic Affections Affixes Agendas Aggressors Agitator Agression Agricultural Alcholic Alexanders Allegations Alleges Allegiances Allens Alliance Allowances Altitudes Announcer Announcer Annually Anothers Anterior Appearances Applicants Applicants Appointments Appreciates Appreciative Apprehensions Appropriates Approves Approving Approx Archived Argued Arrangement Arrangements Articulates Atleast Attendees Attorneys Attractions Authenticates Authenticating Baptists Becomes Beginners Binges Biskit Bizzare Blacklisting Blurbs Bootie Breaches Breakfasts Breeders Bribed Bribes Brinks Bucktooth Budgeted Bulldoze Burgle Burgle Cellars Championships Chaperon Characterized Characterizes Chatroom Checkup Cheque Cheques Childs Chimpanzees Circulations Citations Clemency Cleopatchra Clinches Clinical Clinics Coders Colleague Colleges Columbian Commentators Commutes Compels Competence Complainers Completions Compulsorily Conectivity Confutious Conjures Conners Constipation Constituencies Constitutes Contractors Controvert Contusion Convertible Copyrights Councilors Credability Credential Cremated Crucially Crushes Cultures Currency Cyclones Cynically Declarations Demonstators Detainees Deterent Dibble Diploma Directives Dogging Dominated Drummers Dungeons Electronically Emasculated Emperors Emphasised Emphasizing Enquirer Enrols Entangle Enticements Entitles Entrants Entrenched Entrepreneurs Envoking Equities Equivalents Escrow Estates Estifishing Estimates Ethiopian Evacuated Examiner Executes Expectancies Expires Exporters Familys Fanatics Farmed Favourable Favours Feivel Felons Flecks Foursome Franchises Frantically Friskey Fujitsu Gambles Gangsters Genial Genres Gnarls Goofey Gradually Graduating Gratuitously Grizzlies Grumbles Guessed Hawker Hawkes Hefner Hernia Hijackings Hookers Hurtle Hydroponic Iconikon Identifiers Ignominious Ignores Illustrates Illustrators Immediately Infiltration Infuriated Initiated Innervation Inquest Instincts Institute Integrated Integritous Intellectuals Intelligently Intentional Intermediate Intrude Intruded Inventories Inversely Investigators Israeli Jackets Jaggedly Judgemental Judgments Justifications Katriena Kickoff Kickoff Kiosks Knowledgeably Legislated Lemmas Leopards Licenced Licences Licensees Lieutenants Liking Litigators Loopie Lunches Lutheran Macaque Majestically Manoeuvra Manoeuvre Manually Manufacture Marque Marten Masterpieces Maturation Maximized Measles Mediated Mediterranean Memorably Mentors Merges Messes Mexicans Mexicans Milkman Mimicked Minimizes Minorities Mitigation Moderating Modifications Monasteries Morsal Mortally Mortgages Moshes Mowhawk Multimillionaire Mutilated Necessities Neutrals Nibles Nicknames Nominates Nominees Notches Obligate Observances Opportunistic Opportunities Opposites Outfits Paralyse Paralysed Paralyzes Parodi Pathology Patients Patrols Patrons Penalities Pension Percentages Perfects Performances Performers Performs Personals Persue Petitioners Phemic Pheobie Phoney Phrases Pianists Plaques Portfolios Practioner Preached Predicaments Prescribes Preyed Preying Primates Primitial Prioritized Prisons Privatizing Proceedings Prohibits Protections Protestors Pubescence Publically Publicists Publicized Pulverized Qualifications Qualifiers Qualms Quantification Quarantined Queries Ranches Rankings Rankle Razers Readme Recces Recites Recruits Referenda Registry Rehabilitate Remedial Remotes Replacements Restraurant Resurgent Revenues Revoked Revolted Revolves Rhesus Rigorously Rivalries Robbers Robbers Robbins Rostrum Rotors Safest Sanctioned Sandpaper Sanitize Satisfies Saucers Scooters Scooters Scorpians Scorpions Scotts Scratchy Scrutinizes Seizes Sellers Senders Sensibly Separated Sequels Sequential Serenely Sessions Settles Setups Shadings Sharia Shears Shears Shephard Shepherds Shzuru Skewers Sledge Slobber Slyder Smiths Smokers Smugly Sneers Snivel Snubbed Sobbing Sobers Socialise Solicits Sororities Sovereigns Specifies Speculate Spellings Spiked Spokes Spokesmen Sponsorships Spontaneously Spoofing Spotters Squires Stables Staggers Statues Steward Stopped Strenuous Stretcher Stricter Struggles Stunts Stupidest Stylized Subscribers Suggestion Supersize Superstore Supervises Surgeons Surnames Surrendered Susannah Suspiciously Suzanna Sweetener Synonymous Talkie Tandem Tenants Terrains Testers Testifies Thrives Tortelli Tourists Tournedo Traceable Transpires Transporters Tremendous Trespasser Triggers Tripled Triumphantly Triumphed Troublesome Truamas Tutorials Uniforms Unloaded Unloads Upgrades Validates Valintina Valuation Valuations Vandals Vantage Variance Vegies Venues Victoriously Vividly Vouchers Voyagers Voyageur Warranties Weasle Wedges Welcomed Whirls Wholesalers Wormed Wrestle Wrestles Wrinkles
There's actually programs around where you can input a list of words and it'll see if the username is taken.