I´ve find some scripts , but it´s useless if you can´t do the login ,so if anyone has it , or can explain to me... :roll:
Oh, that´s the point i´ve learned a little about VB6,read some guides here and there, but when comes the REAL part, I don´t nothing, I mean I know how put the labels,the text box and make these things work, but I don´t know how to make it login to the neopets site or something, I´m looking for any guides but it´s hard to find, because I need a guide about neopets, to learn to this we need to talk with people who program for neopets.
^^, but You´ll do a guide explaining every button,toolbar and that things,or I´ll teach how using the VB for neopets,like refresher or like my problem how to make you login?
neopets things... I think any guide on google is good to understand how to use labels and buttons... ^^
There is a neopets login example in the download section for VB6 I believe and there is some code for it pasted for VB.net users too.
I know you use the http wraper but does anyone have a guide on how to use it or another thing in vb so you can refresh a page Where di everyone lear that anyways
a page refresher??? It's really simple: All you need is: a textBox named "txtUrl" a HTTPWrapper named "w" a button named "cmdRefresh" a timer named "tmrRefresh" [you need to set the interval to something like 2000 ms and the Enabled Propriety to False] Use the code for the cmdRefresh_Click() Sub: Code (Text): tmrRefresh.Enabled = True And in the tmrRefresh_Timer() Sub: Code (Text): w.GetWrapper txtUrl.Text Done!!! P.S. = If you want to record events, then it's a bit more complicated...