Haha true. I don't think they've changed it in 3 years. You kind of have to rely on the (sh*tty) community or reading guides/watching videos to learn how to play
Which items does it show? The recommended items aren't *that* outdated from the meta. Ashe still has IE, etc.
I have a lot of friends that play this but I have never tried it out myself. Supposedly it is a lot of fun
LoL is mainly a time killer for me. Its fun ever so often but I dunno it gets TOO repetitive for me. Fiddlesticks is my favorite though, along with Miss Fortune
Caw Caw Caw mof***rs!!! I love some of the names. Misfortune --> Miss Fortune Kind of stolen from Fallout franchise though :X
My cousin has an unhealthy addiction to that game. Every minute of his spare time he seems to be playing it. Not really a fan of the game.
I play for fun it's good times. Sitting at Silver 3, don't play ranked much(50 so games played). But that will change since the season 3 rewards got anounced so I'll make the push for Gold. ARAMs since they have been released has been too much fun, even with 80+ champs. Main mid. Fav champ is Gragas. ~dirt
pretty fun game; I play with my aptmentmates as a 5 man team every weekend. super fun to troll and dick around w/ you friends; too rage filled otherwise haha
LoL get's boring very quickly when you don't have a lot of friends to play with. I was also in a group of 6 people who played LoL which meant it was awkward for the person who had to sit out every game.