Buzzer Game Guide for Avatar

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by ZKKZ, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. ZKKZ

    ZKKZ Newbie

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Tried The Buzzer Game before but lost quickly? Annoyed by how ridiculous and frustrating the game is? [:u] Regardless, this guide will teach you to get 300+ legit, which is the reason I'm assuming you're here. I dont think anyone plays this in their spare time and if they did I wouldn't want to meet them. [88]

    This is my method. Maybe it doesn't work for you, but I find that it is the easiest way.
    TDN guide recommend changing to mouse keys but this is an alternative

    What you'll need:

    -Mouse works as well, but I find it harder.

    -Lots and lots of Patience
    -Just a little hand eye co-ordination skill

    Game Instructions:
    Guide the metal hoop with your side of the wire to the other, without touching the wire with the hoop... blablabla
    -3 Lives

    The first thing I'd like for you all to know is: SPEED IS NOT IMPORTANT. If the Bonus ticker is annoying you, just wait for it to go to 0 and then continue. There is definitely no need to risk losing lives by rushing to try and get a few extra points (unless you're good at the game obviously) when you can do it slowly and tediously and not lose any lives :).


    1. TYPE IN "cheese" before you start so your cursor appears

    2. Zoom in until the game takes up most of the screen and fits comfortably:
    [note, the cursor doesn't appear since I clicked out of the game to screenshot. It SHOULD be there]

    3. Now slowly trace the black line WITH the Cursor (ignore the hoop and everything else), Just make sure that the finger of the cursor is somewhere in the black wire.

    4. Unless you have great hand control, I suggest small finger movements rather than to hold down your finger and drag across the touchpad, especially around the curved wire bits. This is why I prefer using touchpad. Unlike a mouse which you have to grip/ungrip, u can simply release your finger off a touchpad if you're tired/unsteady. It shouldn't be too hard considering the size of the screen and the fact that you can see your cursor. Remember: Speed is NOT important! You might have to end up doing an extra round but you'll get the required score since you get a fixed amount of points for completing.

    5. The avatar score can be reached once you have completed Round10 or 11. Each round at first is about 25 points (not including bonus), and I think increases at a certain round (to 30 per round?). The avatar can be attained after Round 11 if no Time Bonus is gained.

    Extra Tips:
    -You should probably try getting a little bonus in the first few levels to pick up a few extra points, the straight parts of the wire are pretty easy. This way you might be able to do one less round for the avatar score of 300+. But beware that it'll be really frustrating when you get buzzed and have to restart.

    -Don't have sound on too high as occasionally chokato fruits fall from the sky, making abruptly loud noises. TURN SOUND OFF!

    All this work for this:
    Congratulate yourself once you get it!

    Source: Originally posted by me at another site. This one has been modified slightly.
    Rise and Fall and Lightning like this.
  2. imperialdarknes

    imperialdarknes Level III

    Mar 3, 2012
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    thanks alot, really helpful
  3. dennis29

    dennis29 Level I

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Thank you very much! I've got the avatar :D
  4. lanajade87

    lanajade87 Newbie

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Thanks, this is awesome :)
  5. harrytools

    harrytools Level I

    Mar 22, 2013
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    This is a very good way to get avatar. cheers.
  6. GokuJunior

    GokuJunior Newbie

    Mar 22, 2013
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    I haven't patience....i really hate this game xD