Second season done does anybody else watch it? show is amazing, im thinking of starting to read the books though
I've read the books, and have seen the first season of the series. Have you had trouble following who is who? Names and all that? I think the production values are done incredibly well, although I disagree with some of the story changes. I got the feeling that they really limited the direwolves' involvement in the series just because it was hard to train them. The books are worth the read, although you might be shocked at some things (Daenarys is...13).
first few episodes i was confused as hell, but now its fine i have a few friends who are reading the books so i know a lot of the plot changes and little details i dont really want to wait for season 3 so i might start reading the books XD
You don't mind the spoilers? Yeah, I think it's quite different to any other Fantasy series I've read. I hardly noticed the fantasy in the first book. I think Arya is one of my favourites, through out the books. They casted well in the series for her too. I think they did a pretty good job overall with casting. When I was reading Game of Thrones, I definitely imagined Peter Dinklage as Tyrion.
I dont get so many spoilers as just...what happened in the book rather than what happened in the show, i like having the background info and ya I think they did a good job casting, arya is definitely my favorite
I watched the whole first season over the weekend i think its amazing, absolutely reeled me in.. HBO has some amazing shows
Game of thrones is AMAZING. I hate that it is finished. The last episode of the second season seemed kinda... rushed Spoiler The whole house of the undying and the warlock, he died so easily :| I expected way more. I am glad Khaleesi is going to come strong in season 3 though!
I got really sucked in. I read all five books and watched the first two seasons within the time span of about 5 weeks back in May/June. Now I can't wait for more.
thats intense, im going to start reading the books soon probably since i don't want to wait for the third season
I was a little disappointed with the second season. In the first season, they stuck really close to the book plot line, but with the second season they diverted a fair bit.
I love the series and I can't wait to start reading the books. I have a friend who did and he keeps teasing me like 'OH MY GOD wait till you see what happens with that character! But I'm not telling you anything, I don't want to spoil it for you' XD
My friends all love this show, they are literally addicted to it. I watch it every now and then. It's funny because I actually know one of the lead actress in real life, she goes to my school and everyone in our year will take the piss out of her.
OMG! Really? Why do they make fun of her? How does she take it? If I were at that school I'd be really nice... maybe I'd get to visit the set =P
Yeah! I've been waiting forever for season 3 too! I started watching GoT last December during the holiday season and watched through season 2! Such a great show. I'm rooting for Daenerys!