This makes me SO happy. I love everything about Futurama. Can't wait.
hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait i love bender he is so fukin funny fry a bit of a door knob but he adds to the humor.
I knew this was in the works... it's good to finally see some confirmation. There is no longer a such thing as a canceled show.... if we petition enough then it will come back. This marks Futurama and Family Guy
Lol I always watch adult swim when im going to bed....I alays sem to fall asleep halfway through Futurama
its about time tooo futurama is much better than the simpsons, and saint the stoped making new ones cos it wasent making money but people have asked for it to be aired agian XD w00t
I have mixed feelings about it. If we are lucky, it will live up to the previous seasons, else it will be really disappointing.
Yes!!! Just hope the don't mess up and it hasn't lost its charm. The funny and sad episodes were the great things about this show! Jurassic Bark anyone?
w00terz Thank god The Simpsons has definitely gone down in standards lately, Futurama should reconcile
WoW!!! Yes! I love futurama it never gets old. Does it have a specified date or anything yet? Either way that's awesome!! Yeah but hope it doesn't end up like family guy where the episodes start to get crappy.
I just dloaded lot of episodes from eMule, I can't afford any DVD's xP And yes, I've been waiting for this for long, I get to see more Zoidberg <3