Guide to Plushie Tycoon

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by tristen1230, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. tristen1230

    tristen1230 Level II

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Plushie Tycoon can be pretty hard to someone who just starts that game without following any guide what so ever. You can't cheat on it so it has to be done legit. In this guide I will show you the basics and how to get a Bronze, Silver or Gold trophy plus the avatar. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully!

    First off please do not start the last week. Chances are you will not get a trophy or avatar. Latest to start I would say 2 weeks into the month. Even though it is possible to get the avatar after 2 weeks it will be very hard. The first days of plushie tycoon are always the hardest but the game will get easier as you go on. In my experience the first 5 - 8 day are the most difficult but after that it is a matter of replacing your sold plushies.

    Start: Time Zones

    Thanks to TNT you can set time zones which is a live saver to you people who live in the UK or Australia. After you start the game refresh a bit and you will see this:


    I live in Canada so I user EST +3. If you are like me and sleep until 1pm when I wake up already half the Plushie Tycoon working day is gone. So instead of selecting EST I will select NST so if I wake up a 1pm it will actually be 10 am but you set it to how it will work for your day. You want at least 6 hours a day creating plushies. Here is another example:

    Example: Your a student that gets home and start playing neopets the most at 4pm. You want to set your timezone so that when it is 4 pm plushie tycoon is 10 am or 11 am.

    Buying Materials

    Your 1st decision is: To buy or not to buy. To begin with, check the main page again. If it says: Prices on Accessories are down today. You might want to stock up. If prices on Rare gems are 1600 nps each or under . Buy! If prices on Rare gems are not down today, and rare gems are 1800 nps each or under. Buy! Generally if prices of accessories are down Cloth, Stuffing, & Packing will be down too.


    What to Buy?

    Every plushie you build needs packing, stuffing, accessories and cloth. Plushies which do not require accessories are not worth building. You would probably loose NPs from making and selling them.

    If you decided to buy, you want your 1st purchase to consist of:
    Stuffing: Neocotton x6
    Accessories: Rare Gems x6
    Packing: Velvet Bags x6
    Cloth: Green x18
    No matter what species, this is on of the best combinations.

    What Species for My Gems?

    Bori, Bruce, Buzz, Chia, Cybunny, Gnorbu, Garrl, Hissi, Ixi, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Moehog, Tonu, Tuskaninny.
    6 of the same gem or 6 different your choice.

    To begin with, I recommend just 6 of the same specie to make things simple.

    Paying Rent

    Now that we have materials, go pay your 1st week rent on your factory warehouse and shop at the same time.


    Making Plushies

    To start, go to your factory and create jobs. You want to start 6 different jobs of the same thing in quantities of 100. The species you want to create is the kind you bought rare gems for. Upgrade your factory when it asks.


    Hiring Workers

    After starting your plushies you want to hire workers. Go the the personnel section of your factory. In total you want to hire:
    Trainees x 250
    Manager x 25
    Set this to your default workforce. The reason to this is because you never want to keep your workforce for longer then an hour. You will go bankrupt!




    Refreshes happen at 10:01am; 11:01am; 12:01pm; 1:01pm; 3:01pm; 4:01pm; 5:01pm plushie time. Plushies will not be made any other time.

    The Warehouse

    Once your plushies are done production they are automatically sent to your Warehouse. At the Warehouse you will see a loading. For 4 jobs of 100 with an un-upgraded warehouse, it takes about 3 hours and 30 minutes from the time your plushies were brought there. Plushies do cost money to ship for the Warehouse to your store.


    Stocking Your Shop

    Once you plushies are ready to be shipped send all 400 to your shop. They should arrive in about 5 Minutes.

    Upgrading your Store

    At this stage of the game you should have a account balance of 15k-20k nps. You want to start upgrading you shop after you have sent all the made plushies from your warehouse to your shop so you exactly know how much money left you have to play around with. Your goal is to max out the upgrades from the cheapest upgrades and advertisements and get non of the expensive ones until later on in the game. Eventually you will want to have every one maxed out. Spend until you have about 2k cash on hand. 5k if you want to be super safe. Now wait until your plushies sell!


    Repeating the Process

    By now you have completed the first cycle of plushie tycoon. Repeat the process above but Always keep at least 2k - 5k on hand.

    mployee Numbers and Factory Size

    The first time using your factory you made 6 different jobs of 100. Always keep the size of your jobs at 100. It does not matter if you make 6 jobs of 100 or 18 jobs of 100. Your workforce of 250 trainees and 25 managers will always leave you about 2 - 3 set of jobs unfinishes. This is what creates the avalanche effect in Plushie Tycoon.


    Upgrades for factories come automatically as you add more jobs until you que your jobs all the way up to 18 x 100 plushies.

    Upgrades for warehouses make your loading times faster.

    Upgrades and advertisements for your shop makes your plushies sell faster.

    The Tax Man =(

    The tax man comes each and every week exactly 7 days from when you 1st pressed the "create store" button. The amount of money he takes depends on how much is in your account balance as he comes to take your hard earned money. If your account balance is below 50,000 nps. The tax man will not come. I advise wrting down when you exactly started the game so you know when the tax man is going to come so stock up on materials to get below 50, 000 nps.
    bunnah likes this.
  2. bunnah

    bunnah Level III

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Australia :)
    Very nice. One of the better guides I've seen for Plushie Tycoon... Nice work