Say that I have 1000 pictures and they're divided into 15 categories. Would it be possible to make a random generator program that give these categories different values, so that a first image is chosen at random as well as how many images will show in a sequence, but that depending on the value of the category that the image is in, the following images are chosen at random from specific categories? Example: Program starts up and generates how mnany pictures will show and the starting picture is randomly chosen the be a picture from the 7th category (value=7). Following image will be chosen from category 9, following that will be a category 3 picture etc. until the right number of pictures have been displayed.
Well, yeah it would be possible to make one Would you like someone to make it or for you to have some help on it? If you just name every image in the folder {1, 2, 3...} then you could just have the program generate two random numbers, one for the category, one for the images.
I'd like to try and give it a shot myself, but I needsome guidance since I haven't tried coding earlier. So tutorials and tipsare appreciated =) Yeah, generating the first two numbers wouldn't be any problem, it's about having the images following the first that I'm more confused about. If an image from folder 2 is chosen, and the followed image must be an image from folder 4, how would I go about that? Also, to have the last image in the sequence to be from a certain folder or sub-folder.
Is there some sort of pattern in it? Like +2 or something? Oh, and what language are you coding this in? Psst, PM me
No pattern, just a randomly chosen starting point and an end point chosen from a subfolder. Also, pm'd ^^
if you are referring to php, it should be simple... i don't understand what you mean by the categories though... can't you just use psuedocode: $rand= rand(1,???) <img src = '/images/".$rand.".gif'> blah blah blah
it sounds hard to generate images c#. especially divide into so many categories. and the image should be displayed in a certain sequence. hope it get done quickly.
Its not really generating if I read the first message correctly. Its more like picking a random sequence of images out of a database according to catagories - Not that hard to write out in c#