Well, I'm going back into my Sims phase. Downloaded Supernatural a few days ago, its actually pretty good. (fairy's, werewolves, genies, ghosts, witches and vamps are all creatable. Zombies attack at night / on a full moon. Decided this time round to try a random legacy minus the story (I never saw the point in making stories with sims) Anyone else play? Create custom content? Jolz and I have created a few rock shirts as all the ones we could see were just an album cover on a black tee. We are looking into milkshape, 3ds max etc to start meshing too. Also managed to get create a world to work. Its only taken me about 3 years. Had a play around and realized I'm pretty crap at it! Anyone have any tips they would like to share?
I was HOOKED on Sims for about a year. Was amazing how much time I could waste... watching someone else on the screen lol.
It goes so quickly doesn't it!? I remember when I was younger I would have 2 PCs running one for The Sims and one for Neo. That would be me gone for weeks. Haha
I am addicted to the Sims 3. I also love the Sims 2. I personally did not get Supernatural since I am a person who like to play as a human in the Sims 3 so Vampire, Werewolf an other thing no for me.
I would get it just for like the new items but really not the werewolf this etc but they cost like $40. I paid that much for the base game and ambitions together.
Well I like it better than script. How would they make them say real words without it seeming robotic.
Have you tried the Sims 2? A lot more smaller disk space and I get more framrates. Maybe invest in a graphics card some more ram instead of buying a whole new computer.
Right now I only have the pets and seasons extensions, but I think I might try to download the supernatural now that I know they have witches and zombies and vampires! I love horror things =D
Well I downloaded Sims 3 - Supernatural and really have found it little use in my game. I got Simcity though. I like it.