im pretty sure the limit with the tree was increased some time ago and it was made more common, ive personally gotten it about 6 or 7 times, my highest hit being above 1500, but the max used to be around 1750 with the either people are getting ssed impossible scores reviewed and accepted...or they increased the max with tree
nice guide , although its hard to get a trophy out of this guide but it'll definatly get you 1k neopoint per game =)
Gah. Ive only got like 355 points in this game, even with this guide.. I must really be horrible at playing neo games.
is it related to the speed of the net bec i have 100 kb per sec internet speed i never have done a highscore nor the wind went high
You can get the tree anytime during the game, so make sure you are using the bat. I had the tree but missed!
internet speed doesn't have any connection to getting a highscore. you can be playing on a dial up connection and still get a highscore. That being said. if you're shooting for a legit high score then you're going to have to play A WHOLE LOT. You'll want to do either of two things: 1) Practice so that you could bounce at least 5 times at 9 wind. (I seriously doubt you could get a trophy with this though, my highest is 12xx and that's already with 5 bounces) or 2) Get the tree (random and extremely low chance) and use it at 9 wind. The tree's almost guaranteed to net you a high score unless you mess it up.
I've gotten the tree 4 times in the past week D: i always mess up and only get 1300-1450 points though.
I am pretty sure Its random. I have only gotten it like 2-3 times. And its been at random for me. You have to keep playing till you get one.
your chances of getting the tree are 1-10,000... i personally haven`t gotten it yet, but someday.. haha keep trying, also.. haha don`t miss with the tree.. otherwise you`ll be waiting a while to get it again.
Yup that sounds like a while to me. If you get any score with the tree the first couple of days it almost guarantees you a trophy though.
Its the bat. It hits retardedly far. But as the others said its a random chance every like 1/10000 you actually get it