Highly inadvisable to pay for an essay anywhere just in case you DO get caught. Think about it, if you can buy an essay and someone becomes suspicious, what's to stop them looking around and even buying the same essay as you and finding out? :shock: Each site probably has the same kind of risk of getting caught, so you'd do just as well searching google for an essay buying site, at your own risk.
theres no fun in that! besides teachers/lecturers aint stupid and if suspected then they will check and probs will find something. everyone has their own writing styles and therefore a bought essay/essay that isnt your will be spotted a mile away! go on push the deadline u kno u wanna lol!
Highly advise you not to do this, teachers know the students writing style and usually a purchased essay is much different from ones writing style
Is this for college for high school? You will likely get caught in college. The professors know all the tricks and sources. High school even can be risky. I had a lot of teachers in high school who were very good at picking out what papers weren't legit. My opinion.. Just hire some nerd to do it. Once you have the paper, go through and edit it so it sounds more like your style.
I wouldnt advise doing this at all. Teachers will know the style in which you write, and unless you spend time rewriting the bought essay into your own words. This is the only way you can lower your chances of getting caught. Buying an essay of grandios phrases and complicated sentences is only going to arise suspision. I suggest you just write it yourself and get it over with.
I wouldn't advise you to do it too. It's pretty easy to see whether it's your essay or not. The essays that can be bought are usually perfect, and it would be a giveaway. Even if you manage to find an essay which is free, there's a chance that you might get caught for plagarism (sp?) and that'll be a crime.
I also say don't do it. Plagerism is a huge crime to some teachers, and it always is very serious to college Professors. You really are only hurting yourself if you do it, and I know I had a 9th grade English teacher who actually got a kid expelled because he downloaded a research paper online. Some teachers are really tech savvy, and the ones that have been teaching the longest always know the tricks. Don't do it. You'll be better off failing and deserving it, rather than buying one or making someone else write it and running the risk of getting caught.
I hate to say it, but that us the absolute worst thing you could ever do. I suggest you just write it... direscape - Please don't gravedig topics - Marlene