GET THIS FREAKING GAME! If you're 18+ that is.... It's R18 here in Australia, so can only assume that goes for everywhere. It's a fucking amazing game though. I fell in love with the characters straight away, and continued to love them throughout the game...sort of. Some decisions throughout the game made me question my love for them, however I understood why they were made. I don't think I've enjoyed, and fell in love with the story of a game quite this much before - Except maybe Final Fantasy games. they were always amazing. It's basically set around post-apocalyptic times - so yes, there are "zombie" type baddies in the game. Big tick in my box! The shorts advertised on TV were spot on. Gameplay is very similar to that of Uncharted, with the way you move/explore the map. you can craft items, access extra areas and have lots of extra conversations / find hidden items on the map, however its not entirely free roam like a GTA / FF games. Its one of those games that rewards you for a second play through, giving you a play difficulty+ option. Not sure what that means yet, but will find out soon. When I get over the ending, and play again lol. If you've got the game and played it, please let me know your opinions. Any spoilers will be deleted, unless clearly marked and hidden inside the spoiler tags. We shouldn't ruin the story for others that want to play it. If you haven't played it, are over 18 years and have a Ps3 - stop reading this and go get it!
I've really only wanted a PS3 for this game because I hear it's AMAZING. Sucks to not have enough money for it.
It's a very similar story line (this comment might be a stretch), from the TV series The Walking Dead - which if you haven't seen I strongly recommend you do. Again, only for mature audiences.
Dude... I played the intro at a friend's house and I was like wow... It looked so good and the acting was pretty powerful. I probably pick it up sometime for myself.