ToyBox Escape Full Game Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by twxlegend, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. twxlegend

    twxlegend Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Another great game guide I found from another site(not supposed to mention which).:) Hope it helps!

    1. Characters

    In the game, you get to control:

    Kacheek: Kacheeks can push blocks out of the way
    Kougra: Kougras can dig at certain blocks
    Mynci: Mynci can climb walls
    Scorchio: Scorchio can toast blocks and incinerate them
    Shoyru: Shoyru can jump
    Uni: Uni can stand next to a block and become a ramp
    for other nonjumping characters to get a boost

    2. Items Obstacles

    Diggable Blocks: A block that a kougra can dig
    Spikes: Ouchy mean things that make you loose a continue.
    Coins: Cool shiny things that knock your score up 20 points
    Switch: Sometimes there are color coordinated switches to turn on/off spikes

    3. Level Guide

    Level 1
    - Have the green mynci climb the left wall to get the coin
    - Have the purple mynci climb the two blocks to the right, to exit
    - Have the green mynci climb the right blocks to exit once he's gotten the coin

    Level 2
    - Have the green scorchio burn the red block to his right for the exit
    - Have the red scorchio burn the left red box to get the coin
    - After getting the coin, use the red scorchio to burn the right red
    box and he'll go straight for the exit

    Level 3
    - Have the yellow kougra dig on the yellow box, to fall and grab the coin. He will
    then automatically head for the exit
    - Use the red to dig on the red blocks, and he'll head for the exit
    - Use the blue kougra to dig the red blocks, and he'll head for the exit

    Level 4
    - Choose between the red or purple shoyru, and have one jump over the first
    blocks, jump again over the gap and drop down to get the coin.
    - Choose the remaining shoyru to jump and fall down the gap to head for the
    exit (or have a go for the coin if you missed it the first time)

    Level 5
    - Have the uni make a ramp near the coin blocks
    - Let the scorchio climb up the uni ramp and grab the coin
    - Have the scorchio burn the red block
    - Have the kacheek push the green block
    - Have the kougra dig one of the blocks, and just wait for
    everyone to make a go for exit!

    Level 6
    - Have the blue mynci climb the right wall to go up and grab the coin
    - Have the purple and green mynci climb the wall to the right
    - Once everyone has fallen to where the blue mynci originally was,
    have them all climb the wall to the left and exit the level

    Level 7
    - *QUICKLY* Have the blue kacheek push the block to the right and he'll exit
    - *QUICKLY* Have the green kacheek push the block to the right,
    and he'll collect the coin, then exit
    - Have the yellow kacheek push the block to the right and he'll exit

    Level 8
    - Have the uni make a ramp to the left side near the red button
    - Let *ONLY* the shoyru climb the ramp and hit the button (which turns
    off all the spikes)
    - Once the shoyru has reached the button, make the uni normal
    - Once the red button is hit, have the shoyru jump to the platform with the
    - Have the scorchio burn the red block and let them all go through the exit

    Level 9
    - Have the blue kacheek push the block to the right, filling in the gap
    - Have the uni then make a ramp to the left blocks
    - When the kougra is up on the platform, have him dig through the middle
    blocks above the coin, and he'll drop down collecting the coin and heading
    to the exit. Anyone else on the platform will drop as well, but make sure the
    scorchio doesn't!
    - Have the scorchio burn the block to the right, and let the scorchio
    and uni fall down and head to the exit

    Level 10
    On this level, you will have to act fast

    - Have the blue Kougra immediately dig, falling on the level with the two spike pits.
    Dig between them one more time,
    to fall on the level with the coin
    - Let the red kougra follow the blue kougra's footsteps
    - Once the blue kougra gets the coin, dig fast!! Now they
    can both exit safely

    Level 11
    - Have the shoyru jump over the red block, leaving the others behind and
    jumping over the spikes to the red button.
    - When the shoyru hits the red button, have the kougra dig on the red block,
    letting him and scorchio drop down.
    - Leave the shoyru on the top platform, but when he gets close to the red button,
    have him jump against the wall to miss it
    - Have the kougra dig the block above the green button, and drop down to hit
    - Do not let the scorchio fall down this hole! (You may have to time your kougra's
    digging) Instead, make the scorchio exit by burning the block to the right and
    - Now the level is clear, let your shoyru jump over the red block to the left,
    fall down the hole.
    - Jump over the gap your kougra dug, and over the gap where the scorchio
    burned the block, jump to grab the coin and exit!

    Phew! Getting harder?

    Level 12

    - Have the green kacheek push the block to the right, to fall and grab the
    - Have the scorchio burn either blocks to fall down with the kougra
    - Have one of the remaining two kacheeks push one of their blocks and
    let them both fall down
    - Have the scorchio burn all the blocks in the way
    - Have the kougra dig a hole, and they'll all exit!

    Level 13

    - *QUICKLY* Have the kacheek push the block to the right and when he falls,
    push the block to the right again
    - Now, have the scorchio burn the block the left, grab the coin and fall to
    meet everyone else.
    - Just have the scorchio burn all the red blocks and everyone can exit

    Level 14
    - Have the myncis start climbing, to meet the kacheek (to save time)
    - At the same time, have the kacheek push the block to the right and fall down with it
    - Carefully, push the block to the left, until you get to the coin
    - Let the myncis climb up and grab the coin
    - Have the kacheek push the block until it falls in the gap, and everyone can make
    their exit!

    Level 15
    - Have the kougra dig until he is above the red button, and can
    fall down to hit it. (The easiest way to do this, is to dig the
    block on the very left before he reaches the blue platform)
    - Now, have the kacheek push the block out of the way to the right,
    let him fall down the kougra holes, but when he gets the chance, have
    him push a block to the right, he'll fall, grab the coin and exit.
    - Now, have the scorchio burn the block, and exit!

    Level 16
    This level is much, much harder. I drew a map in addition to make it not
    so brain frying. Okay, maybe at least for me. smile.gif

    - Get the green kougra to dig on the second block from the blue blocks, then let him
    fall down and dig the second block over once more. Let him collect the coin, then dig
    one more time on the blocks to let him exit
    - Next, use the red kougra to dig down on the *very left second* set of blocks until you are one
    block away from the spikes. Let your kougra exit.
    - Now, the hardest part. Let one of the kougras dig on the very right block and
    fall down.
    - *QUICKLY* dig on the two diggable blocks that are three blocks away from
    the spikes. You have to be fast, because you've got that second kougra trailing behind you.
    Then, let them make their exit.

    ! Solid Blocks R = Red Kougra Y= Yellow kougra C= Coin
    * Diggable blocks B = Blue kougra G= Green kougra S= Spikes
    E= Exit

    ! ! ! !
    ! R ! B Y ! G !
    ! ! ! ! ! !
    ! ! **!* !SS!!!!!*!
    ! !SS ***!* !!!! ! !
    !****!!!****!**** ! !
    !**!!!****! !********* !
    !**! **!! !!**!!!! !!!! !
    !** !! *! ! C !
    !**!!!! !! !!!!!**!
    ! !!!****! !
    !SSSSSSS!ssss!E !

    Level 17
    - First, have the shoyru jump over the red block and fall down, he should be pointed in the
    direction of the coin. Quickly jump over the green spikes, grab the coin and trigger the
    red button. As the shoyru heads to the exit, hop over the next red button, so not to turn the
    spikes back on.
    - Now as the kougra, dig the very far right red block and have the kacheeks fall into the hole
    the kougra has dug.
    - Have one of the kacheeks push the block, and all three will drop down to the exit.

    Level 18
    This level is really cool, but in order to impress yourself with your suaveness, you'll have to
    work it pretty fast.

    - Start having the purple mynci climb up to the blue button, and leave him be to go back
    to the exit.
    - Now, when the red scorchio goes over the green button and turns off the green spikes,
    burn the red block towards the coin, let him fall down with the green scorchio.
    - Have the green or red scorchio now burn the red block to the left, and have them both go
    down and join the green mynci
    - As the green mynci, you can now climb up towards the red button.
    - Once the red spikes have been turned off, have the scorchios burn the last red block
    and head to the exit.
    - Have the mynci just fall down and he'll exit by himself.

    Level 19
    - First, have the red shoyru trigger the blue button to turn off the blue spikes, then hop
    over the blocks and head for the exit.
    - Have the purple shoyru jump over all the pits, hit the red button, jump over to the coin
    avoiding the button, and head for the exit.

    Not too tough eh?

    Level 20
    - First, have the kougra dig down at the very, very left block. Let him dig until he falls down,
    and dig some more to reach the green mynci.
    - Have the green mynci climb up and hit the red button.
    - Have the scorchio burn the blocks to the exit while the mynci is climbing, and the kougra and
    scorchio can exit.
    - Once the red button is pushed, have the mynci climb back
    - Have the kacheek push the button to the left, grab the coin and head to the exit.


    Now after you've done all that, it seems rather short doesn't it?

    4. Passwords

    Level 6 - T1Z79V9B
    Level 11 - 7NZZE80X
    Level 16 - 7N1X8YWB

    (+rep much appreciated!)
  2. Gil

    Gil Level II

    Jan 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Awesome find :) + rep.
  3. twxlegend

    twxlegend Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Thanks very much!:)
  4. sean425

    sean425 Level II

    Jan 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Nice guild I got to lv 14 before I gave up rep+
  5. TaupeMope

    TaupeMope Newbie

    Jan 13, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Great guide! Rep for you :D
  6. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
    Likes Received:
    great guide ! i've the bronze trophie ! but i can't do more than 845 points because my computer is too slowly !
  7. twxlegend

    twxlegend Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the rep guys!^_^
  8. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I can't really e bothered with games nowadays...but this guide looks really cool and I'll prolly try it later. + rep
  9. twxlegend

    twxlegend Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Thanks very much!^_^
    Good luck to everyone on this game!
  10. MarcelAjax

    MarcelAjax Level IV

    Nov 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Netherlands
    Nice layout :D , if i can read and find what i want to know in a guide its good :)
  11. twxlegend

    twxlegend Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Thank you very much!^_^