Was 9/11/01 an Inside Job?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Stonage, Jan 23, 2007.


Setup or Not?

  1. Yes, Fuck Bush

    31 vote(s)
  2. No, Bush Rules

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, Bush Rules

    0 vote(s)
  4. No, Fuck Bush

    0 vote(s)
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  1. areo64

    areo64 Level II

    Dec 31, 2006
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    So, in essence, our government could never be as bad as the government of the supposedly evil nations we're fighting? The job of all governments is to control the populous. If it takes killing some of their own people to get the rest to do what they want, they're going to kill those people. By killing off those involved in 9-11 (which was at the very least knowingly allowed to happen) they were able to get congress to vote for the war that they wanted.

    And by removing Saddam from power, we've taken away the only stabilizing force in the pre-existing conflict between the different muslim groups. Sure, he killed his own people, but now those same people are killing each other and our people as well. How is that any better?
  2. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    Exactly. I'm glad you see it the way it actually is. Our government is not ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American lives -- unlike what SoDamn Insane, err excuse me, Saddam Husseine was doing when he was in power. Supposed evil nations? Oh please...

    The job of all government is not to control it's population. Rather, it is to create law and order for its citizens to abide. You're right though, some people die when our law enforcement agencies enforce the laws that have been established and they fail to abide those laws. But instead of forcing order and peace, lets just let pedophiles and murderers run free and do as they wish, right?

    How dare you consider calling my government and my country traitors to it's own people. There is absolutely no possible way that the government would allow terrorists to kills thousands of its own people. Sure, they may have received some intelligence reports that something was going to happen, but unless it's known exactly what and when something happens, there is not a lot that can be done.

    You're right, and we should have let Adolf Hitler continue what he was doing because, after all, he was only doing exactly what Hussein was doing.
  3. Stonage

    Stonage Level I

    Jan 21, 2007
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    You'd be surprised actually.
    Why is there no possible way?

    How would the "terrorist" of benefited from the attack?

    How did WTC7 fall hours after barely burning and then just fall out of no where? I don't think that just happens on a normal day.

    Planes are kept track of and monitored 24/7 I think they knew damn well what was happening if not the ones doing the job.
  4. areo64

    areo64 Level II

    Dec 31, 2006
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    For the record, our government had no intention of ever stopping Hitler (Congress never would have let us go to war, that is). Even after we had a justifiable cause to enter the war (Pearl Harbor), it was more for the sake of saving what was left of Europe (basically Britain) from being conquered than for the sake of stopping genocide. The holocaust was, for both sides, a way of getting the common people to sympathize with the war effort more than anything else.

    And I have no problem with you believing the warm, fuzzy stories they tell you in high school about the government being in place to create order and law and whatnot. The fact is that governments - ALL governments - are interested not in what is best for the people, but what is best for the government. The two are rarely the same. It should be plainly obvious in present-day America that this is true.
  5. mckrazy

    mckrazy Level III

    Jan 24, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    what i dont get is, that all this started with bin laden, where the hell is bin aden now, and how the hell did it get to sadam?
    the laden family supported the bush family, they were like family themselfs, and if bush could set them aside like nothing and start attacking, what makes you think he wont do it to HIS PEOPLE??! cos that what american nationals and citizens are, and he dont give a crap about them, all he wants is oil cos oil = money and money = power.
    the amount of money spent on wars could could be put to MUCH better uses.

    btw, the only reason bush wanted sadam out of the way is because he was a head of the game, and bush wanted to be the one ahead.if you see they areboth exactly the same, sadam kill his people, and so does bush, this is an undeniable fact. who sends american soldiers american PEOPLE to their death fighting a cause that is not what they are told it is. bush!!!!
    you see he too is a killer, and if ten years from now u see thi happen again, will you be surprised?
  6. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    There was no immediate benefit. The terrorist cells that have formed in the middle east are made up of extremists. The terrorist cells, specifically Al Qaeda, sprouted when the United States' aid was used to force Hussein out of Kuwait instead of the Taliban's aid. Since then, it has been the mission of those groups to do everything they can to destroy the United States and all that it stands for. Go read a history book.

    Barely burning? I'm sorry I wasn't aware that you were there. But you are right, buildings don't just collapse for noting -- building 7 collapsed from structural failure after burning within for hours.

    You're right, they are monitored constantly. But what does that have to do with the planes being hijacked and flown into buildings? It's not the air traffic controllers knew the planes were going to fly into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. What did you expect anybody to do when the planes weren't responding to their call names?

    - - -

    You're right. To hell with our overseas allies. Let's just be a nation of cowards and let everybody beat up on us and we'll just sit back and take.

    You could not be more inconsiderate. The Jews in Europe were being mass executed by the Nazi party because of their race and religious beliefs, not so that the United States would sympathize with them so we could go to war with Nazi Germany. That just wouldn't make any sense and would be a terrible strategy for the Nazi's.

    Again, government is in place to create law and order to avoid anarchy. Otherwise, there would be governments all around the world, if you can even call them governments, like those in many poor third world countries -- we would be overrun with war lords you truly only look out for themselves. Get out of this country if you really can't stand what it stands for.

    - - -

    We went to war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight terror. We then also went to war with Saddam Hussein because of the mass murderers he was committing against his people; and yes, part of the reason we also went to war with Iraq and Hussein was because we had received intelligence reports that Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction, which has since proved to be false. The two are not connected in that sense.

    Where did you hear that the Bushs' and bin Laden were "friends"? I have never, ever heard anything remotely like that. Osama bin Laden has hated the United States since Saudi Arabia accepted protection and aid from the U.S. instead of his regime.

    President George Bush is not at war with Iraq for oil. If he wanted oil, he would have began drilling in Alaska where there is more than enough oil for the United States. We are at war with Iraq because of what was happening in Iraq when Hussein was in control and because we had intelligence reports that there were weapons of mass destruction somewhere in Iraq.

    By the way, what the hell are you talking about? The game? What game was Saddam ahead in? I think you're a crock of shite. Saddam Hussein killed fellow Iraqi civilians because of their ancestry. President George Bush has, in response, gone to war in Iraq, which in turn has killed American soldiers. Our President is not committing mass murders here in our country against our own people. Get your facts straight.

    It depends on which war you are talking about. But, I will assume you are talking about the war in Iraq. President Bush isn't sending soldiers to their death. It's a known fact that people die in war, and since we are in war, American soldiers will give the ultimate sacrifice so liberal hippies can sit around and claim everything is a lie and a conspiracy. Once again, we had received actual intelligence reports from Iraq that Saddam Hussein was housing weapons of mass destruction; we also have had knowledge of the murders Hussein was committing, but it was not until we went to war with Iraq over the alleged weapons of mass destruction and once we did, we discovered just how evil Hussein and his regime was.

    If ten years from now, the United States go to war against a murderous tyrant, I will again support my country and my soldiers.
  7. mckrazy

    mckrazy Level III

    Jan 24, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    all im saying is bush should mind his own buissness and sort out his own country, not invade others and try and fix it, its all bout power, remember the goverement is there to see the best for the government, not its people.
    you will see how the whole world ill one day turn against america

    and btw, over 60%of americans are now against bush
  8. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    The attacks on our country on September 11, 2001 weren't any of our business? That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Sure the war in Iraq can be argued that it's none of our business, but should we have honestly stood by as Saddam and his regime continued to slaughter his fellow Iraqis? I think not.

    None of this is a matter of power, it's a matter of where you are politically. The war in Afghanistan is about fighting back against those that killed over 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and the war in Iraq is against Hussein loyalists in an effort to free Iraq. Neither of those things will give us any more or less power than what the United States already holds internationally. It's not about power.

    Once again, I will tell you that the purpose of a government is to ensure law and order and peace and justice based on that particular country's heritage and beliefs. So if you really, truly can't stand being in America (assuming you are), then leave, I assure you that you will not be missed.
  9. mckrazy

    mckrazy Level III

    Jan 24, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    i wasnt talking about the attacks on the towers, im on about iraq, basicly sadam didnt have anything to do with sadam hussein, bush is jump mad cos he cant find bin laden, or so he says he cant find him.
    and about killing his people, the only thing the american soldiers have done is kill his people for him. seriously if you think, iraq didnt get invaded, how many people would still live.

    and by the way, the bin laden family gave the money for bush's first oil buisness. and im in the UK but tony blair is just as bad.
    he had no reason to get involved
  10. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    Saddam didn't have anything to do with Saddam? I honestly can't even make an educated guess as to what you meant to say.

    You honestly think that if we had caught bin Laden that the American government would not release that information to the public? That's a load of crap, honestly; if bin Laden were to be capture, it would be as big a story as when Saddam had been discovered hiding in a hole in the ground like a coward being called out by somebody with morality.

    Why are you avoiding the facts? I tell you Saddam Hussein killed his own people, and you reply with that statement? We aren't killing innocent people, we are killing the Iraqis that are still out murdering and terrorizing other Iraqi citizens simply because of their heritage. If The United States had not stepped into Iraq, I can almost guarantee you that Hussein would still be throwing Iraq civilians into mass graves and burying them alive, dropping chemcical bombs on villages, and allowing his two sons to continue raping and torturing women and little girls. You're right, how dare anybody put a stop to that.

    I've done some looking around and have confirmed that the Bush family did in fact receive $50,000 in financial support from one of Osama bin Laden's 55, yes 55, siblings. In fact, Salem bin Laden vested his financial power to a man named James Bath after he and Bush had become business partners. So given that little fact, you automatically assume that the tragedy that is 9/11 was committed by the U.S. government? You really need to sit down, do some research and then you'll understand how ridiculous you and all of these lame conspiracy theories actually sound.
  11. areo64

    areo64 Level II

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Yes, we were being isolationist, because it's stupid to get involved in wars when you don't need to. And there are no nations "beating up on us." Al-Qaeda isn't a country. I wouldn't even consider it an organization. The IRA was an organization. This is just a bunch of people with nothing better to do than blow stuff up and call it a political protest.

    You pretty much totally missed the point here. The Nazi's used it as a motivator for their own people, not ours. And it motivated our people in opposition of it once we found out it was happening. It was never a reason for either side to go to war.

    Our nation was founded on the belief that people SHOULD NOT trust the government and SHOULD question everything the government does. Blind faith in government is exactly the opposite of what America stands for.
    The whole point of letting the people be involved was so that we would see when the government was misusing its powers, as the king of England had misused his. Currently our country is, with the exception of the ability to vote (which, with electronic voting is quickly becoming jeopardized), almost nothing like the vision and plan laid out by the founding fathers.
    And if you have a problem with people using what's left of their constitutional rights to free speech, then it is you who does not belong in this country. Go find yourself a nice military dictator to rule over you.
  12. mckrazy

    mckrazy Level III

    Jan 24, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    all im saying is that alot this war in iraq has diverted the attention away from bin laden, the supposed person responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
    whats going on with tha?
    if they can find saddam hussein underground in a box, why the hell cant you find bin laden?
  13. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    Oh my. You are quite silly...

    I didn't say we were isolating ourselves from the rest of the world. In fact, I don't honestly think there has ever been a time when the United States has been truly isolated from the rest of the world. Go back and read my post and then read what you said; I was being sarcastic when I said "Let' just be a nation of cowards and let everybody beat up on us and we'll just sit back and take [it]." I never said any country or Al-Qaeda was attacking us, even though I believe it can be argued that 9/11 was in fact an attack on our country; and lets not forget about the first bombing of the World Trade Center towers, or the numerous bombings of U.S. embassies around the world. Also, try to remember that we were attacked first, second and a third time before we responded.

    Thanks for restating exactly what I said. You just proved my point about that.

    Okay, so with that logic you are suggesting we should return to how the founding fathers intended this nation to be. Right? Well then, I hope you are a white, wealthy, property owning grown man so that you can vote for president in 2008. As the world changes, so must government -- and that could not be more clear when considering how the world has changed since 1776.

    Believe me, I have no problem with anybody using their constitutional rights. What I can't stand is people who act like we have it as bad as it gets and bitch and complain about how terrible our government is when they could be elsewhere with none of the freedoms they have here in the United States. So, how dare you tell me I don't belong in this country. My family has a history of serving and dying for this country and I to am looking into following that path so that idiot liberals can sit in their living rooms whining about all the wonderful things their government does for them while at the same time call our own government terrorists.

    - - -

    The war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan are two complete separate issues. We are in Afghanistan fighting against terrorism and the harboring of them. We are in Iraq to free that country from Muslim extremists. Nobody can help that the war in Iraq has turned out to be a bigger and more deadly war and thus receives more media attention. Was Osama bin Laden admitting that he was in fact responsible for organizing, planning, and founding the attacks on New York City really not enough for you to believe that he is he one responsible? Face it, your conspiracy theories are based on no facts and circumstantial evidence. Osama bin Laden can't be found because one, there are millions of caves throughout Afghanistan, he may have been killed within one of these caves during a bombing run, he may have already died and been buried of the reported diseases he may have suffered from, or he is being kept safe in Pakistan by the Pakistan government. Oh, and Hussein was in a hole, not a box. Get your facts straight.
  14. ctm_91

    ctm_91 Level III

    Jan 8, 2007
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    lol yeah alot of people 'facts' are coming from youtube xD
  15. Stonage

    Stonage Level I

    Jan 21, 2007
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    The only reason they are on youtube is because youtube is a free place to upload videos and stream for free. They were not made to be posted there.

    Some were documentaries that may of been on TV.
  16. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    Regardless of who the intended audience was or how they were intended to be viewed, they are still conspiracies based on nonfactual, circumstantial evidence.
  17. areo64

    areo64 Level II

    Dec 31, 2006
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    at least they have some reasonably credible source, rather than just arguing based on emotional responses.
  18. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    Youtube is credible? When was this decided?
  19. goldfishrockster

    goldfishrockster Level III

    Jan 11, 2007
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    Leeds, England
    I think what Farenheit 9/11 merely touches on, should be looked into more carefully and with more detail and then we will have our answer. I wrote my A level paper on Negetive representations of GWB and some of the stuff I found on the net re; 9/11 was a little disturbing to say the least...
  20. slayerzoro

    slayerzoro Level II

    Jan 8, 2007
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    rofl who voted "bush rules" what kind of crack were they on =O jkjk...
    I think there's too much that our government is covering already to be able to tell. Things that are not even related to that are hidden soo much that the people just consider everything to be linked to the government which is what confuses our judgment. We're just sick of being made fools of I guess. I hate Bush either way. Hope he gets impeached before he gets out of office -.-
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